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Razor the Lightning Revenant
Base stats and attributes
Strength 21 + 1.7
Agility 22 + 2
Intelligence 19 + 1.8
Base damage 23-25
Move speed 295
Armor 2.08
Level 1 16 25
Hit Points 549 1001 1704
Mana 247 575 1069
Damage 45-47 73-75 113-115
Armor 2 6 12
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range 475
Missile Speed 2000

Razor is a ranged intelligence hero who is usually played as a semi-carry. He can release a Plasma Field that gets stronger the further it is from him. He can turn the most powerful enemies into total weaklings while getting great power for himself with Static Link. His Unstable Current will punish any spellcaster that dares target him and makes him move faster. Enemies caught in his Eye of the Storm will not only get shocked, but get their armor burned off as well.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Plasma Field[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: No Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Damage Min: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180
  • Damage Max: 160 / 230 / 300 / 370
  • Radius: 700
  • Mana Cost: 125
  • Cooldown: 14

Plasma Field creates an expanding ring of electricity surrounding you. The ring's damage will increase the wider it is and can hit enemies when expanding and contrating. Since you can still freely move around and the ring is still centered on you, you can strategically position yourself so that enemies get hit when the ring is at its widest, or to hit them twice.

Static Link[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Target Unit
  • Affects: Enemy Heroes
  • Link Duration: 8
  • Buff Duration: 18
  • Damage Drain Rate: 7 / 14 / 21 / 28
  • Mana Cost: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50
  • Cooldown: 25

Static Link will create a link between you and the target that will sap the target's damage and add on to yours. The link is broken once the enemy moves a certain range away from you. The damage steal is very useful, since you can nullify the damage of the opposing carry, while buffing yourself up. At level 4 you can steal up to 224 damage, though experienced players will usually try to get out of the link's range.

Unstable Current[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: Passive
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Damage: 40 / 70 / 100 / 130
  • Bonus Speed: 4% / 8% / 12% / 16%
  • Slow Duration: 0.4 / 0.8 / 1.2 / 1.6

Unstable Current increases you movement speed, and lets you counter any ability targeted on you with a jolt of electricity that slows an damages. Considering that you will be at the receiving end of a lot of spells because of your role as a semi-carry/carry, you can do a lot of damage to enemies trying to focus fire at you. The increased movement speed is also useful for catching up to enemies and maintaining your Static Link.

Eye of the Storm[edit | edit source]

  • Ability: No Target
  • Damage Type: Physical
  • Radius: 500
  • Duration: 30
  • Strike Interval: 0.7 / 0.6 / 0.5
  • Armor Reduction: 1
  • Damage: 37 / 50 / 63
  • Mana Cost: 100 / 150 / 200
  • Cooldown: 80 / 70 / 60
  • Scepter Strike Interval: 0.55 / 0.45 / 0.35

Eye of the Storm creates a thundercloud above you that will follow you around, striking enemies with bolts of electricity, dealing damage and reducing armor. It will prioritise enemy units with the lowest health first. The damage it deals is physical, which works well with the armor reduction, since physical damage is reduced by armor. The armor reduction also makes your normal attacks more threatening, especially if you just got a buff with Static Link. It is best used in areas away from creeps, since the thundercloud will automatically target the weakest enemies, which will usually be the target which you don't need to kill.

Aghanim's Scepter can be bought by Razor and will reduce Eye of the Storm's strike interval as well as letting it affect buildings.

Skill and Item Builds[edit | edit source]

Suggested Skill Build[edit | edit source]

Suggested Item Build[edit | edit source]

Starting items[edit | edit source]

Early-game items[edit | edit source]

Core items[edit | edit source]

Luxury/Situational items[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Laning/Early-game[edit | edit source]

Mid-game/Teamfights[edit | edit source]

Late-game[edit | edit source]

Synergies[edit | edit source]

Skill synergies[edit | edit source]

Hero synergies[edit | edit source]

Countering Razor[edit | edit source]