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It appears a woman may have been murdered by using the government-issue morphine you've been tracking down. This is surprising, because it seemed like you found all of it on the last case. You still have to do your job though, so head over to the victim's apartment and see what you can find.

Murder Scene[edit | edit source]

A Good-Looking Corpse

20 Gamerscore points
A Good-Looking Corpse
Find and inspect all of the narcotics in Julia Randall's apartment.

At the building the officer outside will tell how to get to the crime scene. Upstairs you'll run into your Traffic partner, Bekowsky, who's been promoted to Homicide and is working with another of your old partners, Rusty Galloway. Bekowsky will brief you on the case so far, and then you can go into the bathroom and speak with the coroner. He sees evidence that the death was staged to cover up a different modus operandi. Take a look at the body when he asks you to, and check out her head, arms and the black ring on her left hand. Carruthers thinks she was probably overdosed with morphine, probably the same stuff you've been tracking. Have a look around the apartment and see what else turns up.

Clue Location
Men's smoking jacket
Hanging in the bedroom.
Sleeping pills
On the floor by the bed, in the pill case on the nightstand.
Benzedrine prescription
The pill case on the nightstand.
Modeling job
Look behind the middle picture in the living room.
Look behind the middle picture in the living room.

After looking around, go interview the maid out in the front of the apartment.

Q: Victim's state of mind
Lie — Sleeping pills

Q: Victim's personal life
Lie — Men's smoking jacket

Q: Relationship with victim

On your way out, check out the trashbin next to apartment 2 on the first floor to find a morphine syrette, which backs up Carruthers' suspicions. With a couple leads, head out to the car to follow up on them.

Dr Stoneman's Practice[edit | edit source]

Inside the building you'll see on the board on the right that Stoneman is in 505 on the fifth floor. Take the elevator up and go through the door down the hall directly in front of you. The receptionist will tell you the doctor is in with a patient at the moment, but your partner will insist. Go into the office after the patient leaves and have a chat with the doctor.

Q: Relationship with victim
Lie — Benzedrine prescription

Q: Additional medications

He doesn't give you much, so it's time to check out your other lead.

D'Assine Dress Store[edit | edit source]

Inside the dress store, speak with the woman behind the desk by the door.

Q: Victim's employment history

She let Randall go before her death and quickly points you to her friend, Miss Swanson. She may be a better source for clues, so after looking at her engagement ring, ask her some questions.

Q: Relationship with victim

Q: Informed of 'Mr Henderson'

She seems like a dead end too, and since you don't have any other leads, use the gamewell by your car to check your messages. Luckily you have one—the coroner wants you to come see him right away.

Hollywood Receiving Hospital[edit | edit source]

When you get to the morgue, you'll learn that it's definite that the victim was murdered. He also has another corpse named Jimmy Leblanc. He had some morphine syrettes and died just a couple hours after Randall, so he might be one of her killers. Check out the harmonica on the counter, which was the other thing Leblanc was carrying. At this point Carruther's will get a call to let you know Henry Arnett is at the station waiting to be interviewed. Head across the parking lot into the station to ask him some questions in interview 2.

Q: Relationship with victim

Q: Informed of 'Mr Henderson'
Lie — Housekeeper's statement

Q: Burglary suspect Leblanc


20 Gamerscore points
Tail Henry Arnett from Hollywood Station to the pawnbroker and travel agent without being spotted.

He's obviously a liar, so follow him when he leaves the station after asking the watch commander to run down some info on Jimmy Leblanc. Like any other tailing mission, just stay a good ways back and follow Arnett's car around until he stops. Eventually he'll turn left onto a major thoroughfare and park next to some palm trees on the side of the road. He'll go into a pawn shop to make a quick buck, then you'll tail him on foot to see where he goes with it. It's easier to stay on the opposite side of the road from him, as he'll cross over down the street a ways. When you cross the first intersection, get cover in the doorway of a shop, because he'll be heading right for you when he crosses. He'll go down an alleyway soon after and you'll watch him enter a travel agency. After he leaves, go inside and find out that he bought a one-way ticket to Mexico City. When you meet back up with your partner, you'll find that he pawned a Fabergé cigarette case worth $10,000 for just $600. After inspecting it, get in your car and you'll receive a couple messages over the radio, giving more locations to investigate.

Hollywood Police Station[edit | edit source]

Talk to the watch commander and he'll show you the contraband list. Find the cigarette case second on the list, as well as the black sapphire ring right below it, the silver pill box in the middle and the pearl ring at the bottom. This will give you some new leads, but check in with the beat cop that knows about Jimmy Leblanc first.

Hollywood Ninth Beat[edit | edit source]

As soon as you drive up, you'll see that officer Wallis is chasing a suspect, so you'll jump right in with the assist. Run after the bad guy, and follow him into a lumber yard where you'll be in a gunfight with him and his friends. Use cover like normal to take them out, then find out from Wallis that Leblanc had a partner named "Willy".

Evestrom Residence[edit | edit source]

At the home of the woman who reported her cigarette case and black sapphire ring missing, you'll speak with the lady of the house and see if she knows anything about the burglary.

Q: List of stolen items
Lie — Fabergé cigarette case

Q: Burglary incident report

Chauffeur Service

20 Gamerscore points
Chauffeur Service
Escort Heather Swanson to Arnett's apartment without damaging your vehicle.

After speaking with the lady, her daughter will show up and you'll be surprised to find that it's Randall's friend Miss Swanson. She doesn't want to hear that her fiancé gave her a stolen engagement ring and that her dead friend was also involved, so take her over to Arnett's place and see if you can get the truth out him.

Arnett's Apartment[edit | edit source]

Take Miss Swanson inside and the clerk will tell you that Arnett is in apartment 30 and you can take the elevator up. When you get up there, you'll hear a shot and kick the door down. A stranger will hop out the window and you'll need to chase him down. You won't get very far though—after teetering across a board the suspect will hide and whack you across the head, knocking you out. Back in the apartment, look through the suitcase by the couch, then talk to Arnett before he gets his wits about him.

Q: Professional burglary ring
Lie — Fabergé cigarette case

Q: Motive for Randall murder
Lie — Ticket to Mexico

Q: Identity of 'Mr Henderson'
Lie — Contraband list

You'll place Arnett under arrest for all the burglaries and Randall's murder, and now you can go call on the doctor again.

Dr Stoneman's Practice[edit | edit source]

Up in the doctor's office, Roy will have the secretary fake out the doctor by telling him it's Arnett outside. It's obvious that the doctor knows Arnett and once he sees he's sunk, he's relieved to stop living the lie. He'll tell you how the burglary ring operated, but before you can arrest him, he'll take his future into his own hands. When you use the phone on the desk to call in the situation, you'll find that the other detectives have a name on Leblanc's friend "Willy" and want you to meet them at Hollywood and Vine to look around his apartment building.

Willy's Apartment[edit | edit source]

Give My Regards

20 Gamerscore points
Give My Regards
Shoot every letter down from the tower at the Broadway Hotel.
Eight Million Stories

20 Gamerscore points
Eight Million Stories
Complete 'The Naked City'.

The suspect wears basketball shoes and a cream jacket and plays the harmonica, so hit the streets and see if you can spot him. Take a left at the first corner and head down the sidewalk until you hear the music playing from an alley. When you get to him, Reade will pull out a gun and shoot at you before running away. It's another chase sequence, so start running and follow him as he climbs ever upward. Start by climbing the pipe against the wall were he was playing, then up the next ladder and inside through a window. Take the stairs up to the roof, then climb another pipe to a roof with a neon Hollywood Broadway sign. You'll see Reade climbing a tower and you have to shoot him down to finish the case.