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You'll meet your partner and the captain at a diner, where you'll learn about your new case. It's another naked woman found dead, but the captain still doesn't want to hear anything that sounds like there were holes in the last couple cases.

Crime Scene[edit | edit source]

An officer will show you the body where the coroner is waiting. Take a look at the body, making sure to look at the head, both arms and the torso. When you're done Carruthers will tell you his thoughts, then you can investigate the scene.

Clue Location
Bloodied stocking
Evidence A
Blood trail
Evidence B
Ladies hat
Follow blood trail from Evidence B
Personal effects
Follow blood trail to trashcan
Follow blood trail to red pipe
Dot pattern note
Follow blood trail to middle of alley
Rooftop pigeon coop
Makeup kit
Follow blood trail to middle of roof
Missing ring
Follow blood trail up pipe to next roof
Blood trail
Follow blood trail up another roof
Library card
Corner of last roof

After the long scavenger hunt, you'll have an address off the victim's library card.

Antonia's Residence[edit | edit source]

Antonia lived in a boarding house and the proprietor will let you in to look around. Her room is upstairs, so take a look around before coming back down to question the landlady.

Clue Location
Attorney's letter
Suitcase on bed
Broken window
Window by bed
Iron picket
Outside bedroom window
Charm bracelet photograph
Top drawer of dresser

Back downstairs, Mrs. Lapenti will answer your questions.

Q: Possible suspects

Q: Movements of victim

Q: Evidence of break-in
Lie — Broken window

Q: Breakdown of marriage
Lie — Charm bracelet photograph

You have a new person of interest in the victim's husband, Maldonado, and you've also found out where Mrs. Antonia went last night.

Maldonado Residence[edit | edit source]

Check out the mailboxes on the right to get the apartment number, then head up and kick his door down with your partner. You'll catch him by surprise, but his brother is there too and it will turn in to a brawl. When you've subdued his brother in a fistfight and sent them both off to the lockup, look over the apartment for evidence. When you're done with that see if the neighbors know anything about it.

Clue Location
Wine bottles
Wooden box in kitchen
El Dorado matchbook
Kitchen counter
Bloodied shirt
Kitchen wall
Husband's alibi
Neighbor in 302

You have a couple locations to choose from and when you get back in the car you'll get a call from the captain telling you to come back into the station.

Central Police Station[edit | edit source]

Head downstairs and see what the captain wants. Finis Brown, the capatain and Ray Pinker are in the evidence room going over some things they received concerning the recent murders. Take a look at both of them—a letter and a poem. You'll note that the poem is from Shelley and the clues point to the Dahlia murderer. When the captain finds out you have the husband in custody, he wants you to go up and interview him, so head upstairs and into interview 2.

Q: Last contact with victim
Lie — Husband's alibi

Q: Divorce proceedings
Lie — Attorney's Letter or Divorce Papers

Q: Jewelry taken from body

Q: Bloodstained shirt found

You'll leave Maldonado to stew while you check out some more leads.

El Dorado Bar[edit | edit source]

Inside you'll speak with Diego Aguilar, the regular bartender. He remembers her and has a letter of hers she left on the bar. When you open them up you'll find they're her divorce papers she meant to give to her husband last night. Talk to the bartender and see if he knows anything else.

Q: Missing jewelry

Q: Movements of victim

If you look around, you'll find that there is an out-of-order sign on the phone, corroborating the bartender's story. Also, outside you'll run into a delivery man from Just Picked Fruit Market. Since it's right across the street and your next destination, you can just walk across to it if you don't want to drive.

Just Picked Fruit Market[edit | edit source]

When you arrive you'll see the same guy you met in the back of the El Dorado Bar, so follow him to the back of the shop and see if you can get some more info out of him.

Q: Distinctive necklace

Q: Contact with victim

Q: Movements of victim

Have a look around the place and see if you can find anything related to your case. In the storeroom nearby behind the green doors, you'll find the victim's wooden box she keeps her charm bracelet in and a bloody scalpel. With that kind of evidence, your new objective is to arrest Clem Feeney, the clerk you were talking to. He takes off running and hops into his delivery truck before you can cuff him, so you'll need to chase him in your car and run him off the road or stay on his bumper while your partner shoots his tires. When he crashes, get out and arrest him to close the case.