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On a bench in the fighters' dressing room.

The case begins with you and Roy at a boxing match. Apparently the British boxer, Albert Hammond, was supposed to take a dive during the fight, but decided to knock out his opponent instead. It's a stadium full of angry bettors, and you'll head back to the dressing room to see what's what. At the dressing room his angry manager is pounding on the door to be let in, and he verifies his fighter was meant to take the fall. Take a look around and see if anything interesting turns up.

Clue Location
Bookmakers' odds
Hammond's locker

When you leave the dressing room, you'll run into Mickey Cohen berating the boxing manager. You'll try to warn him off the boxer, but he doesn't look impressed. After your little chat, use the phone to trace the number you found in Hammond's locker. It's to a hotel, so you have your next destination.

Hotel El Mar[edit | edit source]

Inside the hotel the clerk says there's no Hammond there. Check out the ledger for any overtly English names, since Hammond's a Brit, and you'll find Winston Churhill four down on the second page. Head upstairs to room 207 and see if he's in.

Clue Location
Trash by the window
Movie ticket stub
Top of dresser
Magazine coupon
Bottom right, second page of magazine on table
Bookmakers' payouts
Bedside table

You have a new lead in the possible girlfriend, so it's time to go check her out.

Candy Edwards' Address[edit | edit source]

Check with the clerk inside, who will tell you Candy is in seven. She also says an Italian fellow is paying her a visit, so head upstairs to make sure there's no funny business going on. When you get up there, you'll hear an angry man inside, so kick in the door and beat down the boxer's manager. While the manager and the girl are recovering, take this time to search the apartment.

Clue Location
Bus ticket
On top of dresser
Cunard Ascania
On top of dresser
List of names
Manager's coat pocket
Switchblade knife
Manager's coat pocket

When Candy comes around, ask her some questions and see if you can't find out where Hammond's made off to.

Q: Whereabouts of Hammond
Lie — Magazine coupon

Q: List of odds recovered
Lie — Bookmakers' odds

Q: Plans to leave town

The Moose

15 Gamerscore points
The Moose
Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.

Candy's not giving anything up, so you'll just kick out Arquero and leave. Roy's suspicious though, so you'll stake her out. When she leaves in the morning you'll need to follow her without being spotted. You'll start out on a bench with a newspaper, and from there you'll need to follow her, staying out of sight and behind cover. If you run too close to her, she'll stop and look around, so make sure you're only running from cover to cover. You can't fall too far behind, but you can stay pretty far back. She looks around when she first gets to the sidewalk, then she'll walk down the main sidewalk for a while until crossing the street and going through a neighborhood. There is plenty of cover, however, and she won't look back if you stay far enough away. She'll look around again after walking through the parking lot with the dumpsters, then you can keep following. Once you follow her down an alley to the main street, you'll see her enter a bookmakers and Roy will pull up.

Head inside the shop and talk to the bookie, who says she picked up $3,600 before heading out the back door. He also says she used the phone and notepad, so go check it out. Use the pencil on the notepad to reveal another address you can follow.

Examiner Drugstore[edit | edit source]

The man behind the counter says Candy was just in there picking up over $4,000 before calling a cab to come pick her up. The card she used is on the stand by phone, so take a look at it to get the cab service's number. Call up dispatch, who will connect you to the cab company and get you the cab's number. From the call that went out over the radio, you know the other bookmakers' fronts in the city and you can ask the proprietor of the Examiner will give you the address to Ray's place.

Ray's Bookmaker's[edit | edit source]

When you get there, you'll see Candy's cab, and she comes out shortly afterwards. Follow her cab and see if you can tail her to her next stop. Like all follow missions, don't get to close and don't lose them. Eventually pull over at the Interstate Bus Depot. Roy thinks he saw Hammond, so it's up to you to follow Candy inside. Don't let her spot you, so hang back until she goes into the restroom. When you hear a scream, bust in and you'll find Candy's in a restroom stall, bleeding out. After your partner takes off, examine the evidence around the crime.

Clue Location
On floor by purse
Movie ticket
Inside purse

You don't have a lot to go on, so check out the only lead you have left.

Egyptian Theatre[edit | edit source]

When you get to the theatre, you'll get a message from the coroner saying that Candy was stabbed, not shot. Apparently the handgun belonged to her and she fired to try and stop her assailant. The knife is a dead giveaway that it's the Italian manager that killed her, so head into the theatre to take him down. Inside you'll find Hammond talking to Arquero about how the deal went down. Arquero has a gun now, and he and his goons are trying to kill the boxer and you when you interfere. Arquero runs back and forth upstairs, so keep an eye on your minimap to keep track of him. In the meantime, take out the two thugs down by the stage, while you wait for Arquero to show himself. You've gotten justice for Candy, so you let Hammond go and tell the captain you don't know where he is to close out the case.