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Choices made by your main character throughout the game can affect alignment to the light or dark side of the Force.

Points[edit | edit source]

Alignment has a hidden point value between 0 and 100, representing the extremes of dark side mastery and light side mastery respectively. Your main character begins the game at 50, with dark side actions subtracting from that value and light side actions adding to it. All dark side and light side actions have a point value assigned to them.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

When viewing character models on the character screen, current alignment is indicated on the meter to their left. When light side or dark side mastery is achieved, the mastery bonus is displayed in text above the character model. The background and their facial expressions and stances also indicate where they are on the spectrum of good and evil.

Main character portraits also change as your alignment shifts towards the dark side of the Force: from top to bottom, appearance corresponds to alignment 41-100, 11-40 and 0-10.

All 17 female portraits, including later changes in appearance as alignment shifts toward the dark side of the Force.
All 17 male portraits, including later changes in appearance as alignment shifts toward the dark side of the Force.

Restricted[edit | edit source]

Some items and Force powers are restricted to a particular alignment, and cannot be used by characters that aren't that alignment:

Source Restricted to: Dark Side (0-40) Restricted to: Neutral (41-59) Restricted to: Light Side (60-100)
Head Circlet of Saresh
Arms Ludo Kressh's Armband
Robes Natth Cowling Jolee's Robe Arca Jeth's Robe
Aleema Keto's Robe Sylvar's Robe
Darth Malak's Armor Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light Thon's Robe
Crado's Robe Nomi's Robe
Pistols Freedon Nadd's Blaster
Power crystals Black or dark Name Crystal Dark, grey or light Name Crystal Light or white Name Crystal
Crystal, Qixoni Crystal, Solari
Powers Crush Opposition Inspire Followers

Freedon Nadd's Blaster is also restricted to Sith Prestige classes: only a Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin or Sith Lord can use it.

A power crystal can still be used by a character that isn't the restricted alignment if it's put in the same lightsaber as another crystal that is restricted to that character's alignment.

Force powers[edit | edit source]

Some Force powers are inherently light or dark in nature, and cost more Force points to use if a character is of opposing alignment:

Power Alignment
0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100
Light side +75% +50% +25% 100% -10% -15% -20% -30% -50%
Dark side -50% -30% -20% -15% -10% 100% +25% +50% +75%

Light side power costs increase the further to the dark side a character is (and vice versa).

Using Force powers of opposing alignment doesn't affect a character's alignment.

Towards the end of the game, a neutral or light side main character is granted Force Enlightenment, while a dark side main character is granted Force Crush.

Prestige classes[edit | edit source]

Once your main character has gained level 15 and become sufficiently aligned to the light side (75-100) or dark side (0-25) of the Force (signalled by a scene of Visas and her master), speaking to Kreia will open a dialog which allows you to choose to become one of three Prestige classes, analogous to each Jedi class, depending on your alignment:

Jedi class Jedi Prestige class Sith Prestige class
Jedi Guardian Jedi Weapon Master Sith Marauder
Jedi Sentinel Jedi Watchman Sith Assassin
Jedi Consular Jedi Master Sith Lord

However, your main character's existing class doesn't restrict your choice. For example, a Jedi Consular can become a Jedi Weapon Master if light side, or a Sith Marauder if dark side.

Mastery[edit | edit source]

Mastery bonuses vary according to your main character's Jedi class, Prestige class and current alignment:

Class Mastery bonus
Jedi Jedi Prestige Sith Prestige Light Dark
Jedi Guardian Jedi Weapon Master Sith Marauder Strength: +3 Damage: Slashing, 1-8
Jedi Sentinel Jedi Watchman Sith Assassin Constitution: +3 Dexterity: +3
Jedi Consular Jedi Master Sith Lord Wisdom: +3 +50 Force points

Mastery bonuses aren't permanent; they're only granted when alignment is at either extreme of 0 (dark side) or 100 (light side). A dark side action results in a light mastery bonus being lost (and vice versa), although it can be regained with appropriate action.

Although the text above your model on the left side of the Character screen only displays the mastery bonus for your current class, if you have both a Jedi class and a Prestige class you should actually be granted the mastery bonus for both. For example, a Jedi Guardian who becomes a Jedi Weapon Master is granted a total light mastery bonus of Strength: +6, while one who becomes a Sith Marauder is granted a total dark mastery bonus of Damage: Slashing, 2-16. However, a Jedi Consular who becomes a Sith Lord is only granted a dark mastery bonus of +50 Force points, not +100.

Although this text also displays for Jedi members of your party if they achieve mastery, they aren't actually granted this bonus.

Party[edit | edit source]

If you're aligned to the dark side of the Force, Hanharr will join your party when met in Nar Shaddaa; otherwise, Mira will join your party.

Your own alignment and actions can alter the alignment of some party members, particularly as you gain or lose influence with them. Like you, this can alter their appearance:

From left to right, the appearance of Atton, Bao-Dur, Disciple, Handmaiden, Mira and Visas changes as their alignment shifts towards the dark side of the Force (from top to bottom, appearance corresponds to alignment 41-100, 11-40 and 0-10).