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File:KotORII Map Command Deck.png
Map of the Harbinger's crew quarters

Harbinger Command Deck[edit | edit source]

The door back to the Harbinger's command deck is behind you, on the left side of the crew quarters. The corridor ahead has a door at its right end, and two doors each in its top and bottom walls. The room beyond the first door in the top wall, on your left, has a footlocker by its top wall, and the room beyond the first door in the bottom wall, on your right, has a plasteel cylinder in its top left corner:

Security Footlocker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • (Broken Item)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

Your Cabin[edit | edit source]

As you approach the second set of doors at the right end of the first corridor:

Kreia: Are you all right?
1. These were my quarters. 2. I just need a second - this was my room.
Atton: This was your room? When?
3. Hold on. I want to search this room. 1. Before I lost consciousness and woke up on Peragus. 2. When I was on board the Harbinger. 3. It's not important.
Kreia: We do not have much time. Whatever you intend to do, do it quickly.

You open the bottom door to your cabin, where there's a footlocker by the bottom wall:

Item(s) Received Footlocker Item(s) Received Footlocker Name, you are requested to report to the Harbinger Medical Bay for routine examination. The routine is automated: simply insert this datapad into the medical computer to receive your injections.

The room beyond the door in the top wall of the corridor has a plasteel cylinder in its top right corner:

Security Door Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder
  • ?

There's a series of two doors at the right end of the corridor, beyond which four Sith assassins decloak and attack you, in a room with the corpse of a Republic soldier in its bottom left corner. The assassins appear even if you're in Stealth mode, but they won't attack unless they detect you.

Sith Assassin (main character level 6)
Set 3
Level 4
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 23
Force 46
Defense 15
Fortitude 6
Reflex 7
Will 5
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 1 -1
Bludgeoning 1-51-5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting

Drain Force 7

They rarely if ever use Drain Force. These are melee attackers, giving them an attack advantage if your party is using ranged weapons: if you don't have enough melee weapons, you and Kreia can fight unarmed.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)
Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier
  • Credits (10)

The corridor beyond this room's bottom door turns to your left, where there's the corpse of a Republic soldier and a blast door at its right end: approaching this door triggers the appearance of four more Sith assassins behind you.

This blast door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)
Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier
  • Credits (50)

Medical Bay[edit | edit source]

The corridor beyond the room's top door goes up beyond a medical bay door in its right wall, and turns right at the top, where there's the corpse of a Republic soldier and it's blocked by a blast door: approaching this door triggers the appearance of four Sith assassins behind you.

This blast door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened. Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 6)

The medical bay door opens on the top half of the medical bay, where there's a plasteel cylinder in the top left corner, and another between the two bottom right kolto tanks:

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder (2)

Recent History[edit | edit source]

There's a medical console in the middle of the medical bay's top end:

1. [Insert datapad] Check treatment request: Name.
1. Check treatment request: Name.
Medical Console: Name Treatment Request: Sedatives administered during routine examination 3.5 days ago. Emergency override enacted, dosage exceeds safety protocols.
Medical Console: [During your last medical exam, you were administered a delayed sedative that would kill a normal human being. That must be what rendered you unconscious when the Harbinger was taken out.]
Medical Console: [It looks as if someone forgot to lock out the treatment request once administered - you still have access to one of the kolto tanks in the medical bay.]
Journal Entry Added Recent History: Bonus Mission
On the Harbinger, you found records of your medical treatment on the vessel - it was not long after the treatment that you fell unconscious. You were most likely drugged while you were being administered medical treatment. After that, you were taken off the ship by the Ebon Hawk.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Checked treatment request: Name
1. Identify kolto tank.
Medical Console: [The kolto tank appears to be behind you, to your left.]
2. Check medical logs. Medical Console: HARBINGER MEDICAL COMPUTER
Access Log: Sith Wreckage Report
Republic Medical Officer: [Static] "Something's wrong ever since we picked up that Sith firefight in the region. Crewmen haven't been reporting for their shifts, and I can't reach people on the com."
Republic Medical Officer: "The strange thing is, I keep feeling like someone's watching us, here in the ship, but I can't see anyone. I don't like this."
Access Log: Sith Survivor
Republic Medical Officer: [Static] "Checking the survivor from the Sith vessel - I'm not sure whether he's alive or dead, or what's even keeping him together."
Republic Medical Officer: "His flesh is cracked and scarred, and I'm registering several thousand fractures in his skeleton, as if each bone was splintered repeatedly over time... then put back together."
Republic Medical Officer: "Judging from the scar tissue, I believe these wounds took place before his death. If so, he must have been in constant pain. I have no idea what's been keeping him together."
Access Log: Emergency Broadcast
Republic Medical Officer: "This is the medical officer. The soldiers sent to medical bay have just... died. I don't know where the subject went - I think he's gone to find more of the crew."
Republic Medical Officer: "With him are Sith... they just appeared right out of thin air, like they were wearing Stealth Generators, but..."
Republic Medical Officer: "...I think they were always aboard. When we stopped to pick up that freighter, they must have come on board the Harbinger."
Republic Medical Officer: "I have no idea how many are on the ship... there could be only a few, or as many as a hundred. And with communications cut off, we can't call for help."
Republic Medical Officer: 'I think that... thing... in the tank was a Sith Lord... alive the whole time, waiting for something to wake him up.'
4. Return to main console functions. 3. Check camera recordings.

The camera recording shows the Sith survivor floating in the kolto tank in the middle of the medical bay, when he wakes up and breaks out!

I have come for the Jedi.

User Treat Injury rank determines the number of Chemicals dispensed, so use the party member with the highest rank:

Treat Injury 4. [Treat Injury (1)] Treat Injury 4. [Treat Injury (5)] Treat Injury 4. [Treat Injury (9)]
Attempt to get chemicals from the medical computer dispenser.
Item(s) Received Medical Console
  • Chemicals (3)
Item(s) Received Medical Console
  • Chemicals (10)
Item(s) Received Medical Console
  • Chemicals (15)
Medical Console: CHEMICAL RESERVOIR DEPLETED 5. Log out.

Your kolto tank is behind you, to your left as you use the medical console, on the right side opposite the medical bay door:

Name's Kolto Tank: [This kolto tank appears to be active. Do you wish to heal yourself?]
1. [Enter the tank.] Name's Kolto Tank: [Your wounds have been healed.] 2. [Leave the tank alone.]

A broken kolto tank stands in the middle of the medical bay:

This kolto tank was shattered from the inside. Fragments litter the floor around it.

Lab Station[edit | edit source]

The medical bay below the broken kolto tank has a Lab Station in its bottom right corner, and plasteel cylinders between the top two left kolto tanks, in the bottom left corner and between the bottom two right tanks:

Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder (3)

A damaged medical droid floats in the middle of the medical bay's bottom half:

Damaged Medical Droid: This medical droid looks damaged. If it could be repaired, you might be able to activate its medical circuits and have it accompany you to treat your wounds. 2. Leave it alone.
Damaged Medical Droid: You leave the droid alone for now.
Repair 1. [Repair] Reactivate the droid. (3 Part(s) )
Damaged Medical Droid: [Success] The medical droid is now active, and its medical circuits have been engaged. It will follow you and attempt to heal you if you get injured. Damaged Medical Droid: [Failure] You don't have any repair parts. You leave the droid alone for now.
Damaged Medical Droid (main character level 6)
Set 3
Level 4
Class Expert Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -2
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 22
Force -
Defense 12
Fortitude 10
Reflex 4
Will 4
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Reactivated droid
Damaged Medical Droid: This medical droid is following you and prepared to heal you.

The droid follows your main character and heals 25% maximum Vitality if any of your party drop below 60%. If this droid is destroyed then it explodes, inflicting 10 piercing damage on all in the vicinity unless a Reflex save is made at DC 15, halving damage.

Maintenance Room[edit | edit source]

Through the doorway at the medical bay's bottom end is the bottom corridor, with a blast door and the corpse of a Republic soldier at its left end, to your right:

This blast door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened. Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier
  • Credits (50)

At its right end, the corridor turns up to the junction outside the medical bay door in the medical bay's bottom right wall, where four Sith assassins ambush you:

Sith Assassin (main character level 7)
Set 3
Level 5
Class Sith Assassin
Alignment 25 (dark)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 31
Force 45
Defense 16
Fortitude 7
Reflex 8
Will 6
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 2 0
Bludgeoning 1-51-5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Two-Weapon Fighting

Drain Force 8

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 225 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 7)

The maintenance room is beyond the low security door at the end of the right corridor, which has a footlocker by its top and bottom walls, and a plasteel cylinder by its back right wall:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Security Footlocker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Security Plasteel Cylinder Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Footlocker (2)
  • (Broken Item)
  • ?
Item(s) Received Plasteel Cylinder

Droid Storage Room[edit | edit source]

The top corridor from the junction outside the bottom right medical bay door goes past a turbolift in the right wall before ending at a door, beyond which the corridor continues. As you approach a low security door in the right wall, four Sith assassins ambush you.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 225 Killed Sith Assassin (4) (level 7)

The droid storage room beyond the low security door has the corpse of a Republic soldier lying in the middle, with three utility droids by its top wall on your left and a protocol droid in its bottom right corner:

Security Low Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Item(s) Received Corpse - Republic Soldier
  • Credits (50)
  • Droid Maintenance Datapad
[This droid appears deactivated.] [Unlike the others, this protocol droid appears to have been purposely sabotaged.]
Droid Maintenance Log: I don't know whether this new HK-50 droid is a gift or a curse. After the destruction of the previous protocol droid when it accidentally activated that frag mine, the HK has stepped into its place without a hitch.

The problem is, it doesn't take commands very well. And most of the time, I have no idea where it's been. There's been reports it's been sighted in the crew quarters, with the admiral, in maintenance, and even in medlab, of all places.

And when I ask the droid about it, it gives me a smartmouth response about facilitating communication. I don't know who commissioned these HK models, but I don't like them.

The corridor turns left at its top end, where it's blocked by a blast door:

This blast door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened.

Harbinger Engine Deck[edit | edit source]

The turbolift to the Harbinger's engine deck is in the right wall of the top corridor above the junction outside the bottom right medical bay door: if the damaged medical droid has been reactivated and it's survived, it won't follow you there.