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File:KotORII Map Bridge.png
Map of the Ravager's bridge

Turbolift to Command Deck[edit | edit source]

The turbolift from the Ravager's command deck is in the middle of the right side of the map. There's a large locker in the middle of the first room's bottom wall:

Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

The second room beyond the door in the right wall contains four Sith elite troopers, with a large locker in the bottom left corner and a locked one in the top left corner:

Sith Elite Trooper (main character level 29)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 183
Force -
Defense 35
Fortitude 32
Reflex 31
Will 29
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 30 -
Energy 4-48-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 29 -
Slashing 9-49-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Carbine + Vibrosword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Sith Elite Trooper (4) (level 29)
Item(s) Received Large Locker (2)
  • ?

The room beyond the high security door in the top wall of the second room is empty except for one large locker in its bottom left corner and two in its top right corner (the one by the top wall is locked):

Security High Security Door Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker (3)
  • ?

The third room beyond the door in the bottom wall of the second room contains two Sith elite troopers, and two Sith heavy troopers:

Sith Heavy Trooper (main character level 29)
Set 2
Level 21
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 8
Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 183
Force -
Defense 33
Fortitude 29
Reflex 29
Will 26
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 30 -
Energy 6-48-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 25 19
Slashing 9-517-49
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Heavy Repeating Blaster + Vibro Double-Blade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Sith Elite Trooper (2) (level 29)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 225 Killed Sith Heavy Trooper (2) (level 29)

The fourth room beyond the door in the left wall of this third room contains two dark Jedi and two Sith heavy troopers, with a large locker by its bottom wall:

Dark Jedi (main character level 29)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 8
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 204
Force 106
Defense 38
Fortitude 33
Reflex 34
Will 32
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 34 -
Energy 15-87-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Jedi Defense28 Power Attack31 Critical Strike26 Flurry

Choke Drain Life Force Push Force Lightning 27 Burst of Speed

Dark Jedi (main character level 29)
Set 3
Level 21
Class Jedi Guardian
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 8
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 246
Force 106
Defense 38
Fortitude 35
Reflex 34
Will 32
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 33 -
Energy 14-86-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Jedi Defense28 Power Attack29 Critical Strike25 Flurry

Choke Drain Life Force Push Force Lightning 27 Burst of Speed

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Dark Jedi (2) (level 29)
  • 225 Killed Sith Heavy Trooper (2) (level 29)
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

The fifth room beyond the door in the left wall of this fourth room contains another two dark Jedi and two Sith heavy troopers, with a large locker in its top right corner.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Killed Dark Jedi (2) (level 29)
  • 225 Killed Sith Heavy Trooper (2) (level 29)
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

The room beyond the door in the top wall of this fifth room is empty except for three large lockers along the top wall: only the right one is locked.

Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker (3)
  • ?

The room beyond the door in the left wall of this fifth room is also empty except for a large locker in its top left corner, and the bridge door in its left wall.

Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

Bridge[edit | edit source]

As you approach the door to the bridge itself:

Visas: This door leads to the bridge, and my former Master. If you wish to gather your strength, this is the last time.
3. Visas, you don't need to come with me. 4. This isn't your fight.
Visas: It was never a question of need. And I would follow you wherever your path leads. Visas: It is mine as much as yours. And I cannot allow you to face him alone.
Visas: This thing must be done, it must come to an end.
1. I am ready. Let's end this. 2. Give me a moment to recover my strength, then. 5. Enough talk. Battle awaits.

Beyond the door is a long walkway down the middle of the bridge with a trench containing six Nihilus slaves at computer terminals to either side:

[This man gazes at you with a vacant stare - he looks half-dead.]

There are also walkways around the top and bottom perimeter, converging with the central walkway far to the left.

Defeat Darth Nihilus[edit | edit source]

Darth Nihilus stands at the left end of the bridge, his back turned to you. When you finally reach him, after a moment of silence he turns and incapacitates the entire party, and then he speaks, his voice roaring.

If you've already set all four proton cores on the command deck to destroy the Ravager:

1. Release me... or I'll blow your ship to hell.
1. We have mined your ship, and it won't survive this battle. 2. Surrender now, and we'll let you live. 3. Your arrogance has left you vulnerable to more conventional weapons.
Visas: He doesn't understand... he thinks he can survive it...


2. I have come... of my own choice - Visas is not... part of this.
Visas: No... do not harm her. I am the one... who has betrayed you. I am the one... who should suffer. I will return to you... but please, do not harm her... do not what you did to me... I beg you. Visas: No... do not harm him. I am the one... who has betrayed you. I am the one... who should suffer. I will return to you... but please, do not harm him... do not what you did to me... I beg you.
1. Her loyalty is to me now. And your battle is with me. 2. She is my slave, Sith Lord, not yours. She would die for me. 3. Perhaps you're still human enough to remember betrayal?

Nihilus roars, hurling Visas across the room. Otherwise:

3. I will not let you destroy Telos. 4. Your path... ends here, Sith Lord. 5. I have come... to stop you.

Nihilus expresses anger:

5. Then let us end this.

Nihilus ignites his lightsaber. Otherwise:

Intelligence 1. [Intelligence (15)] Kreia has lied to you - there are no Jedi here. You have sensed it. 2. [Wisdom] Kreia has lied to you - there are no Jedi here. You have sensed it.
4. If you would feed on Jedi, then feed on me. 1. If you use your power here, you will only exhaust yourself... and become vulnerable. 2. Then she has won... your victory against her has been for nothing.

After a moment of silence, Nihilus raises his hand to drain you, but suddenly reels back, collapsing on the ground:

1. Even now, the hunger is consuming you. Just as Kreia knew it would. 2. She has betrayed you... and now I will finish you. 3. And now you are weak - weak enough to be defeated.

Battle is joined:

Darth Nihilus (main character level 29)
Set 5
Level 21
Class Jedi Sentinel
Alignment 0 (dark)
Awareness 35
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 26 +8
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 40 +15
Charisma 20 +5
Vitality 1004
Force 615
Defense 48
Fortitude 46
Reflex 46
Will 46
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 37 -
Energy 18-108-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Dark Jedi Master Robe Lightsaber

Weapon Specialization Lightsaber Advanced Jedi Defense35 Power Attack29 Critical Strike25

Plague 100 Master Force Scream 51 Choke Drain Life Drain Force Force Lightning 46

Once he's reduced to less than 50% Vitality:

Visas: He... is too powerful... he...
1. Stay with me, Visas - we can stop him... somehow. 2. Only... need to keep him occupied... until Telos is secure... 5. Want to die like the rest of your kind? Then get up and fight. 3. You're his link... to this place. Can you disrupt that link somehow?
Visas: I... I... will try...
Visas: I... I... will try... Visas: He... I... cannot hold him for long...

If Visas disrupts the link then Nihilus is incapacitated for one combat round. Otherwise, if Visas is wearing clothing (not robes or armor, or even the Miner Uniform) and using a melee weapon or lightsaber, then more drastic action can be taken:

4. You are his weakness - and you must be sacrificed if I am to live. Dark Side Points Gained: -6
Visas: Then... then that is what must be done... my Master. My life... for yours.

Visas stabs herself. As she collapses on the ground, so does Nihilus, roaring. Her sacrifice incapacitates him for one combat round and reduces him to 20% Vitality.

Once he's been defeated, if Visas sacrificed herself:

Visas: Was... was it enough?
4. Yes. I have come to end your pain, disciple.

You kill her. Otherwise:

1. It was sufficient. 2. Your sacrifice was enough.
Visas: Ah... then at last... I can die. Will... you... will you stay... until...? Visas: Ah. At last then, I can die. Kill me, and I shall join my people.
1. [Leave in silence.] 4. I have no more time to waste with you. You are already dead.
Visas: Do not... do not... leave me... I... I...

She dies. Otherwise:

3. Did you think I would care enough to be beside you when you die? Then you were wrong - and I am pleased to kill that hope.
1. Did you love me, Visas? Then you are twice the fool I believed. 4. You were pathetic. You could have been strong, but your guilt killed that strength. 2. I want the last words you hear to be the hate I have for you.
Visas: Perhaps... yet... there is some hope in one's feelings... perhaps I was not as lost as I thought... If I could have cared for one such as you... more than myself... then... I would die a thousand times for such hopes. Visas: Even your hatred... even your hatred was welcome... any shred of feeling... You and he are not so different... you will die when you look upon the face of Malachor... just as he did...


3. Cling to life no longer - do not compound your weakness. 2. I shall watch over you until death comes. 2. No one can take your life except you. Prove yourself strong. 3. Do you feel death claiming you? It is cold, like space.
4. You must show strength here at the end and take your own life.
Visas: I... I did not want to leave this life yet... it was weakness, but for you, I... I... My life for yours.

She dies.

Mandalore: Her death was worthy of a Mandalorian.
1. She did not die a fool or a coward, so be silent. 2. Visas deserved better. She was stronger than she knew. 3. Pray that yours is as well. Let us go.

If Visas didn't sacrifice herself, then she walks over to the body of Nihilus:

3. Leave the body - it is nothing now. 4. Come on, we need to get out of here.


1. Visas... what are you doing? 2. Do what you need to do, Visas, then we need to leave.
Visas: I have to see, with the Force, and my eyes.
Mandalore: What the hell are you doing up there? We need to get off this ship. Now.
4. Visas, there's no time. Let's get out of here.


1. If it will give you some peace, Visas, do it. 2. Look upon his face, then bring me the mask.
5. Let's get out of here.


1. Tell me what you saw. 2. What did you see when you looked at him?
Visas: I saw a graveyard world, surrounded by a fleet of dead ships. I felt it through him... as I feel it through you. Visas: A man, nothing more.
Visas: You are my master now. And I will follow wherever your path takes you. My path is at an end.


3. Did you see what you needed to see? 4. Now can we leave?
Visas: Yes. It was enough. The death of my homeworld will always have its place within me, but it no longer dictates my future. I wish to learn the ways of the Force from one who has already faced that pain, and to use it to save the galaxy from those who would do it harm. Wherever you walk, I will follow you. My path is at an end.
1. Then let this ship die, as it should have years ago. 2. Very well. Follow me. 3. Let's get out of here.
Hunger Strike
Hunger Strike
Defeated Nihilus
Journal Entry Added Defeat Darth Nihilus
You have defeated Darth Nihilus and saved Telos... and yourself... from destruction.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Defeated Darth Nihilus

If you told Visas to bring you the mask:

Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers
Claimed Darth Nihilus' mask
Item(s) Received Darth Nihilus
  • Nihilus Mask
You have taken this trophy from the remains of Darth Nihilus - it is the last surviving piece of the beast who died and was reborn in the shattered world of Malachor V. By taking it from him, you have gained a stronger tie to the Force.
Maximum Force Points Increased (+20)

Destroy the Ravager[edit | edit source]

If you've already set all four proton cores on the command deck to destroy the Ravager:

Journal Entry Added Destroy the Ravager
You have slain Visas's Master - now all that needs to be done is escape the vessel and detonate the explosives.

If you don't do so before returning to the Shuttle to Citadel Station on the top left side of the Ravager's command deck:

[This route leads back to the shuttle and Citadel Station, but you still have unfinished business aboard the Ravager - you still need to set the proton core explosives to blow up the ship.]
1. [Step away for now.]

Once you have done so:

[This route leads back to the shuttle and Citadel Station. Do you wish to leave?]
1. [Leave the Ravager for good.] 2. [Step away for now.]

As your shuttle escapes, the explosives are detonated, destroying the Ravager.

Journal Entry Added Destroy the Ravager
You have destroyed the Ravager, turning it into a burning wreck in space.

Citadel Station[edit | edit source]

If Revan was light side, then Lieutenant Grenn approaches you back on Citadel Station before you travel to Malachor V:

Lieutenant Grenn: Admiral Onasi wanted to speak with you, ma'am. Lieutenant Grenn: Admiral Onasi wanted to speak with you, sir.
1. Is that a request, or an order? 2. Did he say what about?
Lieutenant Grenn: A... request, ma'am. Lieutenant Grenn: A... request, sir.
Lieutenant Grenn: As I understand it, there was something private he wished to ask you. Concerning a 'mutual acquaintance,' I believe, is how he put it.
3. Very well. Lead on.

Grenn takes you to Admiral Onasi, who's gazing out a window at Telos below:

Admiral Onasi: It's a little beat up, but it's still home. I wasn't able to be here to protect it when the Sith attacked the first time. This time, you gave me a second chance. I owe you.
1. Grenn said you wanted to speak to me about a mutual acquaintance. 2. Is that all you wanted, Admiral? 3. Maybe next time you'll get here faster.
Admiral Onasi: I've read your records, how the Jedi sentenced you. For doing what you believed. You wandered past the Outer Rim during your exile. I ask you... did you find any trace of Revan?

If Revan was male:

1. No, I did not see him again. 2. Did you know him?
Admiral Onasi: I served with him, like you did. And we had to part ways, like you did.
1. Why? 2. Do you know where Revan went?
Admiral Onasi: He said that there were places where he had to walk where I could not go - places where having allies, or anyone he cared about, would only place them in danger. It's been four years, and I still don't know what happened to him.
1. He might be dead. 2. You cannot give up hope. 3. Then it looks like you'll wait a while longer, doesn't it?
Admiral Onasi: I don't believe that. I've lost friends before - and until I see them dead, I don't believe it.
Admiral Onasi: He told me to stay here, to try to keep the Republic strong, and that he would return. It was the hardest request I ever had to follow.
1. Why did he ask that? 2. The Republic strong? Why?
Admiral Onasi: I don't know. But it was important to him. He said that he believed something had been behind the Mandalorian Wars. That it hadn't been the Mandalorians choice to attack the Republic. Whatever it was, I think he went off to find it... to fight it.
1. How did you know Revan? 2. Did you serve with Revan during the war?
Admiral Onasi: It was near the end of the Jedi Civil War, when it seemed like we were going to lose everything. We met on a Republic warship, called the Endar Spire. It was being attacked over Taris, and the Sith had stormed the ship...
Admiral Onasi: We saved the Republic. But it was like the war didn't end for him. He would keep remembering things that he'd done, and it kept driving him. And I think he finally remembered something terrible that he'd done during the Mandalorian Wars. And he went to put an end to it. He left a lot of people who cared about him behind. But I think he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. But whatever he set out to do, I...I don't think he succeeded. And here you return, with his ship, without him.
1. Revan's ship?
Admiral Onasi: Yes, wherever he went, your ship's been there. If... if you return to that place, if you find some trace of Revan...
1. Do you want me to tell you what I find?
Admiral Onasi: No. Simply tell him that Admiral Onasi is following his orders.

If Revan was female:

1. No, I did not see her again. 2. Did you know her? 3. Why do you want to know?
Admiral Onasi: I served with her, like you did. And we had to part, like you did.
1. Why? 2. Do you know where Revan went?
Admiral Onasi: She said that there were places where she had to walk where I could not go - places that she could not bring those she loved. I have waited for her to come back for almost four years. It doesn't get any easier.
1. She might be dead. 2. You cannot give up hope. 3. Then it looks like you'll wait a while longer, doesn't it?
Admiral Onasi: No, she's not dead. I feel like I would know. There's just this... emptiness where she used to be.
Admiral Onasi: I would have done anything she asked. And when she told me to stay here, to try to keep the Republic strong, that was the hardest thing of all.
1. Why did she ask that? 2. The Republic strong? Why?
Admiral Onasi: I don't know. But it was important to her. She said that she believed something had been behind the Mandalorian Wars. That it hadn't been the Mandalorians choice to attack the Republic. Whatever it was, I think she went off to find it... to fight it.
1. How did you know Revan? 2. Did you serve with Revan during the war?
Admiral Onasi: It was near the end of the Jedi Civil War, when it seemed like we were going to lose everything. We met on a Republic warship, called the Endar Spire. It was being attacked over Taris, and the Sith had stormed the ship...
Admiral Onasi: We saved the Republic. But it was like the war didn't end for her. She would keep remembering things that she had done, and it kept driving her. And she kept using it as a wall between us. And I think she finally remembered something terrible she had done during the Mandalorian Wars. And she went to put an end to it. She left without warning. She didn't say where, only that it was to a place where she could not take anyone she loved. And here you return, with her ship, without her.
1. Revan's ship?
Admiral Onasi: Yes, wherever she went, your ship's been there. If... if you return to that place, if you find some trace of Revan...
1. Do you want me to tell you what I find?
Admiral Onasi: No. Simply tell her that Carth Onasi is waiting for her.
Admiral Onasi: Safe journey, exile.

If Revan was male, then Bastila joins Carth after you leave:

Bastila: Did she know? Bastila: Did he know?
Admiral Onasi: No, she didn't. Admiral Onasi: No, he didn't.
Bastila: There are times I fear we shall never know why he left, Carth. And I cannot live not knowing the answer, why he sought to protect us.
Admiral Onasi: He asked us to stay, to keep the Republic safe. It was important to him. And after meeting the exile, I'm convinced that there are worse things to lose in the galaxy.