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Main menu[edit | edit source]

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  • New Game
  • Load Game
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Options
  • Quit

Screens[edit | edit source]

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Equip[edit | edit source]

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Inventory[edit | edit source]

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The PARTY INVENTORY screen shows a list of all the items not currently equipped by other party members or the companions back at your base. This inventory is shared by all party members.

Character[edit | edit source]

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Abilities[edit | edit source]

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Skills[edit | edit source]

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This page lists your character’s skills. Each skill has a number associated with it. This is the skill ‘rank’ and determines how good the character is with that skill. When using a skill to perform an action, the rank is compared against a Difficulty Check (DC) number. For example, to open a lock with a DC of 15, take your skill rank in Security + Wisdom modifier +d20 roll. If the total is 15 or greater, the lock is opened.


Powers[edit | edit source]

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This page lists your Force Powers. Using a Force Power requires Force Points. Your light/dark side rating affects the Force point cost of some powers. The further you stray to the dark side, the more expensive light side powers become, and the less expensive dark side powers become and vice versa.

Force powers and Forms

Feats[edit | edit source]

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This page lists your feats. Some feats allow you to use special items like heavy armor or implants. Other feats modify saving throws and skill checks during the game. And some feats (POWER ATTACK) are used during combat. Check the description for details on a specific feat.


Party Selection[edit | edit source]

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In most areas you can use the PARTY SELECTION screen to quickly switch party members in and out as you need them. This is done instantly and without having to return to your base. Characters switched out of your party will wait for you back at your base.
Remember: any equipped items will remain on the character, so these items will not show up in your inventory when a character is removed from the party. You will have to add the character to your party again if you want access to their equipped items.


Journal[edit | edit source]

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The ACTIVE QUESTS screen includes important information related to your ongoing adventures. Refer to this journal for hints and guidance throughout the game.

Active / Completed Quests by Time / Name / Place

Messages[edit | edit source]

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The MESSAGES screen shows game related data such as experience points gained, attack and damage rolls and dark side/light side shifts.
Dialog[edit | edit source]
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Feedback[edit | edit source]
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Combat[edit | edit source]
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Attack, Threat, Defense, Deflection and Damage Breakdowns

Effects[edit | edit source]
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Buffs and debuffs

Map[edit | edit source]

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The Map screen shows the explored area of the level and your party’s location. It also contains map notes designating important areas. Some levels (such as city areas) are fully mapped before you explore them.

Options[edit | edit source]

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Save Game Save the current game
Load Game Load a saved game
  • Combat Difficulty
  • Auto-Level Up Options
  • Camera Auto-Centering
  • Autosave
  • Reverse Mini-game Y Axis
  • Combat Movement
  • Hide Unequippable Items
  • Tutorial Popups
  • Subtitles
  • Mini-Map
  • Floating Numbers
  • Status Summary
Auto-Pause Auto-Pause Options
Graphics Graphics Options
Sound Sound Options
Exit Game Quit the game

Adjusting Combat Difficulty in Gameplay Options at any time has the following effect on damage from enemy attacks:

Difficulty Enemy Damage Final Damage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Easy 50% 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
Normal 100% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Difficult 150% 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15

Final enemy damage is reduced by 50% on Easy and increased by 50% on Difficult, rounding down in both cases. This includes 'friendly' fire from grenades, and returned blaster bolts.

Combat Difficulty also affects skill Difficulty Classes for detecting mines with Awareness, setting, disabling and recovering mines with Demolitions, and blasting or unlocking locks with Demolitions or Security respectively: these skill DCS are reduced by 5 on Easy and increased by 5 on Difficult.