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File:KotORII Map Jungle.png
Map of the jungle

Now that the space battle overhead has ended:

Colonel Tobin: You let the ship escape? I will deal with your failure later, captain. But for now - find that ship. Our... ally has indicated that the Jedi hasn't left the system yet. Send a detachment to Dxun. If you find anything, alert me immediately. Now get out of my sight.

Dxun Landing[edit | edit source]

The path from your landing enters the jungle at the bottom center of the map. Two cannoks roam the tunnel up to a junction, where four maalraas roam the tunnel ahead and the clearing to the right.

Cannok (main character level 19)
Set 1
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 4 -3
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 150
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 15 -
Slashing 1-9-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Maalraas (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 122
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Slashing 3-21-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (2) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (4) (level 19)

There's a Dxun cache door on the top side of this clearing, with a dead mandalorian lying to its right. As you approach, if Kreia or Mira is in your party:

Kreia: Stop. That is not the skeletal remnant of a war long past. That is a recent kill. It appears that Dxun isn't as abandoned as we would be led to believe. Mira: Watch it, Jedi. There's a body over there. A lone Mandalorian. Fresh kill, too. I can't figure the percentage in them still being on this rock.
1. Do you think he was alone? 2. Why would the Mandalorians return here? 3. How long since he died?
Kreia: I cannot say for certain. What I do know is our path came here for a reason. Kreia: The past has a curious attraction to us all. Perhaps he came in a small shuttle to revisit old battlegrounds. Perhaps not. Kreia: A few days - a standard week, at most. The jungle has not left its mark on his armor yet. You probably have more questions.
Kreia: But let us press forward. You may find the answers you seek.


Mira: Most Mandalorians I know are mercenaries. And not the cheap kind. Mira: This used to be their headquarters during the wars. Could be all sorts of reasons. He's probably employed by someone. All Mandalorians are these days. Mira: Less than a standard week. Someone must have paid a lot of money to hire him. Mandalorian mercenaries don't come cheap.
Mira: Whoever hired him had a good reason to send him to this jungle. There may be more of them around. Keep your weapon charged.


Dead Mandalorian: [You see the body of a Mandalorian soldier.] Item(s) Received Dead Mandalorian
Dead Mandalorian: [He was killed in the last three or four days.]

If you try to open the Dxun cache door without thorium charges in your inventory:

This door is impenetrable to anything short of high grade explosives.

To open it, you can get thorium charges from Akkere on Dantooine if he's recruited or killed during the defense of Khoonda, or from a military locker in the Sith Academy Library on Korriban (although these can be used elsewhere in the academy):

Dxun Cache Door: This door is impenetrable to anything short of high grade explosives.
1. Use thorium charges to open this door. 2. Leave it be.

The cache contains six metal boxes, but it's also mined:

Awareness Blinding Flash Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Deadly Gas Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Item(s) Received Metal Box (6)
  • ?

Mandalorian Sentries[edit | edit source]

The tunnel above the first junction leads to another clearing with a seemingly empty encampment. As you approach the fire, a Mandalorian sentry and four Mandalorians decloak:

Mandalorian Sentry: Hold it right there. We've got you surrounded.
Mira: Great, just what we needed. Mandalorians.
Handmaiden: Keep calm. Their weapons are not raised, I do not think they wish to fight us.
Mandalorian Sentry: I'm surprised you got this far - the jungle doesn't usually let its prey go that easily. What are you doing here?
1. What is with Mandalorians and this damned moon? 2. What are you doing on Dxun? 3. Mandalorians killed many of my brethren during the war. Why should I even talk to you?
Mandalorian Sentry: We claimed this moon decades ago when we reforged ourselves after Exar Kun's defeat. Some of us call it home. Why are you trespassing here? Mandalorian Sentry: Why does everyone except Mandalorians hold grudges after battle? We were both tested, and your side proved more formidable. We honor you for it. We're both veterans, and we can test each other again if you choose. But I have orders. So answer my question, why are you here?
1. I was exploring. Who are you? 2. Our ship crashed, and we were forced to land here.
Mandalorian Sentry: I am a Mandalorian warrior, and this area you're "exploring" is our territory. Mandalorian Sentry: We expected as much. Few visit Dxun by choice.


3. I was thinking of starting a Czerka office here. I sense a lot of untapped potential. 4. It is no business of yours.
Mandalorian Sentry: That was a joke, right? It'll be interesting to see how long you keep your sense of humor here. Mandalorian Sentry: You're wrong. By landing here, you've made it our business.


5. If you're going to attack, then get ready to die.
Mandalorian Sentry: If we were planning to attack you, then we would have opened fire as soon as you entered the clearing. You left yourself exposed on both sides, and you would have been little more than target practice for us.
Mandalorian Sentry: We have orders to escort you to our camp - our leader wants to speak to you.
Kreia: This may prove of use to us. Let us hear his words and see if they hold any value.
6. I can reach the camp on my own. Now get out of my way.
Mandalorian Sentry: No one enters the camp without an escort. Try it, and you'll have to get through us. We've got no orders to fight you. But we will defend ourselves.
3. I'm not finished exploring yet. 4. And if I refuse? 5. I don't want to meet your leader. 2. Perhaps another time.
Mandalorian Sentry: You are coming with us. I am supposed to escort you peacefully. But the alternative is quite acceptable. So your choice is - follow us as our guest or see how Mandalorians have earned their reputation.
1. Lead on, then. 2. Your leader may be of use to me. Take me to him. Now. 1. Take me to the camp, then.


3. Fight me if you must, but I'm still going through. 4. Then get ready to die.
Dark Side Points Gained: -4
Mandalorian Sentry: Looks like there'll be bloodshed before the day is over, after all. For the glory of Mandalore!
Mandalorian Sentry (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 19
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 578
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 26
Reflex 23
Will 22
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 26 -
Energy 2-24-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 25 -
Piercing 3-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Mandalorian (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 17
Class Soldier
Alignment 45 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 370
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 25
Reflex 22
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 24 -
Energy 2-24-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 23 -
Piercing 3-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Mandalorian Sentry (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Mandalorian (4) (level 19)

When you try to leave the encampment during or after combat, more Mandalorians appear:

Mandalorian Sentry: That is enough! You're completely surrounded, Jedi. You will follow me. Now.

Mandalorian Ruins[edit | edit source]

The path back down from the Mandalorian ruins leads to the top of the clearing occupied by the Mandalorian Sentries. If you picked a fight with them:

I have nothing to say to you.

Otherwise, you can ask the sentry about the beasts of the jungle:

Mandalorian Sentry: If you head out into the jungle, stay alert. Our patrols keep the area clear of the more dangerous beasts, but a lot of the smaller ones still infest the paths.
1. What beasts are there?
Mandalorian Sentry: Mostly cannoks and maalraas. Deeper in the jungle, there's boma beasts, and they're a little more sport.
1. What can you tell me about the cannoks?
Mandalorian Sentry: Little pests. They'll eat anything they can fit in their mouths, so don't leave any gear and supplies lying around unless you want them to end up in a cannok's belly. They aren't very aggressive, though. Just don't get too close to them, and they'll leave you alone.
2. Tell me about the maalraas.
Mandalorian Sentry: Maalraas are aggressive, but hardly a challenge for a real warrior. They're pack hunters, though, and dangerous in numbers. We try to thin their herds pretty regularly.
3. Why don't you clear out the cannoks and maalraas?
Mandalorian Sentry: What's the point? They breed fast, and other than sport, they're a waste of ammo.
4. What's a boma beast?
Mandalorian Sentry: Bomas are tough and fiercely territorial. Whenever we drive them off, they just come back to reclaim their grazing lands. We can handle them, but they may be too much for you.
5. Aren't there zakkegs, too?
Mandalorian Sentry: How do you know of the zakkeg? We've seen signs along the paths. They are naturally armored and have foul dispositions. Mandalorian expeditions cleared them out of the area. But Dxun beasts never take kindly to losing territory. As soon as ship activity dies out around here we may hunt them again.
2. I can handle myself. 3. Can you take me straight to your camp? 4. I'll be careful.
Mandalorian Sentry: Even the bravest Mandalorians have fallen prey to this jungle and its beasts. Don't say I didn't warn you. Mandalorian Sentry: Let's go.

Any other Mandalorians are uncommunicative:


After defeating Davrel in the battle circle, he challenges you when you next return to this clearing. Save game before approaching:

Davrel: You finally arrive, Jedi. I seek to reclaim the honor that you stole from me. I challenge you here, outside of the battle circle. This time we fight to the death!
2. I don't want to kill you. I refuse. 3. Many Mandalorians have fallen to Jedi. There is no dishonor in that.
Davrel: You would deny my request? I want to fight here, in front of other Mandalorians to prove my worth. Do not shame me further.
1. Why do you want to fight me again? 1. You lost to me already. Why fight again?
Davrel: I was too young to fight in the Mandalorian Wars. With our clans scattered there was no opportunity to prove myself. Years ago young Mandalorians would fly point in a Basilisk, laying waste to anything before them, at the forefront of battle! But this has been denied me. What little honor I have earned you stripped from me in the battle circle. This I won't allow.
2. There must be other ways to prove yourself.
Davrel: There are no wars to fight, no great enemies to destroy. I wish this was a different age, where our armadas were a force to be feared.
3. I will not fight you. I refuse your challenge.
Davrel: Then you dishonor me again, Jedi. One day we will meet again... Next time you will not have a choice.

Davrel leaves, and if you return to the Mandalorian ruins and speak to any Mandalorian guard, patrol or recruit:

You wouldn't face Davrel in combat? That is a sign of weakness in you, and you dishonor him with your cowardice.

If you don't want to refuse or accept Davrel's challenge, then before speaking to him you need to ask the Mandalorian guard captain about larger beasts and the zakkeg so that, after saying there must be other ways to prove himself, you can ask the following:

1. What about the zakkeg? I've heard they're a challenge even for a Mandalorian patrol.
Davrel: A zakkeg? Those are the deadliest beasts in this part of the jungle. Patrols are right to be cautious about them. I'll do what I must to prove myself to the other Mandalorians. But fighting a zakkeg would be a short-lived honor.
2. Attacking me would be equally foolhardy.
Davrel: Do you accept my challenge, then?
1. I'm looking for the zakkeg. We could fight it together.
Davrel: What - Yes, I suppose that is... possible. We would both gain recognition from that battle. Your plan is acceptable to me. Together we will destroy the zakkeg. I will meet you there.

Davrel runs off toward Zakkeg Territory, in the bottom right quarter of the jungle. Otherwise, you can just fight him:

4. If that is your wish... 5. You are a fool to challenge me again, Davrel. 3. Then we shall fight. 3. Then let's fight.
Davrel: Now you face a true Mandalorian on the field of battle!
Davrel (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 122
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 20 -
Energy 2-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 20 -
Slashing 5-25-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Republic Blaster + Vibrosword

Ignore Pain I Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Davrel (level 19)
Item(s) Received Davrel

You'll also find these items on his remains if he's killed fighting the zakkeg. If you return to the Mandalorian ruins and speak to the Mandalorian guard captain, or any guard, patrol or recruit:

Mandalorian Guard Captain: I hear you gave Davrel a warrior's death. You understand more of our ways than I thought.
You defeated Davrel, hmmph. I hope he died honorably in battle.

Trouble with Cannoks[edit | edit source]

The path exiting the right side of the Mandalorian Sentries camp leads to a tree at a junction: a tunnel continues to the right, and a cannok roams the top path, to your left.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (level 19)
Item(s) Received Cannok
  • Phase Pulse Converter: Core
This is the Core for the Phase Pulse Converter, recovered from the bowels of a Cannok.
Journal Entry Added Trouble with Cannoks
After gutting one of the many cannoks in the jungle, you found a part of the phase pulse converter. You don't know how many more pieces you need.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Found part of phase pulse converter

The tougher of the two cannoks roaming the tunnel to the final clearing in Zakkeg Territory has another piece of the phase pulse converter:

Item(s) Received Cannok
  • Phase Pulse Converter: Assembly
This is the Assembly for the Phase Pulse Converter, recovered from the bowels of a Cannok.
Journal Entry Added Trouble with Cannoks
Another dead cannok, and you've found one more piece of the phase pulse converter. It still isn't complete.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Found piece of phase pulse converter

The cannok roaming the bottom of the path up to cache B-13 in the top left quarter of the jungle has another piece of the phase pulse converter:

Item(s) Received Cannok
  • Phase Pulse Converter: Power
This is the Power Supply for the Phase Pulse Converter, recovered from the bowels of a Cannok.
Journal Entry Added Trouble with Cannoks
You've finally found the last piece of the phase pulse converter. If you never have to look at the insides of a cannok again, it will be too soon. The pieces look to be in good condition, and Zuka should be able to reassemble them easily enough.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Found last piece of phase pulse converter

Once you have the parts, return to the Mandalorian ruins and speak to Zuka about the phase pulse converter.

Beast Trick[edit | edit source]

The path above the cannok leads into a tunnel, where two maalraas roam.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (2) (level 19)

The tunnel ends at a tree, with a small clearing above it containing a boma. Whether or not Kreia is in your party as you approach it:

Kreia: A moment - that beast there. Do you see it? Kreia: Wait a moment... Do you see that boma over there?
Kreia: The Force flows even through these simple creatures. If you empty your mind you may be able to feel its thoughts.
Kreia: They aren't fully formed. Basic instincts, primal urges, every breath dominated by the needs of the moment. Kreia: They aren't fully formed. Basic instincts, urges, dominated by every breath and every moment. Primal and unsophisticated.
1. What's the point of this?
Kreia: The Force is strong in such creatures... but their minds are weak, prey for those able to hear their thoughts - and influence them. Kreia: The point is to learn something about the Force. Even if you cannot appreciate that, you should value the power my teachings will provide you.
1. I feel its thoughts. 2. I feel it. 3. They aren't like us at all.
Kreia: Good. Beasts can be easier to affect than other sentients. But you must bridge the gap between what distinguishes us and them.
Kreia: You feel its thoughts, yes? Like a low rumble before the storm. Use the Force to create a barrier around it - carefully and slowly. Kreia: You feel its consciousness, yes? Like a low rumble before the storm. Use the Force to create a barrier around it. Make it with care and subtlety.
1. [Beast Control] This shouldn't be difficult. 2. [Beast Control] I'll try.
Kreia: [Failure] You came close, and you have the potential. With practice you can make any animal passive and pliable. Kreia: You came close, and you have potential. With practice, you can make any animal passive and pliable.
Kreia: But the cage around their perceptions is a fragile thing. Many things can break its hold. Violence, especially.
1. Can anything else be done with beasts? 2. Why couldn't you have taught me this earlier? 3. Thank you, I never knew about that.
Kreia: With the Force, anything is possible. But that is the end of the lesson for now. Kreia: All things in time. Kreia: All things in time... Kreia: You may thank me by using what you have learned. Let us go. Kreia: The Force is subtle and more powerful than people imagine. Keep an open mind.
Kreia: [You have gained the power Beast Trick.]
Maximum Force Points Increased (+10)

Maximum Force points only increase if Kreia is actually in your party.

Boma (main character level 19)
Set 4
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 230
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 21 -
Slashing 4-31-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Boma (level 19)

Lost Mandalorian[edit | edit source]

Another tunnel exits the bottom right of the boma clearing, leading to another junction at a tree. Two maalraas roam the tunnel above this junction.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (2) (level 19)

When you finally emerge from the tunnel, you'll see a Mandalorian standing on the ledge above to your right, and a permacrete detonator in the path ahead, on your left. As you approach:

Kumus: You there. I... I am in need of assistance.
1. Are you Kumus? Xarga thought you were dead. 2. Who are you?
Kumus: I am Kumus. And Xarga was not wrong in thinking me dead. We assume that any Mandalorian who does not report back within a day has been taken by the jungle. I still live... I am just in a difficult situation. Kumus: I am Kumus, a Mandalorian warrior. My brothers believe me dead. Without aid, they shall soon be right.
4. Why should I help you? 4. A Mandalorian asking for assistance? Amusing. 5. Whatever trouble you're in, I couldn't care less.
Kumus: Do you expect me to beg? I am not going to barter for my life. I only ask that you help a warrior face a more noble death... than this.
4. You can stay there and rot for all I care. 2. If Mandalorians pride themselves on strength, you are a weak specimen.
Kumus: Then may the jungle take you. And I hope your death shall be slower than mine. Kumus: If you will not aid me, then we have nothing more to say to each other. Leave me.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2

Otherwise you can try bartering for a reward, or ask what he's doing up there or how you can help:

3. If you're not willing to barter, then I have nothing to give.
3. What are you doing up there? 2. How can I help?
Kumus: A patrol was sent to look for weapon caches in this region. They found three sites that looked promising.
Kumus: Xarga told me to prove myself by taking explosives to those sites and uncovering the caches, if they exist. Kumus: Xarga, my commander, told me to prove myself by taking explosives to those sites and uncovering the caches, if they exist.
1. So how did you get up there? 2. What happened? 3. Did you find any caches?
Kumus: This was the first site. After easily dispatching some malraas, I removed my pack and began to plant my charges along this ridge. When I finished setting the charges, I looked down to see cannoks swarming all over my pack. The pests were eating everything! I killed the cannoks, but then a herd of bomas arrived. I had no more ammo - the extra energy cells I had brought had been in my pack. So I have been up here, weaponless, for two days.
2. Haven't you tried running?
Kumus: Even if I got by the bomas, there are too many beasts between here and the checkpoint. Bravery is commendable, but there is no honor in suicide. I thought I could survive until another patrol came by, and then return to camp with my brothers.
1. You ran out of ammo? Isn't that against the Mandalorian Code?
Kumus: Blaster rifles don't use much energy, and their energy cells last a long time. How often have you had to change ammo?
1. I can't believe you were outwitted by cannoks. They're the gizka of Dxun.
Kumus: I do not need you to echo my failures to me. I need your aid.

You can keep mocking him:

1. Or what? If I give you enough time, perhaps a cannok will eat your armor. You're not exactly in the best bargaining position.
Kumus: Enough of this! If you are here only to mock me, then leave!

If you speak to him after mocking him:

Kumus: Are you here to ridicule me further? It is good your own words amuse you.
3. Too bad they're the last words you'll ever hear. 4. Just checking to see if you were dead yet. I'll be back later.
1. Years from now, you'll laugh about it, too.
Kumus: I find that hard to believe... But assuming I live, you might be right.
2. Why should I help you?

Otherwise, you can ask how you can help:

3. How can I help? 3. Very well. How can I help?
Kumus: You must have cleared a path through the beasts coming here. If you take care of the boma beasts, I can make it to safety.
1. I could give you an extra ammo clip.
Kumus: My blaster rifle has been useless ever since I used it to bash in a cannok's skull.
3. What about a reward?
Kumus: Not everything is about barter and rewards. I only ask what any warrior deserves, a chance to die for a cause, not... starving and weaponless, at the mercy of beasts. If you wish to aid me, then kill the boma beasts that surround this place, let me return to my brothers, and let the honor of the deed be your reward.
2. I'll go drive off these bomas, then. 3. I'll help you out, then.
Kumus: Your actions are worthy of a Mandalorian. Return here when you have slain the beasts, and I will be able to return to camp.

Otherwise, you can try to persuade him to reward you:

Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will reward me for my efforts. Persuade 2. [Persuade (7)] I'm risking my life for yours. I deserve a reward.
Kumus: I... will reward you for your efforts. If I make it back to the Mandalorian camp, I will see to it you are rewarded. Kumus: [Success] There is truth in what you say. If I make it back to the Mandalorian camp, I will see to it you are rewarded. Kumus: [Failure] This is a matter of honor. I won't disgrace myself further by bartering for my life.
1. I'll deal with these bomas, then.

If you demand a reward now, even after failing to persuade him:

2. Your word is not enough. 3. No deal. Give me what you have right now. 2. Survival isn't about "honor." No reward, no help.
Kumus: I was a fool to ask for your aid. Leave me - I'll take my chances with the beasts.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Journal Entry Added Missing Mandalorian
You've found the missing Mandalorian trapped on a ledge in the middle of the jungle. His name is Kumus and apparently ravenous cannoks ate his gun's ammunition. He has been trapped on the ledge by the beasts of the jungle and is embarrassed about his predicament.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Found missing Mandalorian

If you speak to Kumus again after moving closer to the dark side of the Force:

Kumus: May the jungle take you, and I hope your death shall be slower than mine.


Kumus: I can still hear a few bomas out there. Return here when you have dispatched them all.

There are three young bomas in the clearing around the corner, at the top end of the path:

Young Boma (main character level 19)
Set 4
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 5
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 122
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 21
Reflex 21
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 21 -
Slashing 4-31-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (3) (level 19)

After killing them you need to speak to Kumus again. If you return to Xarga in the Mandalorian ruins instead:

Xarga: Found Kumus' body yet? 1. I found him alive. He is trapped on a ledge. Cannoks ate his backpack and he ran out of ammo.

You can also just use the permacrete detonator to blow up Kumus:

Permacrete Detonator: You see a permacrete detonator. It's used to set off permacrete charges that are linked to it.
Kumus: Don't touch that button! It'll blow up all my charges!
1. I'll leave it alone, then.
2. [Press Button] You mean this button here? Kumus: Nooo! Dark Side Points Gained: -4
HK-47: Statement: Your actions make me proud to be your loyal droid.
Influence Gained: HK-47 (+8)
Hanharr: A weak hunter doesn't deserve to live. I like the use you found for him - our amusement.
Influence Gained: Hanharr (+8)

Blowing up Kumus is also psychotic (so influence can be gained twice with HK-47 or Hanharr).

Journal Entry Added Missing Mandalorian
While you were examining the detonator to the explosives Kumus had set on the ledge you "accidentally" set them off. Kumus will not be returning to the Mandalorian camp. At least, not in one piece.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 "Accidentally" set off explosives
Permacrete Detonator: You see a permacrete detonator. It's used to set off permacrete charges that are linked to it.
1. Press button. 2. Leave it alone.
You already detonated the permacrete charges. This detonator does nothing now.

If you moved closer to the dark side of the Force after you first spoke to Kumus:

Kumus: It is strange that you still helped me, after what you said. I am... grateful for your actions. I'm returning to the Mandalorian camp now.
2. Help you? I only wanted you to come down so I could kill you. Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Kumus: You have no honor... but I will teach it to you.
Journal Entry Added Missing Mandalorian
You lured the Mandalorian Kumus down from his ledge so that you could slay him.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Lured Kumus down to slay him
Kumus (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 15 +2
Constitution 15 +2
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 124
Force -
Defense 27
Fortitude 22
Reflex 22
Will 21
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Slashing 3-9-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Kumus (level 19)

Otherwise, Kumus returns to Xarga in the Mandalorian ruins:

Kumus: I am grateful for your help, stranger. I am returning to the Mandalorian camp now. I won't forget this. 1. You're welcome. 3. Do what you will, I couldn't care less.
Kumus: I have only one request... please don't mention this incident to anyone. 4. I killed the bomas because I wanted to, not to help you. Now get out of my sight.
Light Side Points Gained: +2
Disciple: Even though Mandalorians were your sworn enemy, you would still save one in need? You're a woman of many levels. Handmaiden: Even though Mandalorians were your sworn enemy, you would still save one in need? You are a perplexing man, Exile.
1. No one deserves to die like that. 2. The Mandalorians Wars ended long ago. They aren't my enemies any more. 3. I had my own reasons for doing it.
Influence Gained: Disciple/Handmaiden (+8)
Disciple: I will have to think on what you've said. Handmaiden: I will have to think on what you've said.


Bao-Dur: I have no love for Mandalorians, but just letting him starve up there... I think you did the right thing.
1. He's just a veteran, like us. He deserves a better death than that. 3. Maybe some day he'll return the favor. 2. Compassion had nothing to do with it. I had other reasons.
Influence Gained: Bao-Dur (+8)
Bao-Dur: I agree. There was enough senseless death back then to last a lifetime. Bao-Dur: You never know. Bao-Dur: Whatever you say.
Journal Entry Added Missing Mandalorian
You cleared out the boma beasts that trapped Kumus on the ledge. Next time you are in the Mandalorian Camp you should talk to Xarga and report your success.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Cleared out boma beasts

Zakkeg Territory[edit | edit source]

The path exiting the right side of the Mandalorian Sentries camp leads to a tree at a junction: a Cannok roams the top path, to your left, and a tunnel continues to the right. This tunnel ends in a clearing with a tree, and a cannok and two young bomas roam the area.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (2) (level 19)

The path exiting the top of this clearing to your left leads up to another clearing and the Lost Mandalorian beyond, while the bottom path to your right leads to a tunnel where two Maalraas roam, which ends on the top left side of a clearing containing two young bomas, with a skeletal corpse on its right side.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (2) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (2) (level 19)
Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?

Two cannoks roam the tunnel exiting the bottom left side of this clearing, one of which has 21 Defense and 318 Vitality at level 19, and whose remains contain the assembly for the phase pulse converter.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (2) (level 19)

As you go down this tunnel, you get a Precognition of what's waiting at the other end: it leads to the left side of a large clearing in the bottom right corner of the jungle, which contains a zakkeg! If Davrel agreed to help you then he stands in the tunnel, and speaks as you approach:

Davrel: The zakkeg is just up ahead. Together, we have a chance of defeating it.
5. There are some things I have to do first.
Davrel: I see... This zakkeg is settled for the moment. If you need to prepare yourself, I will wait here.
Davrel: Are you ready now? The zakkeg awaits us.
5. I need a little more time.
Davrel: The zakkeg doesn't appear to be going anywhere for the moment. If you still need time, take it. But my patience has limits.


1. Why didn't you tell me where it was?
Davrel: If you couldn't find your way here through the jungle, then you'd be worthless in the fight. Besides, um. I didn't know for certain where the beast was.
2. Do you have a plan?
Davrel: We go into the clearing and attack it. Either it dies, or we do. Beasts of the jungle are fierce and powerful. Straightforward plans work the best.
3. What do you know about zakkegs?
Davrel: They are heavily armored. They aren't particularly agile, but if they connect it can be deadly. But a skilled patrol of warriors can kill the beasts.
4. Let's attack it now. Davrel: Then we fight!

If Davrel is killed then you'll find the same items on his remains as you would have after fighting and killing him yourself (but you receive no experience for his death here).

Zakkeg (main character level 19)
Set 5
Level 14
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 13
Strength 28 +9
Dexterity 28 +9
Constitution 28 +9
Intelligence 28 +9
Wisdom 28 +9
Charisma 28 +9
Vitality 252
Force -
Defense 38
Fortitude 32
Reflex 34
Will 39
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 30 -
Slashing 13-49-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Force Resist 32 Regeneration1



The zakkeg's natural Force Resistance 32 cannot be breached at all unless the attacking Jedi is at least level 12 (maximum roll 20 + 12 = 32): at level 19, it can only be breached 40% of the time (roll (13-20) + 19 = 32-39).

Journal Entry Added Zakkeg Challenge
During your exploration of the jungle you found and killed a zakkeg. It was indeed tough, but you proved stronger. Search the body of the Zakkeg for a trophy as proof of your accomplishment.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 675 Killed Zakkeg (level 19)

If Davrel is present, then he leaves now:

Davrel: I must thank you for your help. We have killed the zakkeg. I will leave the spoils of battle to you. I am going back to camp and will tell them of our deed here.
Journal Entry Added Zakkeg Challenge
You recovered an ear from the Zakkeg you killed. This ear should serve as proof of your accomplishment to the guard captain at the entrance of the Mandalorian camp.
Item(s) Received Zakkeg
  • Zakkeg Ear
This is the ear of the Zakkeg that you slayed in the Dxun Jungle. Show it to the Guard Captain in the Mandalorian Camp as proof of your accomplishment.

There are also two skeletal corpses at the back of this clearing, on its right side.

Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse

Make sure you get the Zakkeg ear to show to the Mandalorian guard captain when you return to the Mandalorian ruins.

Explosive Situation[edit | edit source]

After entering the tunnel on the left side of the Mandalorian Sentries camp, three beasts (cannoks or maalraas, or both, and a young boma) appear around the corner of the junction ahead and three more (cannoks or maalraas, or both) appear in the clearing behind you.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (0-5) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (0-5) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (level 19)

The top tunnel to your right goes up and then turns left, until you reach a junction roamed by a cannok with just 66 Vitality at level 19, whose remains contain the power supply for the phase pulse converter. There are two more cannoks roaming the tunnel below to the left, which leads down to the top left corner of the scout hunt.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (3) (level 19)

If you go up the top path to your right at this junction, then you'll approach the bottom left corner of a clearing:

Journal Entry Added An Explosive Situation
You've found the detonator that Mandalore told you about. The explosive charges are set around the entrance to cache B-13.

There's a Dxun cache door on the top side of this clearing:

This door is impenetrable to anything short of high grade explosives.

You can use the permacrete detonator on the left as you entered the clearing to blow it open:

Permacrete Detonator: You see a permacrete detonator. It's used to set off permacrete charges that are linked to it.
1. Press button. 2. Leave it alone.
Mira: I don't like the sound of that. I think you've just stirred up a mynock nest. Handmaiden: The jungle is a living thing. That detonation will have repercussions. HK-47: Statement: That explosion has stirred many life-forms in the area. Fighting is undoubtedly imminent.
Journal Entry Added An Explosive Situation
You've blown up the entrance to cache B-13. The explosive charges agitated the wildlife in the jungle.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Blew up entrance to cache B-13
You already detonated the permacrete charges. This detonator does nothing now.

The Mandalorian Cache is now open, but a boma beast, two young boma and two maalraas are now charging up the path behind you!

Boma Beast (main character level 19)
Set 4
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 150
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 23
Reflex 22
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 24 -
Slashing 7-34-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Boma Beast (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (2) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (2) (level 19)

You can return to the Mandalorian ruins and report to Mandalore about resolving this Explosive Situation.

Mandalorian Cache[edit | edit source]

After using the permacrete detonator to blow up the Dxun cache door on the top side of the clearing in the top left quarter of the jungle, cache B-13 is open but mined:

Awareness Deadly Plasma Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

Save game before entering, at the cache has multiple containers for somewhat random items. You may also want to come back later and enter when you have a higher experience level, for higher level items.

The cache itself is also mined:

Awareness Deadly Frag Mine (2) Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Deadly Plasma Mine (2) Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)
Awareness Devastating Sonic Mine (2) Detect 30 (10) 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 35 (15) 30 (10) Recover 45 (25) 40 (20)
Awareness Blinding Flash Mine Detect 25 (5) Demolitions Disable 30 (10) Recover 40 (20)

The two 'Devastating' Sonic Mines are actually Deadly, in all but name. The entrance is in the right wall of the top corner, and there are two locked metal boxes opposite, by the left wall in the top corner:

Security Metal Box (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Metal Box (2)
  • ?

There's a Construction Droid Foreman and four Construction Droids (Mark I) standing in the middle of the cache, with a single Construction Droid Mark II in the bottom left corner. Five more Mark I droids along the top wall and seven more along the bottom wall prevent you from opening the metal boxes along those walls. If you select any construction droid:

Construction Droid: This construction droid is inactive.
1. [Repair] Activate droid.
Construction Droid: You can't find any way to activate the droid manually.

If you examine any droid other than the foreman:

3. Examine droid.
Construction Droid Mark I(I): This droid looks like it hasn't been used in some time. You can't find any way to activate the droid. The droid has what appears to be a transponder, presumably to work in unison with other utility droids.
4. Bash droid. 5. Leave it alone.

Bashing a droid will activate every droid and make them hostile, as will rigging one to explode:

Demolitions 2. [Demolitions (13)] Rig the droid to explode.
Construction Droid: The droid will explode, causing area damage. You'll have a few seconds to get clear of the blast. Do you want to continue?
1. Proceed. 2. Never mind.

The explosion inflicts 1000 piercing damage on all in the vicinity unless a Reflex save is made at DC 15, halving damage. However, you don't receive experience from any droids killed by this explosion.

You should examine the foreman first:

3. Examine droid.
Construction Droid Foreman: This is the foreman droid that issues commands by remote to the other construction droids.
Construction Droid Foreman: Searching the foreman, you discovered a datapad. Construction Droid Foreman: The droid has what appears to be a transponder, presumably to work in unison with other utility droids.
Item(s) Received Construction Droid Foreman
  • Datapad: Droid Foreman Orders
This is a series of binary instructions that you found on a Droid Foreman. These droids, under remote guidance of the droid foreman, were ordered to build the caches on Dxun, set traps to protect them and then seal themselves within this cache and deactivate.

These instructions contain the key sequence for the remote transponder that controls all of the construction droids.

Now when you select any droid:

Computer Use 1. [Computer (6)] Command all construction droids using the remote transponder key sequence.
Construction Droid: [Success] Remote transponder active. Construction droids await input

Enter a command:
Construction Droid: [Failure] Your Computer skill is too low.
1. Enable 'Follow the Leader' subroutine.
Construction Droid: This droid is carrying out its programmed instructions.
1. Suspend 'Follow the Leader' subroutine. 2. Begin 'Clean Construction Site' task. 3. Switch to 'Rampage' mode.

Enabling the 'Follow the Leader' subroutine activates all droids and causes those by the top and bottom walls to move away from them, which can trigger any remaining mines; suspending this subroutine deactivates the Mark I droids again. Beginning the 'Clean Construction Site' task or switching to 'Rampage' mode also activates all droids but makes them hostile, although in 'Rampage' mode they attack each other as well. Otherwise:

4. Initiate 'Last resort' protocol.
Construction Droid: You just triggered a self-destruct command. You have a few seconds to get clear.

Every droid self-destructs, inflicting 100 piercing damage on all in the vicinity unless a Reflex save is made at DC 15, halving damage. However, you don't receive any experience from this, so it's better to bash one, begin 'Clean Construction Site' task or switch to 'Rampage' mode before using offensive area of effect Force powers: Disable or Destroy Droid is the obvious choice, but Force Storm and Force Wave can affect every droid in the cache.

Construction Droid Foreman
Set None
Level 15
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 22 +6
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 15
Reflex 7
Will 2
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Bludgeoning 6-9-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Construction Droid Mark I
Set None
Level 5
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 16 +3
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 6 0
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 94
Force -
Defense 14
Fortitude 8
Reflex 1
Will -3
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 8 -
Bludgeoning 4-7-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Construction Droid Mark II
Set None
Level 15
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 22 +6
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 225
Force -
Defense 28
Fortitude 15
Reflex 7
Will 2
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Bludgeoning 6-9-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 125 Killed Construction Droid Foreman (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 25 Killed Construction Droid Mark I (16) (level 19)
  • 125 Killed Construction Droid Mark II (level 19)

Once the droids have been moved or killed, you can open the six metal boxes by the top wall, and the four by the bottom one:

Demolitions Metal Box (2) Lock DC 21 Bash Resist - Vitality -
Security Metal Box (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 15 Vitality 40
Item(s) Received Metal Box (10)
  • ?

Mandalorian Scout[edit | edit source]

If you keep going straight down the tunnel exiting the left side of the Mandalorian Sentries camp, then once you've passed two junctions it opens up into a clearing, where the Mandalorian scout Kelborn stands by a corpse under a tree. You can continue down the path below Kelborn without speaking to him, but it won't be populated by scouts until you do (Mira and HK-47 can also comment as you speak):

Kelborn: What are you doing out here? It's dangerous for your kind.
1. You're Kelborn, right? I was hoping to get you to vouch for me in the battle circle.
Kelborn: I hear of your match with Tagren. Hnh. I might. That's not what's important now. But that can't be the only reason why you're out here.
1. Why are you here? I thought all the patrols had been stopped. 2. I'm exploring. What are you doing out here?
Kelborn: I am a Mandalorian scout. I don't go on patrols. 3. Tell me what you're doing here first.
4. What do you mean, "my kind?" 5. I can handle myself.
Kelborn: For a Non-Mandalorian. Although you've shown promise by making it this far. Maybe you can prove your worth by giving me a hand. Kelborn: Hnh. You've shown promise by making it this far. Maybe you can prove your worth by giving me a hand.
Kelborn: Mandalore sent me out here personally to track a ship that landed in the area.
1. A ship? 2. There's a Duros bounty hunter ship deeper in the jungle.
Kelborn: Yeah, from what little we could pick up on sensors, it was bigger than your ship, most likely a freighter or dropship. Kelborn: No, it wasn't them. That ship was damaged and screaming its ID signature all the way down.
Kelborn: This one was trying to slip in quietly, and it was keeping its ion emissions to a minimum. Our sensors almost didn't pick it up.
3. Found anything? 1. Any sign of a crew? 2. What have you found? 3. A ship that big should have left a trail.
Kelborn: Haven't found any sign of the ship.
Kelborn: Just this corpse here. Looks like a scout, and pretty green, too. The fool walked right into a group of cannoks and got torn apart.
Mira: Whoever these visitors are, they don't know the terrain very well.
Kelborn: He can't have been the only one crawling around here. If there's more, we need to take them out. You up for some action?
1. Take them out? Why?
Kelborn: We can't let them find the camp, if that's what they're looking for. We need to track them down and make sure their trip here is real short.
2. What do you intend to do? Kill them? 3. Depends what you mean by "action."
Kelborn: Squeamish? Heh. Don't worry, I'm not planning on killing them unless I have to.
HK-47: Interjection: Master, I assure you that the elimination of these intruders is an absolute necessity. Please give the command. Kelborn: But people do have a habit of shooting at Mandalorians on sight. If so, I wouldn't mind a good fight.
Kelborn: People have a habit of shooting Mandalorians on sight. If so, I wouldn't mind a good fight.
4. I'm always up for a fight. 5. Let's stop talking, and get to the killing.
HK-47: Interjection: Master, this is one of those rare times when you make my behavioral module glow.
Kelborn: Hnh. Good to hear it.


6. I'm not interested. Kelborn: Have it your way, then.
Journal Entry Added Scout Hunt
Kelborn told you that he's found some scouts from a third ship that landed in the area. He wants you to look around the western part of the jungle for more of them.

The scouts won't appear until you've told Kelborn you're up for finding them:

Kelborn: Change your mind? I could still use your help.
1. I may be able to help. What's the plan?
Kelborn: There's more of these scouts in the jungle. There's many paths, and I don't want them to slip by.
Mira: If we spot any scouts, we'll need to take them out fast before they can warn their companions.
Kelborn: If we split up, we should be able to find their scouts. If you're up for it.
1. I am. Let's find them.
Kelborn: I'm going to take up a position to the east. You go west. I'll make sure none of them get past me.

He runs up the path to the right and stops at the junction. If you speak again before encountering and killing both groups of scouts:

Kelborn: I haven't seen anybody come around here yet. Keep looking to the west.

Keep going down the path in the opposite direction to Kelborn and, as you turn the corner to your right, two scouts appear in the middle of the bottom path ahead of you:

Scout: What happened to Laane?
Scout: He got swarmed by those little beasts... I think they're called cannoks.
Scout: I hope this mission is worth it to the Colonel. If not- Wait! Did you hear that?
Scout: That's her! Get her! Scout: That's him! Get him!
Journal Entry Added Scout Hunt
You encountered a pair of scouts patrolling the jungle. They mentioned something about a Colonel. Colonel Tobin was the one who shot your ship down.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Encountered pair of scouts
Scout (main character level 19)
Set 2
Level 14
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 94
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 16
Reflex 18
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 17 -
Slashing 1-23-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Massassi Ceremonial Armor Immunity: Critical Hits Immunity: Sneak Attacks Long Sword

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Scout (main character level 19)
Set 2
Level 14
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 94
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 16
Reflex 18
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 17 -
Energy 2-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Massassi Ceremonial Armor Immunity: Critical Hits Immunity: Sneak Attacks Blaster Carbine

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


There's also a skeletal corpse in the recess in the middle of the bottom wall of the path.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Scout (2) (level 19)
Item(s) Received Skeletal Corpse
  • ?

A cannok roams the bottom left path around the corner ahead:

Cannok (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 14
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 4 -3
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 318
Force -
Defense 25
Fortitude 17
Reflex 17
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 16 -
Slashing 1-9-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Cannok (level 19)
Item(s) Received Cannok Item(s) Received Cannok

As you turn the corner to your right, a scout lieutenant and three scouts are attacked by two young bomas in a small clearing midway up the path ahead:

Scout Lieutenant: Set the staging camp up here. This jungle just never ends.
Scout: Lieutenant, two of our scout patrols have not reported back.
Scout Lieutenant: Two more? Nothing is worth this.
Scout: More beasts!
Scout Lieutenant: Everyone attack!
Journal Entry Added Scout Hunt
You encountered a fairly large group of scouts fighting bomas in the jungle.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Encountered large group of scouts
Scout Lieutenant (main character level 19)
Set 3
Level 14
Class Soldier
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 3
Treat Injury 1
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 122
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 22
Reflex 20
Will 20
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 20 -
Slashing 3-25-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Massassi Ceremonial Armor Immunity: Critical Hits Immunity: Sneak Attacks Long Sword + Advanced Medpac(3)

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Scout (main character level 19)
Set 2
Level 14
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 1
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 94
Force -
Defense 29
Fortitude 16
Reflex 18
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 17 -
Energy 2-24-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Massassi Ceremonial Armor Immunity: Critical Hits Immunity: Sneak Attacks Blaster Carbine

Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 400 Killed Young Boma (2) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Scout Lieutenant (level 19)
  • 200 Killed Scout (3) (level 19)
Item(s) Received Scout Lieutenant

You receive experience even if they kill each other. Advanced Medpacs are only received if unused.

Journal Entry Added Scout Hunt
You've encountered a second group of scouts. You think it unlkely that there are any more on the jungle paths. It might be a good idea to find Kelborn and see what he's found.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed second group of scouts

The path above the scouts and young bomas ends at a junction with two tunnels, where two cannoks roam: the top tunnel to the left leads up to the junction for Mandalorian cache B-13, while the tunnel to the right is roamed by a maalraas and leads back down to the junction now guarded by Kelborn.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Cannok (2) (level 19)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 275 Killed Maalraas (level 19)

After you've encountered and killed both groups of scouts, Kelborn has killed three scouts of his own:

Kelborn: I found more of their scouts, but they started shooting as soon as they saw me. I heard blaster rifle fire coming from deeper in the jungle. You find anything?
1. I came across two groups of scouts. They weren't in the mood to talk, either. 2. Just some scout corpses. They didn't put up much of a fight.
Kelborn: I'm surprised they wouldn't talk to you. I thought their grudge was only with Mandalorians. Kelborn: That's the way I would've handled it, as well. But I had my orders.
Kelborn: Find out anything useful from them?
2. You first. What did you find out?
Kelborn: I searched their corpses. I'm pretty certain that they're Onderonian military, but without the tags. Could be a covert operation.
3. Why are they here?
Kelborn: The Onderonians would love to find us here, but I don't think three ships landing in this area in less than a day is a coincidence. Something tells me you might have a better idea of why they're here than me.
1. Without the tags? 2. What makes you think it was a covert operation? 1. You said they were Onderon military without the tags?
Kelborn: The only thing the scouts had on them were weapons. No identity cards, no personal effects, and no evidence to figure out who they were if they died or were captured out here.
1. Any idea why they were here? 2. How did you know they were Onderon military?
Kelborn: It doesn't work that way. I've told you what I found, now you tell me what you've found.
3. Nothing you need to know about. 2. I didn't find anything except corpses. They attacked as soon as they saw me.
Kelborn: Hnh. All right. I'm heading back to the camp to report to Mandalore. You've been helpful - whether you meant to be or not.


1. They mentioned something about a Colonel. There also seems to be more of them.
Kelborn: Colonel, huh? Could be Colonel Tobin. Tobin is General Vaklu's personal kath hound. If he's on your trail, you might want to steer clear of Onderon.
1. Tobin's the one who opened fire on our ship and forced us to land here.
Kelborn: Hnh. I'm not surprised. He was probably acting on orders from Vaklu. If so, you've made some dangerous enemies.
2. What makes you think he's on my trail? 3. Who is General Vaklu? 4. I'll remember that. Are we done here?
Kelborn: They certainly weren't looking for us. They'd need a much larger detachment than this to prove a threat to us. Kelborn: General Vaklu is the cousin of Queen Talia. He's also in charge of the Onderon military. He led the Onderon resistance when we occupied their world during the Mandalorian Wars. He was a worthy foe, maybe more than a match for you. 5. Save your warnings for someone who cares.
Kelborn: Mandalore needs to know about the scouts. I'll let him know your role in dealing with them.
1. Before you go, who were those scouts? 2. Then don't let me keep you here. 3. I'll see you back at the camp, then.
Kelborn: They're Onderon military, although they were trying to be secret about it. I've got a feeling you're going to need all the help you can get. Kelborn: You might, you might not.
Journal Entry Added Scout Hunt
You compared notes with Kelborn about the scouts you found. He said he'd tell Mandalore about your assistance.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 700 Compared notes with Kelborn
Kelborn: One last thing about the battle circle... your actions have proven you worthy of facing our best in the circle. Perhaps we can face each other there. See you at camp.

This activates the Battle Circle quest if you haven't already done so. Kelborn cloaks and runs back to the Mandalorian ruins, where he now stands by the battle circle.

When you next return to the Mandalorian ruins and speak to Mandalore in his Command Center:

Mandalore: Kelborn said you dispatched some covert military scouts in the jungle with him. He spoke highly of your work.
2. Have you learned anything new about the scouts from the third ship?
Mandalore: Kelborn told me that they were covert military and probably aligned with Colonel Tobin from Iziz. Kelborn doesn't think they'll send out any more scouts. But that doesn't mean there aren't more of them out there.
1. What do you know about Colonel Tobin?
Mandalore: Colonel Tobin is General Vaklu's right-hand man. Despite his martial skill he handles himself as a functionary more than a warrior. Back when we were fighting Vaklu's resistance during the Mandalorian Wars, Vaklu wouldn't have any use for a poisonous kinrath like Tobin. But Vaklu seems to have adapted well to peacetime.