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After leaving the Secret Academy on Telos, your party gather in the main hold of the Ebon Hawk:

Atton: Now we're off that dejarik board of a planet, I say we burn sky until we see lines.
T3-M4: Breep-de-deet. Rreep-bewreep.
1. What's with T3? 2. That droid sure is making a lot of noise.
T3-M4: Breep-de-deet. Rreep-bewreep.
1. What are you talking about? 2. Slow down - I didn't catch the first part. 3. You did what while you were connected?
T3-M4: Breep-deeeee-deet. Rreee-eet-bewreeeeep.
1. You downloaded Atris' archives? 2. The link worked both ways? 3. Maybe I'll keep you around after all.
T3-M4: Dee-wreeet. Dreeet-deet-breeb.
Kreia: What is the machine saying?
T3-M4: Dee-wreet-breeb?
1. He said there was a holo record of my trial in Atris' records. 2. There is a holo record of the day I was exiled. 3. If you have the holo, T3, play it. 4. Might as well show it. It's just history now.
Kreia: We seem to have found it.

The holo record shows your trial before the Jedi Council on Coruscant:

Master Vrook: Do you know why we have called you here?
1. I came because I chose to, not because you summoned me. 2. You have called me here to answer for my crimes on Malachor V. 3. Whatever your reasons, speak them, or let me go.
Master Kavar: As Revan summoned you, so have you come full circle to return to the Jedi.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Why did you defy us? The Jedi are guardians of the peace and have been for centuries. This call to war undermines all that we have worked for.
Atris: Is Revan your master now? Or is it the horror you wrought at Malachor that has caused you to see the truth at last?
1. I realize that following Revan to war was in violation of the Jedi Code - and I broke it, knowingly defying the wishes of the Council. 2. If you seek to punish me, then get on with it.
Master Kavar: It is good you recognize this. It means you will understand why you must leave us. Master Zez-Kai Ell: Know that there is no turning back from this judgment.
3. The truth is the Mandalorians had to be stopped, or countless more would have died. 4. You were not at Malachor, and you will never understand. 5. The truth is that no Jedi should turn from war - they should embrace it. 6. I'd slaughter every Mandalorian if I could - except Malachor did it for me.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: You refuse to hear us. You have shut us out, and so have shut yourself to the galaxy.
Master Vash: You are exiled, and you are a Jedi no longer.
Master Vrook: There is one last thing. Your lightsaber. Surrender it to us.

You stab your lightsaber into the center stone and leave the chamber. The Masters all look at one another:

Master Kavar: Much defiance in that one.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: You were correct, Kavar. When she was here, I felt it. It was as if she was not there, more like an echo. Master Zez-Kai Ell: You were correct, Kavar. When he was here I felt it. It was as if he was not there, more like an echo.
Master Vash: The war has touched the youngest of the Order. Many of them have lost themselves in battle against the Mandalorians.
Atris: We have not lost a Jedi this day. You felt it... she has lost herself. She is no Jedi - She walked Revan's path, but she was not strong enough. Atris: We have not lost a Jedi this day. You felt it... he has lost himself. He is no Jedi - he walked Revan's path, but he was not strong enough.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: I fear it is our teachings that may have led Revan to choose the path he did.
Atris: We are not the ones who taught him.
Master Vash: We take responsibility, Atris, not cast blame.
Master Kavar: The choice of one was the choice of us all. Revan's teacher intended no harm. And Revan had many teachers since.
Atris: Yet they all stem from the same source. Her teachings violated the Jedi Code and lead all who listen to the dark side, as they did the exile.
Master Vash: You are wrong. The dark side is not what I sensed in the exile. Surely the rest of you felt it as well. That emptiness we felt... she has changed. Master Vash: You are wrong. The dark side is not what I sensed in the exile. Surely the rest of you felt it as well. That emptiness we felt... he has changed.
Atris: Whatever that wound was, it was of the dark side. We should not have let her depart. She will simply join Revan again, or perhaps worse. Atris: Whatever that wound was, it was of the dark side. We should not have let him depart. He will simply join Revan again, or perhaps worse.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: What would you have be done with her, Atris? Be mindful of your feelings! This is not Revan who stood before you. This one walks a different path. Master Zez-Kai Ell: What would you have be done with him, Atris? Be mindful of your feelings. This is not Revan who stood before you. This one walks a different path.
Master Kavar: No, although that may come in time. We let her go because we must. Where she travels, she carries her destination with her. Master Kavar: No, although that may come in time. We let him go because we must. Where he travels, he carries his destination with him.
Atris: Malachor V should have been her grave. You saw it in her walk, and in the Force. It was as if she was already dead. Atris: Malachor V should have been his grave. You saw it in his walk, and in the Force. It was as if he was already dead.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: No, not death. Many battles remain for that one, if what we have seen is true. But the future is a shifting thing, and she cuts like a blade through it. Master Zez-Kai Ell: No, not death. Many battles remain for that one, if what we have seen is true. But the future is a shifting thing, and he cuts like a blade through it.
Master Vash: We should have told her the truth. A Jedi deserves to know. Master Vash: We should have told him the truth. A Jedi deserves to know.
Master Vrook: No good would have come from it, even if what you believed was true. There is still the matter of Revan, and such truths could leave us vulnerable on two fronts.
Master Kavar: Perhaps in many years, we will call her before us and explain what happened to her and how she may be healed. Until then, she must accept her journey. Master Kavar: Perhaps in many years, we will call him before us and explain what happened to him and how he may be healed. Until then, he must accept his journey.
Master Vash: But she may never discover the truth. And she will never know why we cast her out. Master Vash: But he may never discover the truth. And he will never know why we cast him out.
Master Vrook: Then that is the future we must accept.

The holo record ends:

Atton: Those Jedi sure like their secrets, don't they?
T3-M4: Dwoooooo.
1. Those last few moments after my trial... I had no idea.
T3-M4: Breep-de-deet.
2. Is that all there is? There must be more. 3. So they knew what happened to me. They all do. 1. If you find anything else, let me know. 2. Keep searching the archives - there may be more information in there. 3. I know it could take a while, but keep analyzing her archives.
T3-M4: Deeweeet Dreeet-deet-breeb?
2. In a second - what else was in the archive? 3. No, I'll examine it later.
T3-M4: Deet-breet-beedeet.
2. What about artifacts? Lightsabers?
T3-M4: Deet-breet-beedeet.
1. She was obsessed with records. Why wouldn't she have a list?
T3-M4: Deet-breet-beedeet?
1. That was a rhetorical question, sorry.
T3-M4: Deeweeet Dreeet-deet-breeb?
3. Never mind. I'll examine it later.


1. Atris has a list of all the missing Jedi? Sure, display it. 1. All right then. Play the missing Jedi.
Master Vrook: Master Vrook: Dantooine.
Master Zez-Kai Ell: Master Zez-Kai Ell: Nar Shaddaa.
Master Kavar: Master Kavar: Onderon.
Master Vash: Master Vash: Korriban.
Atris: Master Atris: Telos.
T3-M4: Dweet?
1. I knew all those Jedi Masters. 2. Those Jedi were all on the council that exiled me. 3. All of those fools were there when I was sentenced.
Bao-Dur: A strange coincidence.
Kreia: It is no coincidence. There is some larger plan at work here. And we are walking into it. This is too convenient to be anything but a trap.
1. We have no choice - those Jedi know what happened to me. 2. Be that as it may, we need their help against the Sith. 3. Fine, then I say we go find somewhere and hide. 4. Then I say we forget the Jedi, and go right for the Sith.
Journal Entry Added Lost Jedi
T3 found a secret holo-recording of your trial at the hands of the Jedi Council, and it also revealed the supposed whereabouts of other Jedi scattered throughout the galaxy – according to the record, Master Vrook travelled to Dantooine, Master Vash went to Korriban, Master Zez-Kai Ell went to Nar Shaddaa, and Master Kavar went to Onderon. There is no telling if any of them are still alive, but there is a chance they know why you were exiled and know more of this Sith threat that pursues you. If you can gather them all, maybe you can kill them... or convince them to gather on Dantooine.

If your character is male, then the Handmaiden now appears before Bao-Dur offers to help you construct a lightsaber.

Nar Shaddaa, Onderon, Dantooine and Korriban can now be selected on the Galaxy Map in the Ebon Hawk's cockpit. You can travel to these worlds in any order, although traveling to Korriban last is recommended since no one joins your party there. Otherwise:

World Nar Shaddaa Onderon Dantooine
Party Hanharr (dark) or Mira, G0-T0 Mandalore Disciple (if female)

HK-47 is already aboard the Ebon Hawk, but he's most likely to be fully repaired on Nar Shaddaa since you can get two of the parts necessary there (although if you want him to join your party before boarding Goto's yacht, you need to travel to Onderon or Dantooine first). You also need to travel to Nar Shaddaa to train Atton, and Mira. However, almost all side quests on Nar Shaddaa can still be completed after finding the lost Jedi there, Zez-Kai Ell, so you can return later for chances to influence party members who join elsewhere.

Traveling to Onderon commits you to completing it before you can travel anywhere else, and unless it's your last world you'll need to travel elsewhere before returning for a second encounter with Master Kavar. Traveling to Nar Shaddaa (and Dantooine, if female) beforehand is recommended, since on Onderon and its moon Dxun there are chances to influence party members who join elsewhere, but almost all side quests cannot be completed later, even on Dxun.

Traveling to Dantooine doesn't commit you to completing it, and even if your main character isn't female you may want to travel there first to get your Name Crystal from the Crystal Cave, before continuing on Dantooine or traveling elsewhere.

Crafting a Lightsaber[edit | edit source]

You receive a Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture on Telos' Citadel Station: if you work for the Ithorians then you receive it from Chodo Habat in the Ithorian compound after completing Ithorian Diplomacy, and if you work for Czerka Corporation then you receive it from the Duros outside Docking Bay 3 after taking care of the Exchange and clearing out the mercenaries.

Journal Entry Added Crafting a Lightsaber
You have found a lightsaber energy cell fixture. Perhaps with some additional parts you'll be able to construct a new lightsaber.
The energy cell is one of three components needed to construct a lightsaber. This basic fixture can later be enhanced with an energy cell upgrade.

After leaving the secret academy on Telos, Bao-Dur speaks to you in the Ebon Hawk's garage:

Bao-Dur: General, is there a reason you don't carry a lightsaber anymore?
1. Atris and the Jedi Council took it from me. 2. It was taken from me. 3. When my lightsaber is returned to me, I will bear it.
Bao-Dur: That's not your lightsaber anymore. That belonged to someone who served Revan in the wars, not the person you are now. You could build another one - if you wanted to. But you know that.
1. And why wouldn't I? 4. Do you think I can't build one? 2. I don't want anything of the Jedi. 3. I'm not afraid of building a new lightsaber, if that's what you think.
Bao-Dur: I don't know, General. But whatever the reason, you should put it behind you. Bao-Dur: The lightsaber isn't always a weapon of the Jedi, General. You don't need me to tell you that. Bao-Dur: I never said you were. But whatever the reason, you should put it behind you.
Bao-Dur: I know this - a lightsaber is part of who you are. Without it, you're not complete.
1. Very well. To begin, there are some parts I'll need. 2. And how would we start? 3. With the Jedi enclaves all destroyed, I don't know where to get the parts.
Bao-Dur: I think I can help you out there. I happen to know the parts you need.
1. Since when did you become an expert on lightsabers? 2. All right then, what do we need? 3. Where do we start looking then?
Bao-Dur: I spent a lot of time around Jedi during the war. None of them would let me take their lightsaber apart, but I did learn about their construction.
Bao-Dur: We need a power cell, emitter matrix, lens and focusing crystal, though I have to admit, the crystal is beyond my means - never did understand them. Those parts are fairly common, though a Jedi once told me that it's best if your lightsaber reflects you, and if it is constructed of things that identify it as your own. Just bring the parts to me before you get started building it, I'll make sure they're usable.

Bao-Dur then turns his attention to upgrading T3-M4:

Bao-Dur: All I'm saying is that you've gone for a long time without a memory wipe. Most droids behave erratically under those circumstances.
T3-M4: Breet-deet.
Bao-Dur: I know that. But I'm fixing everything else around here, so I may as well take a look at you, too.
T3-M4: Dee-dee-dee-deet, breet, deet
Bao-Dur: What was that? That's what I'm talking about - that is not normal droid behavior.
2. Maybe he's just worried about your skills.
T3-M4: Deet deet deet.
Bao-Dur: If it wasn't for me, we'd all be floating in space! I think I can handle a few repairs to your circuits.


1. What's going on here? 3. Utility droids tend to have a habit towards developing personality quirks.
T3-M4: Beee-deet, bee-reeeet! Deeet, deet!
Bao-Dur: I am not pushing you around. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to upgrade your functionality.
1. That sounds like a good idea to me. 2. Don't worry, Bao-Dur probably knows what he's doing. 3. Worse comes to worst, it's not like we can't pick up another utility droid.
T3-M4: Bee... deet? T3-M4: Dwoooo. Bao-Dur: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Bao-Dur: Thanks for the vote of confidence. T3-M4: Dee-reet. Deet, dee-deet. Reee-deet, deet.
Bao-Dur: Good. Now let's get started. Bao-Dur: Yes, I'll be careful. Now let's get started.

Bao-Dur kneels down and starts working on T3:

Bao-Dur: You wouldn't guess it from the outside, but it looks like you've been through a lot.
T3-M4: Dee... deet! Dee-reeet, de-deet.
Bao-Dur: I'll bet. I'm all done with you - if anything comes loose, let me know and I'll put it back in place.
Bao-Dur: [T3-M4 has received a permanent +2 bonus to his Constitution.]

You now stand at the exit ramp of the Ebon Hawk.

The two remaining lightsaber fixtures can be received from any of the following sources:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Ebon Hawk Starboard Dormitory Visas 1
Nar Shaddaa Docks Lootra 1
Vogga's Hoard 1
Refugee Quad Hussef 1
Dxun Jungle Cannok 1
Mandalorian Ruins Mandalore 1
Onderon Western Square Dhagon Ghent 1
Dantooine Enclave Sublevel Jorran 1300 1
800 Dark Side Points Gained
Enclave Courtyard Jorran 1000
Khoonda Zherron Dark Side Points Gained 1
Master Vrook 1
Korriban Sith Academy Detention Room 1
Secret Tomb Burial Chamber 1

You can find the two remaining fixtures on any world, but you can normally construct your lightsaber most quickly by traveling to Nar Shaddaa or Dantooine first as it can be done without committing you to complete the world: this is particularly true if you trigger Visas' cutscene before or shortly after leaving Telos, since you can simply return to the Ebon Hawk to get a fixture from her.

Once you have all three fixtures, you normally receive a Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Lightsaber or Short Lightsaber from the remaining sources. However, you only receive a lightsaber upgrade item from the remains if you kill Lootra in the Nar Shaddaa docks, Jorran in the Enclave sublevel on Dantooine, or the cannok in the Dxun jungle. Save game beforehand, then load game if you don't get a lightsaber or upgrade item you want.

The second received is a Lightsaber Emitter Fixture:

Journal Entry Added Crafting a Lightsaber
Bao-Dur has offered to help you construct a lightsaber. You have found fixtures for the emitter and energy cell, but still need a lens fixture.

After the lightsaber is built, you will be able to enhance it with upgrades, but lightsaber upgrade items cannot be used in its original creation.
The emitter is one of three components needed to construct a lightsaber. This basic fixture can later be enhanced with an emitter upgrade.

You can speak to Bao-Dur anywhere:

4. Do I have all the lightsaber parts I'll need? Bao-Dur: Let me see what you have.
Bao-Dur: No, you're still missing a lens.

The third received is a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture:

Journal Entry Added Crafting a Lightsaber
Bao-Dur has offered to help you construct a lightsaber. You have found the three fixtures you need to construct it. Talk to Bao-Dur to find out how to proceed.
The focusing lens is one of three components needed to construct a lightsaber. This basic fixture can later be enhanced with a lens upgrade.

Bao-Dur can construct a lightsaber anywhere:

Bao-Dur: That's everything. Now all you need is a little quiet time with the workbench.
Bao-Dur: [What kind of lightsaber do you want to create?]
1. Double-bladed lightsaber. 2. One-handed lightsaber.

If there are any color crystals in inventory then you must select one to use, otherwise Bao-Dur always uses a green crystal:

Bao-Dur: [What color focusing crystal do you use? (The focusing crystal can later be changed).]
1. Blue. 2. Yellow. 3. Green. 4. Violet. 5. Red. 6. Orange. 7. Silver. 8. Viridian.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Crafted new lightsaber
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 No crystal in inventory
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 1000 Selected crystal in inventory
An Elegant Weapon
An Elegant Weapon
Constructed your first lightsaber
Journal Entry Added Crafting a Lightsaber
With Bao-Dur's assistance, you have crafted a new lightsaber.
Item(s) Received Bao-Dur

The lightsaber is now in your inventory to be equipped, and you can now upgrade it at any Workbench.