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You, Kay, and Gumshoe are standing in the visitor's room of the detention center, waiting to see Bronco Knight, the culprit from the fake assassination attempt a few days earlier. It seems he doesn't plan on showing up any time soon. Suddenly, a guard bursts in, with an explanation for Knight's absence - he's been killed! In the detention center? But Knight isn't in his cell. The crime scene turns out to be a workroom inside the prison, which is in the same building as the detention center. The body is unmistakably that of Knight... What was he doing in the prison when he hadn't been tried yet? He shouldn't have been able to enter the prison at any point. The Building Layout is added to the Organizer. You need to get to the bottom of this mystery... Time to start investigating.

Investigation: Prison - Workshop[edit | edit source]

Start by examining the pulley and sheets in the center of the room. In larger areas like this, press Y button to pan the screen up, down, left, or right to examine the entire area. Pan down and examine the Pile of tarps. There's also a whip here, but it doesn't belong to who you're thinking of. Now examine the body itself. He probably died from the wound on his neck. There are also some bruises on his head and his clothes are covered in dirt. Gumshoe takes a photo of the scene and Mr. Knight's Body is added to the Organizer. Examine the Pocket Chess Set to have it added to the Organizer too. It probably belonged to Knight, who was an avid chess player. Examine the rubber glove to look closer at it. Rotate it around and examine the bloodstains. The glove was dropped after the blood was spilled, otherwise, the stain would outline the glove. This means it was probably used by the killer. The Rubber Glove is added to the Organizer. Next, examine the tarp and rope wrapped around the body. The Rope is added to the Organizer. The inside of the tarp is stained with blood. You get the Bloody tarp logic. Use your Logic to connect it to the Pile of tarps. They have the same design, so the tarp around Knight's body may have come from the pile in this room. The Bloody Tarp is added to the Organizer. Finally, examine Knight's hand. He's wearing what looks like an expensive ring.

Something is still missing from the crime scene, though... namely, the murder weapon. It should have been incredibly difficult to obtain anything potentially lethal in a prison, so where did the murder weapon come from, and where is it now? At this point, another man enters the crime scene. He and you recognize each other straight away. This man is Eddie Fender, or "Uncle Eddie" as he likes to call himself. He's a defense attorney and an old acquaintance of yours, who is generally pretty cheerful - except when the idea of you being a prosecutor comes up. What does he mean by "the von Karma playbook"? He was to be Knight's defense attorney, so you should talk to him, and see what he has to say.

  • Your current case: He came here to speak to Knight about the case, only to find his client had been murdered. He again mentions von Karma...
  • The victim: He had met Knight only yesterday after he was arrested. Knight was hostile, and talked about how you "made a nuisance of yourself". Eddie mentions having been in the prison before.
  • This room: Pop quiz time! What's the name of this room? It doesn't matter which you pick, since none of them are correct. It is, of course, the "Workshop". As the name suggests, inmates perform labor in this room, and also receive job training to help them find work after their release. The room has no locks but is instead monitored by a door sensor that sounds an alarm whenever an inmate enters. Only guards can deactivate the sensors to allow inmates to enter. Nobody has been recorded entering the room today. The Door Sensors are added to the Organizer.

If no prisoners have entered the workroom today, though, that creates a contradiction in the crime scene. Examine the body again. Highlight the rubber glove and deduce from the Door Sensors that the glove should not be there. The gloves are for inmates only but no prisoners have used this workroom today. If so, then how can a prisoner's rubber glove be here? Eddie says that prisoners and guards aren't the only ones that can enter the workroom. What does he mean? Eddie leads you out to the hallway to show you. As he says, this prison is a little different from others - here, every prisoner gets their own pet to look after during their incarceration! The workshop you were just in is where prisoners practice looking after their pets. The animals themselves are fitted with microchips that automatically open the doors, so one of them may have been responsible for dropping the rubber glove at the crime scene. The Door Sensors are updated in the Organizer.

At this point, you hear a bell ringing. It's coming from a large black dog, who, after a glaring contest with Edgeworth, walks off. The dog seems hostile towards you, and only you... In any case, you should now start questioning people who may have witnessed the incident. Gumshoe decides that you should start with the prisoner in the nearest cell... who completely blanks you until he decides it's time to exercise. He introduces himself as Rocco Carcerato, a former boxer, and currently prisoner number D-259. He doesn't want to talk about the time of the incident, though. Time to use "that" once again!

Mind Chess: Rocco Carcerato[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Rocco Carcerato
Rocco Carcerato
Mind Chess: Rocco Carcerato
2 Piece(s)

Carcerato is a former boxer, and so he comes out fighting. There's no sense in fighting him head-on, so wait for him to drop his guard before attacking. First, you need to determine if he knows anything about the incident by finding out what he has been doing so far today.

Start by choosing Tell me about your day so far. Carcerato takes up his fighting stance.

Bide your time. He tells you not to underestimate his stamina.

Bide your time. He claims to have stayed in his cell for most of the day. So why is he so tired?

Choose I thought you took it easy? He's blatantly lying but he can't fool you. He's still hiding something, though.

Knight defeated

Next, you need to ask about the time of the incident. You have two choices:

  • What were you doing?
  • What was it like around here?

Start with What were you doing? He said he was sleeping, but that seems unlikely. He puts his guard up again before getting aggressive.

Bide your time. "Mr. Prosecutor"? When did you ever mention that?

Choose How do you know my profession? You only mentioned being a prosecutor when you entered the hallway - in other words, Carcerato was listening to you and not sleeping! That could be a useful clue.

Choose What was it like around here? He blinks. Time to get tough.

Choose Don't play dumb! He again claims he was asleep, but you already know that's a lie; time to use your clue.

Choose You were exercising! He tells you that his bear and the other animals have been "scared enough this morning already".

Choose "Already", you say? Carcerato is finally out for the count, and tells you about a scream he heard earlier that startled the animals. Time to get his testimony.

Queen defeated


Carcerato's Testimony: The Incident[edit | edit source]

Carcerato's Testimony
- The Incident -
  1. There was a show, finished right around 10 AM.
  2. Came back here after. Did me some trainin'.
  3. Leastways, I tried to. Barely got to the count of two before somebody screams, "WHAT THE--! AAAAAAH!"
  4. Guy was hollerin' and howlin', crying for help...
  5. But what can I do? I'm locked up in here, right? So I tunes it out, and I gets back to work.

Rebuttal: The Incident[edit | edit source]

Present Mr. Knight's Body on the third statement. Knight was wounded in the throat, so it would have been impossible for him to cry out. Carcerato says there "musta" been a scream, explaining that it wasn't him who heard it, but the prisoner in the next cell. The prisoner describes a different scream to what Carcerato claimed to hear - it sounds more like it came from whoever discovered the body, rather than Knight himself. But does that really solve all the problems with Carcerato's testimony? Choose There is a problem. If the prisoner in the next cell heard the scream, why did Carcerato not?

The prisoners are now getting riled up since they think you suspect Carcerato of being the killer. Just when things are about to get violent... Overruled! Who was that? The lady responsible enters and has the guard escort Carcerato to the disciplinary room for the night. She introduces herself as Judge Verity Gavèlle and says she has come to meet you personally on behalf of the "Committee for Prosecutorial Excellence". The duty of the C.P.E. is to investigate and weed out prosecutors who break the rules - and they've got you in their sights. Your would-be replacement? Eustace Winner, prosecutor extraordinaire (or so he says himself). He claims that everyone at the Prosecutors' Offices knows and loves him, and calls him "The Winner"... but you have never heard of him. Nor has anyone else, for that matter. Despite just being a rookie, though, he is to take over the case from you at once. Apparently, your investigation of the presidential plane in the last case was unlawful, and if you don't comply, you'll lose your Prosecutor's Badge. You don't have any choice in the matter... you'll just have to leave for now.