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Back in the present day, Eddie decides to finish telling the first part of his story. You are shocked, since the IS-7 Incident Case File you have on hand left out a lot of the details. Eddie explains that, since the desserts from Frost's room had disappeared, the trial ran for an entire year. Everyone assumed the desserts had simply melted, but Eddie isn't so sure - since this art museum used to be Tangaroa's mansion, the scene of the IS-7 incident, and one of the exhibits contains Frost's sorbet sculptures - or replicas at the very least. Ed wants to check it out, so he brings you to the "Winter Wing"... but the door is locked. You check your Gallery Pamphlet and discover that the Winter Wing is the room next to the one Eddie tried to go into.

Zodiac Hall - Winter Wing[edit | edit source]

The room is still "chilly as all heck", according to Eddie. He points you to the temperature control panel and asks you to examine it. Do so, and you find that the panel is locked; according to the pamphlet, the room is kept at 27° F (-3° C). Examine the ice statues in the center of the room. They seem to be just replicas. While you're looking at them, Eddie sneaks a selfie with you and gives you a copy of the Winter Wing Photo. Examine the ice blocks to the left and right. Players may recognize a the sightseers from an old case handled by a certain attorney! Eventually, Eddie finishes taking photos and decides to go and look at the other exhibits. Suddenly, though, you hear a scream from the Fountain Room and run outside to check. There, a familiar face is sprawling on the ground - Larry Butz, an old "friend" of yours, who says he saw something "awful" - a man, passed out on the floor. He was knocked out by poison gas, so you order everyone to clear the area at once.

Zodiac Hall - Fountain Room[edit | edit source]

A few minutes later, the situation has calmed slightly. The victim was Carmelo Gusto, one of the witnesses of the IS-7 incident. He's alive, but unconscious. Larry, or "Laurice Deauxnim" as he prefers to be known while in his artist guise, is fine. As usual, he's planning on taking yet another girl out on a date, and wants to bring her to the art gallery. He doesn't seem to be planning on telling you exactly what he's doing or what he saw, though, but luckily for you, Larry is interrupted by the arrival of Judy Bound, the curator of the museum - and yet another person of interest from the IS-7 incident. She's still got her singing talent, but seems to think you followed your father into the defense attorney business. Judy became a successful actress in the intervening 18 years, but retired to run the art gallery. She says that the woman who was with her earlier, Delicia Scone, is currently treating Gusto in the infirmary. Yet another name from the IS-7 incident comes up... This can't be just a coincidence. Judy leaves after serving tea, just as she did 18 years ago.

After a short while, Kay and Detective Gumshoe arrive. They rushed over after hearing about the poison gas incident. Gumshoe straps on his gas mask and heads for the crime scene. He calls a few minutes later and says that the poison gas has cleared. To the left of the room is a statue of two people, and on the right, a statue of an animal... This sounds exactly like what you saw in the Winter Wing not 30 minutes ago. The room is wet from the sprinklers but there's no sign of any fires. The sprinklers must be activated manually from the security room, to which Judy is the only person with access. The room is also incredibly cold, like the Winter Wing. For now, though, you still can't enter the room yourself so you'll just have to talk to Larry. He insists that he doesn't "think" he saw or did anything. You'll need to use "that" to get him to talk.

Mind Chess: Larry Butz[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Larry Butz
Larry Butz
Mind Chess: Larry Butz
3 Piece(s)

As ever, Larry's getting restless and insists that he didn't see anything. You'll want to wait to let him cool off and then press on with your attack when he begins to open up. First, you need to find out why he's here.

Start by asking Why are you here?. He thinks you're implying that he doesn't belong here.

Bide your time. He wants to draw a portrait of you... so he can destroy it afterwards.

Bide your time. He says he'd never really scribble over one of his "works of art"... if you can call them that, as you say. Larry doesn't take that well.

Bide your time. Larry says his girlfriend loves his artwork. So why is he here alone?

Bide your time. His girlfriend is a Gemini, so Larry wanted to give her a sketch of the Gemini twins on their next date. Gemini, huh...?

Choose So you're here for the Gemini sculpture? As you've probably figured out, he wanted to sketch the Gemini sculpture to impress his girlfriend. Larry decides he doesn't want to say anything anymore, so now you'll need to attack as hard as you can.

Pawn defeated

Choose What did you do once you got here? He says he didn't get a pamphlet, so he just stayed around the fountain.

Choose You didn't get a pamphlet? Larry should have gotten a pamphlet after he paid the entrance fee... Unless...

Choose You didn't pay upon entry? He says there was nobody at the reception desk when he arrived, so he assumed that entry was free.

Choose Ms. Bound wasn't at the reception desk? His claim matches up with what Gumshoe told you earlier - that she was probably in the security room, working the sprinklers in the Autumn Wing. Larry seems to think it was the Winter Wing, though...

Choose You know a lot about the Winter Wing... How does he know about it if he didn't have a pamphlet? He must have been planning to go there all along, to see the Gemini sculpture. He owns up straight away. Next, you need to find out what he knows about the Winter Wing.

Pawn defeated

You have three options here:

  • Did you enter the Winter Wing?
  • What did you see in the Winter Wing?
  • I'm done with you. Go home.

As you can tell, the last option is a joke that just loses you time if you select it. Instead, start with Did you enter the Winter Wing? He tried to go in, but...?

Choose You mean you didn't go in? He wanted to go in, but then Gusto collapsed in front of him.

Choose The victim prevented you from entering? Larry says Gusto fell out of the Winter Wing. But wasn't it the Autumn Wing? Either way, he intended to sketch the sculpture. Remember this clue...

Choose What did you see in the Winter Wing? He says he didn't see anything and was planning on leaving soon after. Time to use your clue.

Choose So what became of your sketch? He stumbles over his words and says there's no "proof" that he saw "totally terrifying" in the room.

Choose So you saw "totally terrifying", did you? He finally gives in and decides to stop trying to keep secrets from you.

Queen defeated


Larry still seems to think what he saw was the Winter Wing, but you know better. Present the Gallery Pamphlet that Larry failed to collect at the entrance. He doesn't seem that surprised, though, and mentions it "turning into" a goddess. He shows you a sketch he drew of what he saw. It depicts a sculpture that appears to be crying tears of blood. The "turning into" a goddess he saw was the lower half of the sculpture's body turning into a sculpture of a fish. That would make this the Pisces sculpture. The Pisces Statue Sketch is added to the Organizer for use in the bathroom. Gumshoe calls and tells you that the crime scene is safe to enter.

Zodiac Hall - Autumn Wing[edit | edit source]

The room does indeed strongly resemble the Winter Wing; it's easy to see why people would have confused them. Gumshoe gives you his investigation report. A Used Blowtorch was found - it was still warm, so it's been used very recently. The stepladder on the ground was probably used by whoever set off the gas, which was released when the lid of the glass case containing the transforming sculpture was opened. The sculpture next to Pisces, Capricorn, was covered in a Luminous Cloth used by Scone 18 years ago, as are the other cases. Removing the cloths from the other cases gives Edgeworth an idea - what Larry saw was probably the cloth covering Pisces falling off. But why does the Autumn Wing look so similar to the Winter Wing? You'll need to investigate here too...

Oh, no. It's Prosecutor Winner and Judge Gavèlle again... Winner even tries to raise Gumshoe's salary (which unfortunately doesn't happen). He's been assigned to this case and has decided that, without even investigating the scene itself, Larry must be the culprit. He's asked Scone what the cause of the gas was but has already forgotten. While he goes off to ask again, Gavèlle informs you that the cause was the mixing of two chemicals called "Ubiquium" and "Asphyxion". Ubiquium is quite commonly found and is used in paint and dishwashing liquids, among other things. Asphyxion, on the other hand, is far rarer - almost impossible to obtain. This information on the Poison Gas Ingredients is noted in the Organizer. With Winner finally up to speed (at least, as much as he can be), he decides to explain why he suspects Larry.

Winner's Argument: Winner's Winning Deduction[edit | edit source]

Winner's Argument
- Winner's Winning Deduction -
  1. Our friend the artist here won the race to find the victim, and was first on the scene, correct?
  2. And the gas the victim was poisoned with is made from Ubiquium, which, as we know, is found in paint.
  3. He was carrying paint on his person, and he was one winning stride away from the victim.
  4. Which surely makes him the winner on our list of suspects!

Rebuttal: Winner's Winning Deduction[edit | edit source]

Nice and easy, as usual with Winner. Present the Poison Gas Ingredients on the second statement. Ubiquium alone is not enough to create the poison gas - Larry would also have needed access to Asphyxion, which is almost impossible to get. Gavèlle, however, says that alone is not enough to prove his innocence. Winner was investigating how the two substances were mixed but hasn't yet found an answer. You, however, have something that may help. Present the Pisces Statue Sketch. The red Ubiquium wasn't enough to create poison gas alone, but the sketch shows evidence that it was mixed with white Asphyxion. Present the pink stain on the ground. When red and white are mixed, they make pink, proving that the two chemicals were mixed inside the glass case. Gavèlle rejects your claim, however, since the sketch was drawn by Larry. She also wants proof that he did not enter the Autumn Wing, which you don't have at the moment... until Larry speaks up and tells her that the door was locked, so he couldn't enter. You can confirm that, since Eddie tried and failed to enter what he thought was the Winter Wing, as well. Gavèlle is convinced unusually quickly, since she has another suspect in mind - Delicia Scone, who, as a pharmacist, would have been able to obtain Asphyxion relatively easily. Did she suspect Scone right from the start?