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Back at the film lot, Lotta and Tabby are pestering the film crew about Taurusaurus. Shortly after, Lang, you, and your entourage arrive to investigate. Lang starts by reviewing the case so far. Earlier today, the body of President Wang was found in a film lot near the Bigg Building. He was last seen alive two nights ago, on the rooftop of the tower, alongside Judge Gavèlle. Lang asks her why she met with Wang, but she still refuses to speak. You point out that an entire day is still unaccounted for, but Lang intends to fill in the blank now, by interrogating Shaun. You ask Shaun to testify about what he was doing at the film set last night.

Shaun's Testimony: About Last Night[edit | edit source]

Shaun's Testimony
- About Last Night -
  1. I had a bad day yesterday. Messed up a few takes.
  2. We were scheduled to shoot the same scene again today.
  3. So I thought I'd put in some extra practice. And that's what I did. It's that simple.
  4. It's not like I haven't done it before. It was fine. Nothing happened.

Rebuttal: About Last Night[edit | edit source]

Present either the Taurusaurus Head, the Monster Footprints, or Shaun's Rehearsal Tape on the fourth statement. If you present the Taurusaurus Head, you will also have to present either the Monster Footprints or Shaun's Rehearsal Tape shortly afterwards, and presenting the footprints or video first will require you to present the Taurusaurus Head at a later stage. The video clearly shows something out of the ordinary: the footprints. Lang asks why Shaun tried to cover up the video. Shaun says he didn't want anyone to see him rehearsing, and that he thought the footprints were just part of the set. There's also the issue of Taurusaurus' head falling, but Shaun says he doesn't know anything about it.

Lang, however, has spotted something in the video that backs up his theory - the Taurusaurus costume. Currently, the zipper is closed, but in the video, it's wide open. Lang claims that someone was hidden inside at the time the video was recorded. Lang claims that Wang's body was hidden inside by Gavèlle, after she pushed him off the roof of the tower - and that she had an accomplice to help her from within the film set.

Lang's Argument: Mother-and-Child Murderers[edit | edit source]

Lang's Argument
- Mother-and-Child Murderers -
  1. What if Shaun was waiting down here when Gavèlle pushed the president off of the roof?
  2. If the two of them were working together, the problem of the lock goes away.
  3. They then worked to hide the body together, too...
  4. dragging it over to that Taurusaurus suit and stuffing it inside.

Rebuttal: Mother-and-Child Murderers[edit | edit source]

Press the fourth statement. The video doesn't clearly show the inside of the costume, so you ask to examine it. The inside is covered in dirt, which Will considers strange, since the costume is always cleaned after use. Lang simply considers it proof that someone other than Will was inside the costume, and adds another statement to his testimony.

  • The inside of the suit is covered with dirt. It must be from when the body was hidden there.

On this statement, present the Crime Scene Notes. The costume may be covered in dirt, but the front of the body is not. Kay seems to recognize the grey flecks from somewhere - maybe another piece of evidence? Present the Mechanic's Gloves. Lang wants to know exactly what the grey flecks are. When asked, choose concrete. Recall where you found the gloves - in Excelsius Winner's garage, alongside other tools like hammers and shovels. If Excelsius made the "footprints" while wearing the gloves, then some of the concrete probably got stuck to the gloves. Lang asks you why he would make the monster footprints. Choose that he was digging something up.

Excelsius probably broke into the film lot via the rear entrance, and dug up whatever he was looking for. But before he could escape, Shaun arrived to practice, forcing Excelsius to hide himself in the Taurusaurus costume. Shaun's video holds proof that Excelsius was in the film lot during Shaun's rehearsal. Compare the film lot as it is now, to how it is in the video, and also to what you saw in Excelsius's garage. When asked to point out the proof, present the duffel bag beside the Taurusaurus costume. Thus, if Excelsius was inside the costume, it's impossible that Wang's body was in there as well.

Just then, Lotta and Tabby object, claiming that the footprints really were made by a monster, and that Penny really did see Gourdy. They refuse to give in, so you have no choice but to make them shut up. Considering that Penny saw "Gourdy" when she went to look for Shaun, there's only one possibility as to what "Gourdy" really is. Present the camera crane seen in the photograph. Given the position from which the video was filmed, a camera crane would have been necessary. Tabby points out that Penny clearly described the monster as having "skin like an enormous worm", but you have an explanation for that too: present the waterproof vinyl sheets. Last night, it looked like it was going to rain, so the camera crane would have been covered in the waterproof sheets to prevent it from being damaged. With that minor issue out of the way, you can get back to the real mystery.

A forensics officer arrives on the scene with the results of Wang's autopsy. The autopsy report confirms that Wang was crushed to death. The Crime Scene Notes are updated in the Organizer. The yellow stain on Wang's chest is being investigated, but gunpowder residue was found on his right hand, indicating that he fired a gun at some point. The report also lists the time of death at approximately 11 p.m. last night, matching up with the time at which Taurusaurus' head fell. Lang isn't letting Shaun off the hook so easily, though. Since Shaun was at the film lot last night, he was the only person with the opportunity to make the head fall off the roof. Shaun won't talk, though, so Lang orders an analysis of the practice video. Zoom in on the upper right section, and present President Wang, who can now be clearly seen. This new evidence damages Shaun's credibility considerably, since he has been trying to hide this all along. Shaun now says that Taurusaurus' head falling was his fault, and testifies about what happened during his rehearsal.

Shaun's Testimony: What Happened While I Was Rehearsing[edit | edit source]

Shaun's Testimony
- What Happened While I Was Rehearsing -
  1. I went up on the roof of the trailer to prep the kit I was using. And I turned on the heater while I was there.
  2. I must have left it burning when I came back down to run my lines.
  3. Then my mom called, and I left the set to go talk to her.
  4. When I came back after the call...
  5. ...the Taurusaurus head had fallen from the roof and...
  6. ...the president was just there, lying next to it.

Rebuttal: What Happened While I Was Rehearsing[edit | edit source]

Press on the sixth statement. Shaun says he didn't get a good look at the body. Push him a little more. Shaun admits that he checked to see if Wang was dead. He adds two more statements to his testimony:

  • I didn't know he was dead at first. There was no blood, and nothing on his clothes, either.
  • But he wasn't breathing at all when I checked, so I knew he was already dead.

Present the President Wang's Autospy Report on the first of these statements. It looks like Shaun is trying to hide the yellow speckles on Wang's chest. Gavèlle steps in, and explains that the yellow speckles are probably pollen from the lion lily flower. She says that, when she met with Wang, she brought him a bouquet of them. However, when the body was found, the flowers were gone. Shaun admits that he found the flowers on the body, and threw them away, to prevent Gavèlle from being suspected of murdering Wang. The Bouquet is added to the Organizer, and the President Wang's Autopsy Report has been updated.

12 years ago[edit | edit source]

Lang claims that Shaun's story is too convenient, and that he is still the only suspect, but you point out that someone far more suspicious remains at large. This person drugged Shaun with sedatives, kidnapped him, and hid him in the warehouse near the garbage dump. Also, the sedative found near Shaun in the warehouse appear to be the same ones used on Kay when she was attacked. The Sedative is added to the Organizer. All of this points to a "mastermind" behind the case. There was one more person here last night - Excelsius Winner. Lang recognizes the name from twelve years ago. You suspect that the events of twelve years ago have some connection to the current case, but Lang wants proof before he tells you anything about it. Present either the Forged Letter or the Report on Knight. The letter wishes its recipient luck in "getting your revenge for what happened twelve years ago", and the report mentions "the package we laid to rest twelve years ago in front of the planter".

Lang seems to be convinced, but he is interrupted by a group of his former subordinates, who also want him to reinvestigate the case from twelve years ago - the SS-5 Incident. Kay agrees to help by using Little Thief to recreate the scene of the crime, but unfortunately, Lang doesn't have the necessary case file. He says the file is heavily restricted, and even what he knows is limited, but he agrees to tell you what he knows anyway. Twelve years ago, President Wang was kidnapped while visiting this country. The ransom demand was $100 million. The government of Zheng Fa agreed to pay the ransom, and Wang was later returned safely. The suspect tried for the kidnapping was Fifi Laguarde, but she was found innocent at the time. Lang's father took responsibility for the incident, and was demoted as a result, but never stopped investigating, eventually finding decisive proof of Laguarde's guilt. However, the trial still ended in a Not Guilty verdict. With so little information to go on, it's impossible for Kay's Little Thief to produce a re-creation.

All seems lost, but luckily, Franziska and Eddie arrive, having finished with the trial from earlier. Franziska has a present for you - the SS-5 Incident Case File. Franziska also took an interest in the repeated mentions of "twelve years ago", and used her Interpol contacts to obtain the case file. She says that the restriction on the file was set by the prosecutor in charge of the case - Excelsius Winner. As a result of the trial, Excelsius has been stripped of his authority, and the restriction has expired.

The case file states that the incident occurred at the Building Plaza, and had one witness: a freelance journalist named Alf Aldown. Aldown was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was murdered by the culprit. The incident occurred outside the Happy Family Home, an orphanage which, twelve years ago, stood where the Bigg Building is now. The person in charge of the orphanage was Fifi Laguarde. Kay inputs the data from the case files into Little Thief, and fires up the re-creation.

Investigation: Orphanage (Re-creation)[edit | edit source]

Begin by examining the body of Alf Aldown. It seems he was struck on the head from behind with a brick. Kay gives you Mr. Aldown's Autopsy Report, which is placed in the Organizer. Examine the body. When Aldown was found, he was holding a Bloody Button in his right hand. Next, examine the camera. Aldown only took one photo, which appears to show the moment when Wang was taken hostage. Mr. Aldown's Photograph is added to the Organizer. Examine the brick to receive the Brick used in murder logic. Finally, examine the cell phone. Lang explains that, after Aldown saw Wang, he called his girlfriend, and left a message on her answering machine detailing what he saw. Kay plays back the recording:

"Hey, Rosie. It's me. I guess you're asleep already. Anyway, I'm here at the orphanage. Something weird's going on. President Wang is here for some reason. And there's another-- Dammit! The light's out, so I can't quite see, but... looked like he was being... kidnapped? Anyway, probably nothing, but I thought I should let you kn-- *thump*"

The noise suggests that Aldown was murdered while on the phone. The woman Aldown was calling was Rosie Ringer - this incident was what she was seeking revenge for. Mr. Aldown's Final Call is noted down in the Organizer. Go back, and examine the planter left of the body. The orphanage had three gardens, each of which contained three square-shaped planters. You note that the arrangement looks familiar. You also notice a bright yellow flower - a lion lily, the same type Gavèlle gave to Wang. Franziska informs you that, in the language of flowers, a lion lily represents the bond between parent and child. Is this merely a coincidence...? Use Logic to connect Planters to Three footprints. The locations of the three footprints match the locations of the planters to the left of the orphanage. You have a piece of evidence that explains why he dug in those specific locations: present the Report on Knight. The report mentions "the package we laid to rest in front of the planter". It doesn't say what "the package" is, though, so what did Winner dig up?

Examine the left pillar by the orphanage's door. It shows signs of fire damage. According to the case files, one of the children spilled kerosene and set it on fire as a prank. As a result, there are no footprints by the entrance to the orphanage. The information on the Fire is added to the Organizer.

Examine the two sets of footprints. The ones on the left appear to be Aldown's. The case files describe them as a size twelve, and the prints matched Aldown's shoes. The set on the right are those of the culprit. They're an average size nine, so you won't get any hints from them about the culprit's identity. Finally, talk to Lang. He's deep in thought about the scene before him, and feels like he's seen it before somewhere. You decide to leave him to his thoughts.

That's all you can deduce from this scene for now, so you ask Kay to re-create the scene of the kidnapping that Aldown witnessed. In the updated scene, Aldown is standing by the flowerbeds with his killer behind him, and Wang and the kidnapper are standing just outside the gate. Lang explains that his father believed that the kidnapping and the orphanage facility were connected. In court, however, Excelsius dismissed this theory. Lang suspects that he did this because he was one of the kidnappers. You receive the Was Winner involved? logic. Connect this to What did Winner dig up?. Kay has an idea - what if Excelsius dug up the ransom money? The Monster Footprints are updated in the Organizer.

Examine the scene of the kidnapping. Examine the snowman's head. It's mostly intact, but there's something missing... Deduce from the Bloody Button that this is probably its missing feature. And if that is the case, it creates a massive contradiction - namely, the victim's location. The button is stained with blood, so Aldown must have grabbed it after he was attacked - for example, if he lost his balance and fell over. However, according to the recreation, Aldown was standing by the flowerbed when he was attacked, and the footprints only lead to the planter. You wonder if they really are Aldown's footprints, and ask Kay to change re-creations.

Examine the body again, and examine Aldown's shoes. They don't seem to fit him properly, meaning that they probably weren't actually his shoes. The Victim's Shoes are added to the Organizer. The footprints leading to the planter are too big to be Aldown's, and the other set are too small, so none of the footprints are Aldown's. This makes it likely that the body was moved here after he was killed.

Examine the area around the now-melted snowman. There's a gap in the row of bricks. Examine it to receive the Missing brick logic. Connect this to Brick used in murder to receive the Brick from by the snowman logic. This is probably where the murder weapon was taken from. Connect this to The body was moved. Putting everything together, it means that Aldown was murdered near the snowman, and not near the planters. Kay updates the re-creation. This new information creates a bit of a pile-up around the snowman. Examine the scene. It looks like part of the re-creation is based on a fake piece of evidence. Which one? Present Mr. Aldown's Photograph. It's likely that the scene in the photo was staged after Aldown was killed, and that the original photos he took are long destroyed. Mr. Aldown's Photograph is updated in the Organizer.

There is a clue in another piece of evidence as to the scene Aldown did witness, though: the testimony recorded on Rosie Ringer's answering machine. Check it again:

"Hey, Rosie. It's me. I guess you're asleep already. Anyway, I'm here at the orphanage. Something weird's going on. President Wang is here for some reason. And there's another-- Dammit! The light's out, so I can't quite see, but... looked like he was being... kidnapped? Anyway, probably nothing, but I thought I should let you kn-- *thump*"

Present the area around the left lamppost, which isn't working. In his testimony, Aldown mentioned a light that went out. Since he wasn't referring to the light by the snowman, there's only this one other possibility. Kay updates the re-creation once more. Wang and the kidnapper were standing just outside the orphanage, which proves that the kidnapping was connected to the orphanage, as Lang's father believed.

The other re-creation has probably also changed. Talk to Kay with X button and choose Switch re-creations. Examine the area where Aldown's body originally was, and examine the bloodstain. The blood probably belongs to someone else, and Excelsius probably falsified the report stating that it was Aldown's. The blood was also found on Aldown's clothes, so it was spilled not long before Aldown was killed. The Mysterious Blood Stain is added to the Organizer. You suspect that this information creates a new contradiction somewhere. Highlight the bloodstain, and deduce from the Fire that the fire must have occurred after the incident, and not before, as was reported in the case files. If the fire occurred after the murder, then the child who started it would have seen the body and bloodstain. Lang orders his ex-subordinate to bring him the case file for the fire incident, and the evidence his father had collected on the SS-5 incident. Lang has just remembered where he recognises the scene from - a drawing his father had collected as evidence.

Bigg Building - Plaza[edit | edit source]

Kay shuts down the re-creation, and shortly after, Lang's subordinate returns. He shows you a photo of the Child's Drawing, which is exactly what Lang was thinking of. You are certain that the child who drew this is the child who started the fire. You also read the files on the fire incident. They state that the child who started the fire snuck out of bed on the night of the incident, and "disappeared" a few days later - he probably saw too much. The boy left behind some pieces of evidence, including one very familiar object. When asked what it's connected to, present the Taurusaurus Plushie. The object the boy left behind is the missing horn from Wang's Taurusaurus plushie. You insert the horn into the Taurusaurus plushie, and play back the recording.

"...Hi Di-Jun. Sorry -- President Wang. It's me, Amelie. I know it's been a while... I... saw on the news that you were visiting the country soon. And I didn't know whether I should get in touch at all, but... in the end I decided I had to."

Gavèlle demands that you stop the playback, but you let it play on anyway.

"You see, I... I had a baby. A beautiful little boy. ...Your beautiful little boy. I'm sorry, that's... That's pretty much all I wanted to tell you... Oh, except... I called him Shaun. "Shaun Fenn"... It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? And... also that... I'll be at the orphanage on the evening of the ninth. I'll be waiting in the front yard. I thought... you could meet him if you like. Even if it's only just this once... I know you're... a very busy man, but... Anyways, that's where we'll be... Goodbye."

"Shaun Fenn"... So President Wang was his father? Gavèlle admits that Shaun is not really her son, but is, in fact, adopted. His real mother, Gavèlle's cousin, died five years ago. Shaun never knew his father's identity, until now. She worked as a diplomat in Zheng Fa, where she met Wang. After returning to this country, she began working at the orphanage. In the end, however, she was unable to meet with Wang, as she was being followed. Gavèlle's reason for meeting with Wang was to tell him about her cousin's death, and about Shaun. Lang's subordinate interrupts with another message from Zheng Fa: Wang's will. In it, Wang acknowledges Shaun as his son. On hearing this, Shaun runs off in the direction of the film set...