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Back in the visitor's room, it's time to find out why Simeon didn't tell you he works for the circus. He says he said nothing because he was afraid it would make him look suspicious. He actually works as an apprentice animal tamer and his partner is a monkey by the name of Money - does that name ring any bells?

Talk to Simeon:

  • The Berry Big Circus: Simeon's boss is the "head of the Animal Taming Division". Both she and Simeon were participating in the animal show.
  • Role in the show: Simeon met Knight two days ago at about noon. Later that night, he set up the stage for the show in the prison's courtyard. He left the equipment in Workshop A for storage. Afterwards, they rehearsed until almost midnight.
  • Reason for arrest: While Simeon was moving the crates for the show, he snuck into the detention center to visit Knight.

After hearing Simeon's story, you and Kay are even more convinced of Simeon's innocence. You need to speak to his boss next, who should be in the courtyard.

Prison - Yard[edit | edit source]

The stage for the animal show is still set, though it's currently in the process of being taken down. The body was discovered by Sahwit during the show, so anyone who was here at the time has an alibi. The Building Layout is updated in the Organizer. Your trail of thought is interrupted by a scream from Kay... but luckily, it turns out the circus elephant has just found a new playmate. The elephant is calmed down by the arrival of Simon's boss, Regina Berry, the circus' head animal tamer who a certain attorney has worked with before. Examine the barbed wire wall, then Talk to Regina:

  • Regina Berry: Regina says her father died in a murder incident about a year ago. The new ringmaster, who Regina describes as a "nice man", has since tried to make the circus even more popular.
  • The circus show: The show tells the story of forbidden love between a tiger and an elephant. A monkey (played by Simeon) tries to interfere in their relationship.
  • Show preparations: Simeon handled all the preparations. He was doing something with the well, but Regina doesn't know what. Simeon was moving back and forth between the yard and the workshop with equipment the whole time. He was the only person involved with the show who entered the workshop.

The conversation is ended by the arrival of Warden Laguarde. Talk to her:

  • The prison: When Laguarde took over at the prison, the environment around it was terrible. To fix this, she introduced the animal therapy program. She says it has turned Frank Sahwit into "the very picture of rehabilitation".
  • Mr. Sahwit: She describes Sahwit as knowing "what's good for him", but something seems off about the way she says it.
  • The Berry Big Circus: The Berry Big Circus visits the prison once a month to perform a show. She adores Regina and says that's why she's worried about Simeon.

Talk to Sahwit, who is at the opposite side of the courtyard.

  • Helping out: He is currently helping clear up after the animal show. His bracelet has been replaced with a working model.
  • Vocational training: He was training during the show, making him one of two prisoners who did not see it - the other being Bodhidharma Kanis. He describes Kanis as being the "one in charge" of the prison. Apparently, Kanis has a "secret way" through which he can smuggle goods into the prison. Sahwit claims to be uninterested in such things and says he is only interested in improving his "mudpack application technique".

Present the Rubber Glove to Sahwit. The mud on the glove is from Sahwit's mudpacks. He was applying the mudpacks at about 9 a.m. on the day of the murder. The mud made the animals' coats black. The Rubber Glove is updated in the Organizer.

Examine the well in the north-east. It's surrounded by tools, including a familiar-looking rope and striped sheet. There is also a single 30lb weight.

Meanwhile, Laguarde is talking to Regina. She says that there were actually three people who did not see the animal show. Who is this third person and where did they go? Just then, Laguarde says it's time for her to go and feed "the little one"... which turns out to be an alligator. You decide to leave her and Regina to look after it and leave to search for the mysterious third absentee.

The missing prisoner[edit | edit source]

In the hallway, Detective Gumshoe finally finds you. Prosecutor Winner is running late, so he came to look for you instead. He has the results of the forensics test on the floor of Knight's cell: traces of blood were found, as expected. They're now checking to see who the blood belonged to. Also, in the absence of Winner, you're free to investigate wherever you want - so Gumshoe has brought along his "seven secret weapons" to help.

  1. The trusty metal detector, which has gotten that defense attorney out of a few jams in the past.
  2. Missile the Shiba Inu, everyone's favorite K-9 dog with a particular fondness for Samurai Dogs.
  3. Gumshoe's... fishing pole? Is that ever going to help?

And that's it. What happened to the other four? Anyway, for now, choose Missile. You want to find the route Kanis' dog used to transport the body, so if Missile tracks the scent of Knight's body, that should lead you to the truth.

At the scene of the crime, Gumshoe seems to smell "something sweet" but no one else picks up on it. Missile, on the other hand, has picked up the scent of the body and sets off towards Kanis' special cell. Luckily, Kanis isn't here at the moment. Examine everything in Kanis' cell - the chessboard, the biscuits, and the chisels. There doesn't seem to be anything out of place here. Gumshoe, meanwhile, has found... some brownies. So this is what Missile was barking at. Chocolate is bad for dogs, though, so Gumshoe eats the brownies himself. With the brownies gone, Missile picks up another scent and sets off again. This time, he's barking at Carcerato's cell. Examine the punching bag to the right. Missile is barking at it! Underneath, you find a hidden tunnel. Missile jumps in, followed by Kay and Gumshoe... but Gumshoe gets stuck. Kay calls a few minutes later - the tunnel ends in Knight's cell!

Detention Center - Holding Cell[edit | edit source]

The floorboards under the bed have been broken up to create a tunnel between Carcerato's cell and the detention center. It was a sweet scent that led you here, so that must have come from Knight's body. Mr. Knight's Body is updated in the Organizer. Kay took some photos of the inside of the tunnel, in which you can see various utensils and some footprints. The Tunnel Prints are added to the Organizer. This is vital evidence but also creates another problem - Carcerato could also have used this tunnel and could already have absconded. Gumshoe leaves to search for him, but he is nowhere to be found. Laguarde is particularly upset at this, but you reassure her that he can't have gone far. Meanwhile, a forensics officer reports the results of the tests on the blood from the holding cell. The blood belonged to Knight, which all but confirms that the holding cell was the true scene of the murder. The Wiped Floor is updated in the Organizer.

Time to go and speak to Kanis again. Laguarde warns you to be careful since Kanis has henchmen outside the prison who the police have not been able to track down. Laguarde has had evidence regarding Kanis sent over to use while interrogating him but hasn't been able to make him talk. In Maximum Security, Gavèlle and Winner are already here, carrying out their own interrogation of Kanis. Before they let you talk to him, Gavèlle makes you disprove her own theory regarding Simeon's guilt - but if you can't, you'll lose your badge.

Gavèlle's Argument: How Knight Wound Up in the Prison Proper[edit | edit source]

Gavèlle's Argument
- How Knight Wound Up in the Prison Proper -
  1. You are aware of the incident involving Mr. Knight the day before yesterday, I assume?
  2. He assaulted an innocent guard and stole his keys.
  3. Later, in the middle of moving a large animal cage, Mr. Saint stopped by Mr. Knight's cell for a little visit.
  4. That's when Mr. Knight stole out of his cell using the keys he'd stolen.
  5. He slipped into the cage, and there he hid as he was wheeled to one of the prison workshops.

Gavèlle says that she and Winner investigated the security footage themselves and shows you what they found. When Simeon visited Knight, it created a blind spot in the cell, which Knight could have hidden while he escaped. The cage was then moved to the workroom, where, according to Gavèlle, Simeon stabbed Knight in the back and murdered him.

Rebuttal: How Knight Wound Up in the Prison Proper[edit | edit source]

Press the second or fourth statement. She doesn't seem to have any proof that Knight stole the keys. Press further. If Knight did steal the key, why did he not try to escape there and then? Gavèlle says that Knight must have concealed the key. Is that really the case? Present Mr. Knight's Cell Key. The key wasn't found when Knight was searched after the incident, meaning that Knight never actually had it. Gavèlle says that he simply hid it inside the chessboard. She reiterates her logic - that Simeon betrayed Knight after carrying him to the workroom. During the animal show, Simeon, who plays the villain, is "sent flying" by the elephant. This would have given Simeon 15 minutes in which to go to the workroom and kill Knight... if the crime scene had actually been the workroom. Present the Wiped Floor. This proves that the crime scene was actually the holding cell.

Winner objects, claiming that he has found a contradiction in your logic. According to the security tape, a dog attacked Knight and then the blood on the floor was wiped away. Was it really possible for a dog to wipe away the bloodstain? This, however, is Kanis' dog, and Kanis says it would indeed have been possible. Gavèlle is still not convinced and wants you to prove how the dog got into the holding cell. Present the Tunnel Prints. Gavèlle again rejects your claim. She has Knight's Autopsy Report, which states clearly that the murder weapon was a "bladed metal instrument" with which Knight was stabbed multiple times in the neck, resulting in instantaneous death.

This seems to defeat your logic entirely, but you can't quit now. Eddie tells you to turn your logic around. Kanis is a former assassin and could easily have used one of the chisels in his cell to kill someone. But the security footage still stands... What exactly does it show? It shows the dog jumping on somebody. However, unlike what you've assumed so far, it's possible Knight was not killed then. Instead, the dog merely knocked Knight unconscious and brought him to the special cell where Kanis finished him off. Gavèlle says they have already examined all four chisels... Four? Where did the fifth one go? Present Maximum Security. Kanis hasn't had a chance to leave his cell, and so it follows that the chisel must still be there - it's just very cleverly hidden.

Where could that place be? Think back... hasn't that dog been awfully quiet today? Present the Black Dog. The dog finally barks, revealing the missing Chisel. Forensics are called in and the chisel tests positive for blood. Gavèlle has Kanis give his testimony.

Kanis' Testimony: Kanis's Defense[edit | edit source]

Kanis' Testimony
- Kanis's Defense -
  1. Perhaps you might begin by explaining what you believe my motive to have been.
  2. I never knew this Knight. I had no contact with him. No connection whatsoever.
  3. Given that this is the case, why would I possibly wish him dead?
  4. Ahh. Could it be you are suggesting that it was my canine companion who had the motive instead?
  5. Kheh heh heh. Helmut only bares his fangs when I tell him to.

Rebuttal: Kanis's Defense[edit | edit source]

Present the Chess Diagram on the second statement. If you remember from your investigation of Knight's cell, the notation on the memo matches up with the pieces on Kanis' chessboard, and the number of possible chess games has been estimated to be 10 to the power of 120. This makes it extremely unlikely to be a coincidence, yet Kanis claims that this is the case. The Chess Diagram is updated in the Organizer. He says that his dog brought Knight to his cell during the animal show, but Knight was already dead. To avoid suspicion, he had the dog bring the body to the workroom and remove the murder weapon. This must have been what Sahwit witnessed. He had to remove the weapon because of the bell attached to it. This bell, and the bell attached to his dog, share a distinctive design and serve as Kanis' trademark (similar to Shelly de Killer's calling card). There are only two such bells in the world - one on his dog and the other on his knife, which had been confiscated. Mr. Kanis's Bells are added to the Organizer. Kanis heard the bell from the weapon in Knight's neck and assumed it was his knife. Only after the fact did he realize it was merely a chisel.

The chisel is tested for fingerprints - only Knight's show up, confirming that the chisel is not Kanis'. But how did Knight obtain it? Present the Pocket Chess Set. Knight must have smuggled the chisel into the prison using the hidden compartment in his chess set. The Pocket Chess Set is updated in the Organizer. This solves the question of the chisel, but there's still the problem of the security video. Gumshoe suggests using Secret Weapon No. 4: Li'l Vee, the video analysis machine.

Li'l Vee[edit | edit source]

Gumshoe offers to show you how to use Li'l Vee. Choose either Sure, why not or No, that's alright. Using Li'l Vee is basically the same as investigating a crime scene - point the cursor at anything of interest and examine it. Press the play icon to play the video and the pause icon to stop it. While playing the video, you can either fast-forward or rewind it and while it is paused, you can step forward or back frame-by-frame. While paused, point at one of the four quarters of the screen and choose Zoom in to examine it in greater detail. You must zoom out again before you can restart playback.

At about 6:42:21, pause the video. Zoom in on the top-right segment of the video, step to the frame shown in the right picture, and examine the black figure attacking the man in the image. This clearly isn't a dog as you had believed until now. What is it really? Choose A bear. This also means that the footprints in Kay's photo are those of a bear. Since the animal in the video is a bear, that brings to mind the escapee, Rocco Carcerato, whose assigned pet was a polar bear cub. This also suggests that the "victim" in the video was not Knight, but rather Carcerato (since the man's face was not visible). Is there anything in the video to prove this?

Play the video until about 6:42:24 and pause. Zoom in on the top-left segment, step back to the frame in the left picture, and examine the mirror, where a guard's hat is visible. There have been no reports of any guards having been attacked by animals, which suggests that the victim in the video was someone masquerading as a guard. Remember how a guard's uniform went missing earlier? Present the Missing Guard Uniform.

Following the logic, it can be assumed that someone stole the uniform to escape from prison. And who do you know to be currently attempting such an escape? Present Rocco Carcerato's profile. However, the bear in the video is black, unlike Carcerato's bear. Why? Present the Rubber Glove. Recall Frank Sahwit's earlier statement - that at the time of the animal show, he was applying mud packs to the animals that made their coats appear jet black. This, however, was at about 9 a.m., which raises a new contradiction in the video. Pause the video at any point, and present the timestamp. The time shown in the video is actually 6:42 a.m., which contradicts Sahwit's statement and the timing of the animal show.

During the animal show, there were three absentees: Bodhidharma Kanis, who is blind and couldn't see it anyway; Frank Sahwit, who stayed back to work with the animals; and Rocco Carcerato, who planned to make his escape while everyone else was distracted. Carcerato left his bear with Sahwit but it escaped and chased after Carcerato. This was when Sahwit saw Kanis' dog pulling the chisel out of Knight's neck. But why is the timestamp incorrect? Gumshoe inquires about the security camera and discovers that the power to it was cut off at some point, throwing off the timestamp. The Security Camera Footage is updated in the Organizer. He also discovers that, during the incident in which the key to Knight's cell was stolen, Knight was also knocked out. He is followed shortly after by Warden Laguarde. You show her the security footage and explain that Carcerato is likely still inside the prison, disguised as one of its guards. Just then, Carcerato's bear turns up and pounces on one of the prison guards... ruining his disguise. Carcerato gives up the disguise, but before he's sent back to his cell, you need to hear his testimony.

Carcerato's Testimony: Around the Time of Discovery[edit | edit source]

Carcerato's Testimony
- Around the Time of Discovery -
  1. So it was you guys, huh!? You're the ones who found my secret getaway tunnel!
  2. You know how long it took to dig that freakin' thing!?
  3. I had me a guard's uniform, a hole dug, and a plan in place. So I went for it on the day you found the guy.
  4. But then this little guy just had to come right after me.
  5. The sacka fur was covered in mud, too! Hadda go back to our cell!

Rebuttal: Around the Time of Discovery[edit | edit source]

Press the third statement. Carcerato got the uniform from Kanis, who obtained it by threatening a guard. He carried the uniform through the tunnel and changed in Knight's cell, but was jumped on by his bear before he could get out. He adds another statement to his testimony:

  • Once I was outta that tunnel and all dressed up, openin' the cell door shoulda been a piece of cake.

Present Mr. Knight's Cell Key on this statement. Wasn't the cell locked? The only explanation is that Carcerato was the one who stole the key. He attacked Knight and the guard, stole the key, and returned to his cell so he wouldn't be caught. Then, he waited until the day of the circus show, when he knew the prison would be mostly empty. But do you have evidence that proves Knight was attacked in his cell? Present the Wiped Floor. Carcerato is finally out for the count and surrenders the key to Knight's cell. Mr. Knight's Cell Key is updated in the Organizer. This destroys Gavèlle and Winner's reasoning regarding Knight's escape attempt. But does this mean Carcerato was responsible for killing Knight? Possibly, if he and Kanis were working together. But Carcerato objects, saying that there was another route out of the tunnel and that he only dug half of it - there was already a tunnel linking his cell to the well. Carcerato only continued digging until he reached Knight's cell. He mentions that the well had a sweet scent. Where have you noticed that before? Present Mr. Knight's Body. Knight's body carried a similar scent, which Missile used to find the tunnel.

Gavèlle now explains the new conclusion she has reached - that Carcerato was working as an accomplice, not to Kanis, but to Knight; the two were planning to escape together. Carcerato unlocked Knight's cell, allowing Knight to escape into Simeon's cage, in which he was carried to the courtyard and killed. Then, Simeon placed the body in the well, from where Kanis' dog carried it back to the workroom. Since Simeon left the stage of the show 15 minutes before it ended, that would have given him time to kill Knight and drop the body into the well. This could only have occurred during the show, since at the time, Carcerato was making his escape through the tunnel, and Knight's body was not there at the time. Gavèlle is forced to admit, however, that she currently lacks the evidence to back up her theory, and allows you to investigate the courtyard again. Warden Laguarde, however, has decided that it is too late for any investigations to be carried out and forces you to leave. You'll just have to come back tomorrow to continue your investigation.