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The next morning, you and Kay are discussing the incident in the prison in your office. You don't plan on giving up on the case yet but wonder what you can do without investigative rights. While you are thinking, Gumshoe calls with bad news - they've already arrested a suspect for Knight's murder! You go straight to the detention center to meet the suspect. The suspect in question, Simeon Saint, is terrified of prosecutors, and you don't do much to dispel his fears, so Kay is forced to act as an intermediary. She eventually gets him to start talking, though. Talk to Simeon:

  • Simeon Saint: Nothing useful here; seems he's intimidated by you.
  • Relation to Knight: Simeon was a friend of Knight. He came to visit him two days ago, at Knight's request - Knight wanted him to bring him his pocket chess set.

Present the Pocket Chess Set to Simeon. He confirms it as the one he brought to Knight. The Pocket Chess Set is updated in the Organizer. Simeon says that he and Knight were best friends, and he doesn't seem to be taking the situation well at all - at the very least, you can't see any motive Simeon might have had to kill Knight. So why was he arrested?

  • Reason for arrest: Winner was responsible for having Simeon arrested. Simeon hasn't been questioned yet and isn't looking forward to it either, owing to his fear of detectives. Gumshoe chooses this moment to make his entrance. You are convinced of Simeon's innocence and decide to do what you can to help. That's going to be difficult without any investigative authority, though.

Outside in the corridor, "Uncle Eddie" shows up. He's been hired as Simeon's defence attorney, which gives you an idea - working as Eddie's assistant to gain access to the crime scene. Ed isn't easily swayed, given you were a prosecutor of the "von Karma variety", but you manage to convince him. Eddie takes this opportunity to introduce himself properly - Eddie Fender, head of the Edgeworth Law Offices, and former assistant to your father, Gregory. For your first job as Eddie's assistant, you suggest finding the person who discovered Knight's body.

Prison - Corridor[edit | edit source]

Once inside the prison, you are enthusiastically greeted by the warden, Fifi Laguarde. She mentions that an animal show took place yesterday in the prison - this was probably the "recreation" Carcerato referred to. The show took place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. - around when the body was found. She leaves after this, allowing you to start looking for the prisoner who found the body. First, talk to the prisoner in the third cell. He says that the person you're looking for should be in one of the workshops. Examine the right door, leading to Workshop B. The prisoner inside should be a familiar face to veterans of the blue-suited attorney's adventures: Frank Sahwit. At the time, he was in Workshop B, practicing pet grooming. Apropos of nothing, he says he didn't see anything and won't help you. It's "that" time again...

Mind Chess: Frank Sahwit[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Frank Sahwit
Frank Sahwit
Mind Chess: Frank Sahwit
3 Piece(s)

This time around, Sahwit is adamant that he didn't see it. His face isn't giving anything away, so instead, pay attention to his choice of words. To start with, ask him What's your connection to this incident? In response, he struggles to choose his words, eventually settling on calling himself "a good person, if you will".

Choose A good person who's in prison? That seems a little hard to believe since he's a prisoner. He doesn't respond well to this.

Bide your time. He's calmed down a little. He says that if you're looking for the person who found the body, you should look elsewhere.

Choose "The person who found the body", you say? You never mentioned who you were looking for... so it seems he does indeed know something.

Pawn defeated

He's still hiding something, though. Next, you should question what he was doing on the day of the incident. Choose Tell me about the day of the incident. He says "there was a lot going on". You now have two choices:

  • What were you doing?
  • How were things in the prison?

Start with What were you doing? He again says he was grooming the pets. He claims that there was no commotion over the murder - he even heard someone.

Choose Were they screaming? He's slipped up and proven by himself that he really does know something. Remember this clue for later.

Choose Tell me about the day of the incident., followed by How were things in the prison? He says he doesn't remember it.

Choose You said you heard a scream! Has he forgotten that already? His tongue slips again...

Bide your time. You change the topic to pet grooming. Sahwit claims to be skilled at handling the animals and says he's able to calm them when they become scared. "Scared"?

Choose A scream would certainly frighten them. He admits to hearing the scream but is still hiding something.

Bishop defeated

Time to get him talking about that scream. You have two options:

  • When did you hear the scream?
  • Who did you hear screaming?

First, choose When did you hear the scream? He says the animal show was taking place at the time. But if he was at the show, he couldn't have heard the scream... "And what are you gonna do about it, huh!? ... That is, my memory is... patchy, as they say."

Bide your time. He claims to have seen a whale at the show. What?

Choose You weren't actually at the show, were you? He's clearly lying about having been there. Remember this clue.

Choose Who did you hear screaming? He again claims to have been at the animal show, but this was already proven false.

Choose You weren't at any show! He's still claiming he didn't hear the scream... from "the person who found the body".

Choose Wait, it wasn't the victim who screamed? Someone was murdered. Isn't it more logical to assume a scream would come from the victim? How does he know it was from the person who found the body?

Choose Because you're the one who found the body! The scream you've been hearing about must have been Sahwit when he saw the body! Sahwit finally agrees to testify about what he saw.

Queen defeated


Sahwit's Testimony: Finding the Corpse[edit | edit source]

Sahwit's Testimony
- Finding the Corpse -
  1. I was in that workshop there by myself, practicing what I'd learned.
  2. I don't remember how, but I found myself in front of the door to the other workshop.
  3. I happened to peek in through the little window...
  4. And then, I saw him lying there... A man... not moving... dead!
  5. I quailed in fright and found myself screaming in sheer terror.

Sahwit explains that the prison has three roll calls every day - at 7 a.m., noon, and 9 p.m. At 7 a.m. on the day of the murder, there was nothing out of place. The Prison Roll Call is noted down in the Organizer. From this, you can deduce that the murder occurred after 7 a.m. and that anyone who was at the Animal Show is innocent.

Rebuttal: Finding the Corpse[edit | edit source]

Present the Door Sensors on the second or third statement. The sensors are meant to sound an alarm if a prisoner tries to enter or exit without a guard's permission, so how did he manage to get out of his workroom? Sahwit tries to clear up his mess with another testimony.

Sahwit's Testimony: Finding the Corpse, Pt. 2[edit | edit source]

Sahwit's Testimony
- Finding the Corpse, Pt. 2 -
  1. There's a little trick we prisoners know about, you see.
  2. As long as you leave your bracelet inside the door, you can lean out without triggering the alarm.
  3. That's how I was able to peek through the window, and into the workshop next door.
  4. Inside, I spotted the victim's dead body, which made me scream in fright.

Rebuttal: Finding the Corpse, Pt. 2[edit | edit source]

Press on Sahwit's third statement. He says he heard noises from the other workroom and became curious, so he looked right away. Is there a problem with this statement? Choose There is a problem. If he looked straight away, he should also have seen whoever made the noise. After recollecting himself, he says he saw a black dog, biting into Knight's neck. The Black Dog is added to the Organizer, and Sahwit adds a new statement to his testimony.

  • I also saw that black dog, his mouth clamped tight around the man's throat!

Press this statement. Knight wasn't moving at this time, so he was probably already dead. Sahwit adds two more statements to his testimony.

  • Ohh, he was dead as a doornail, I'm sure of that. Not even the twitch of a finger... Just lifeless.
  • I remember seeing his ring gleaming as it caught the light. It featured a snowflake in relief.

Present Mr. Knight's Body on the second of these statements. The hand wearing the ring was covered by a sheet, so it should have been impossible for Sahwit to see it. Sahwit flips and a second lawyer is struck in the face by his toupée. Just where was he when he saw the body? Present Workshop A. He now wants evidence that proves he went into Workroom A. Present the Rubber Glove. That seems to solve everything... but there's still one problem. How was Sahwit able to get into Workshop A without triggering the alarm? Because his bracelet was broken and has been for some time. You have a guard replace the bracelet and add Mr. Sahwit's Bracelet to the Organizer.

Sahwit is still claiming to be innocent of murder, though... he was merely planning to loot the body but didn't have enough time to take anything. The Rubber Glove is updated in the Organizer. Plus, you still don't know how Knight got into the prison to be found dead there. Sahwit says that only one other prisoner did not see the Animal Show, and you seem to know who he's referring to... This "special" prisoner is being kept in Maximum Security. The Building Layout is updated in the Organizer. Sahwit is reluctant to divulge any more details, though. Move to Maximum Security, through the door to the lower right.

Maximum Security[edit | edit source]

Oddly, "Maximum" Security is in complete darkness. Just as Kay completes her motto, an ominous bell rings and a dog growls. Kay and Eddie run away, leaving you to deal with the occupant of the cell alone. This person seems to know you... He finally decides to light the cell. This prisoner, Bodhidharma Kanis, is a blind former assassin, and the prosecutor at his trial was none other than yourself. Talk to Kanis:

  • Suspicion of murder: Kanis says that his dog could not be the killer.
  • Your alibi: Kanis claims to have been in his cell during the Animal Show, practicing whittling - he even has five chisels in his cell. He shows off one of his more recent productions: a chess piece in the shape of a three-headed dog. Kanis says he has recently taken up correspondence chess. The Dog Chess Piece is added to your Organizer.
  • The victim: Kanis already knows who the murder victim was. He has a different understanding of why Knight was arrested, though - it appears that the plan was to make Knight a scapegoat by having the Zheng Fa assassination attempt pinned on him.

Kanis says that Winner, Gavèlle, and Laguarde have already inspected the prison in search of a murder weapon but failed to find anything. The Prison Search report is noted down in the Organizer. Kanis has now had enough of you and asks his dog to show you out. Eddie doesn't need telling twice and runs out of the room, followed by Kay and you.

Next, you need to figure out how Knight got from his holding cell to the prison, which should have been impossible. You'll need to investigate the holding cell itself to do so. Out in the hallway, Warden Laguarde and a guard are discussing a "killer for hire" - that can only be Bodhidharma Kanis, but she doesn't tell you any more. She marks the location of her office on the map, and the Building Layout is updated in the Organizer.

Investigation: Detention Center - Holding Cell[edit | edit source]

Examine the bed. Here, examine the clean part of the floor to get the Wiped floor logic. Examine the Torn newspaper on the bed. Connect the two together. Given the situation, it's likely that someone used pages from the newspaper to wipe the floor. But why? The Wiped Floor is added to the Organizer. Next, examine the table in the cell. Examine the sheet of paper. It looks like chess notation. Deduce from Kanis' Dog Chess Piece that Kanis' chess opponent was likely Knight since the notation on this sheet matches up with the chessboard in Kanis' cell. The Chess Diagram is added to the Organizer. Finally, examine the mirror in the north-west of the cell. The reflection shows a security camera. You have the guard examine the security footage. He reports back soon after, saying that "something terrible" was recorded - someone being attacked by what appears to be a black dog. So, where was Knight really attacked? Present the Holding Cell. This tape looks like it could be your decisive evidence! The Security Camera Footage is added to the Organizer. It now seems that the murder occurred in this cell. In that case, what piece of evidence takes on a new meaning? Present the Wiped Floor. Was the floor wiped to hide bloodstains? You tell the guard to ask Gumshoe to have the floor examined for bloodstains. The Wiped Floor is updated in the Organizer. There's still one piece missing from the puzzle, though - how did the dog move Knight from the holding cell to the prison? You decide to ask the guards in the prison for information.

Detention Center - Corridor[edit | edit source]

Back in the hallway, you and Kay meet another familiar face - Shi-Long Lang, a high-ranking Interpol agent who worked on several cases involving you a few weeks ago. He seems to be alone today - where's his usual army of subordinates? He leaves shortly after. You can worry about him later - for now, talk to the guards here. The guard standing by the lockers tells you that one of his uniforms has gone missing. The Missing Guard Uniform is noted down in the Organizer. The guard by the trophy cabinet mentions that he hasn't seen any dogs pass through the Detention Center.

Eddie finally decides to come back. He says that Knight apparently caused a disturbance a few days ago. After Simeon came to visit Knight, he was escorted back to his cell by a guard. While the guard was undoing Knight's handcuffs, he attacked the guard, knocking him out. By the time the other guards had arrived, the key for the cell had gone missing. Despite this, Knight never attempted to break out, and he also denied having attacked the guard in the first place. The key hasn't been seen since and the guard in question is currently hospitalized. Mr. Knight's Cell Key is added to the Organizer.

The discussion is ended when Winner and Gavèlle show up. Winner is still muddling his words, it seems, though in this case, he mightn't be entirely wrong... and he wants to explain why he arrested Simeon. Well, what can go wrong?

Winner's Testimony: Reason for Arrest[edit | edit source]

Winner's Testimony
- Reason for Arrest -
  1. You want to know why I arrested that man?
  2. It's simple. Simple! I found evidence! Evidence of him all over that thing!
  3. How's that for some winningly incontro... inconvertible... Conclusive proof?
  4. And who saw the truth first? Why, me of course! Winner by name, winner by nature!

Rebuttal: Reason for Arrest[edit | edit source]

Press the second statement (pressing the other statements only gets you more worthless nonsense). "Evidence"? "Him"? "That thing"? Couldn't he possibly be any clearer about that? He decides to try and explains that they found Simeon's fingerprints on the chessboard found by Knight's body.

  • Mr. Saint's fingerprints were right there, all over the victim's chess set!

Present the Pocket Chess Set in question here. Simeon delivered the chess set to Knight, so obviously his fingerprints would be on it. This is taking far too long and now Gavèlle wants him to give another testimony. Hopefully, this one will be of more use.

Winner's Testimony: The Whereabouts of the Murder Weapon[edit | edit source]

Winner's Testimony
- The Whereabouts of the Murder Weapon -
  1. Fact 1: The murder weapon was some sort of metal blade!
  2. Fact 2: Potentially deadly blades are strictly controlled within the prison walls, as we both know.
  3. From these two facts, I concluded that the weapon in question must have come from outside.
  4. It must have been hidden inside the chess set! That's what I think, anyway.
  5. And since the only prints we found on the chess set belonged to the victim and the suspect...
  6. ...I'd say it's blindingly obvious who brought the weapon in and used it, wouldn't you?

Winner claims that the weapon was hidden inside the chess set and says to examine inside it. Open it by examining the lock and then examine the top of the inside. It opens up to reveal a hidden compartment. It's certainly deep enough to conceal a small, sharp weapon. However, you object; the prison has a security gate at the entrance that should have picked up on any hidden weapons when the chessboard was being brought in. However, as Gavèlle explains, the gate is only used on people entering the prison, and packages undergo a different check, so Winner's reasoning still holds. The Pocket Chess Set is updated, and the Security Gates are added to the Organizer.

Rebuttal: The Whereabouts of the Murder Weapon[edit | edit source]

Press the fourth statement. Assuming the murder weapon was brought in, where did it disappear to? Winner says it must have been hidden inside the prison. Is there a problem with that statement? This is Winner's best logic, so of course there is a problem. Present the Prison Search. Has he forgotten that already? He now claims that the murderer brought the weapon back out of the prison with them. This, of course, is impossible. Present the Security Gates. He's forgotten this, too... If the murderer had brought the weapon out on their person, the gate would have picked it up. This leaves only one other possibility - that the murder weapon is not actually a sharp metal object, as Winner believes. What is the murder weapon, then? Present the Black Dog or the Security Camera Footage. The video clearly shows the man in the cell being attacked by a black animal.

There's just one problem with this reasoning - how did the dog manage to move between the prison and the detention center? Gavèlle says that if you can't prove that, she cannot accept your argument. However, that must work both ways - she can't prove Simeon did it, either... except that she can, as she claims. Apparently, Simeon is actually a circus performer who was part of the animal show that visited the prison yesterday morning; he would have easily been able to enter the prison. With that, Gavèlle and Winner leave. Why didn't Simeon tell you he was part of the circus? This has blown a hole in your logic. You'll need to investigate this matter further.