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At the courthouse, the trial is just getting underway. Eddie is in charge of the defense, and Franziska has taken over the prosecution. The defendant, Fifi Laguarde, is called to the stand. She seems oddly confident, however. Franziska prepares to present her decisive evidence... but it's nowhere to be found. It seems Eustace misplaced the murder weapon, the most vital piece of evidence. Eddie tries to get the trial postponed, but Gavèlle overrules him. Without evidence, Laguarde cannot be found guilty, and so Gavèlle prepares to hand down her verdict. Both Franziska and Ed request a recess, and eventually, Gavèlle agrees.

District Court - 3rd Floor Lobby[edit | edit source]

Outside in the lobby, you and Kay have found out about the missing evidence. You are greeted by Regina Berry and Simeon Saint, who came to watch the trial. Franziska and Eddie emerge from the courtroom. Franziska is none too pleased about the missing evidence. Talk to her:

  • The trial: You decide to stay classy and avoid getting into an argument with Franziska.
  • Knight’s murder: She's still annoyed at Eustace for losing the evidence.

For a bit of extra fun dialogue, present the Crime Scene Notes.

Talk to Eddie:

  • The trial: The evidence is missing. Guess who Eddie wants to look for it?
  • Miles Edgeworth: Eddie tries again to convince you to join him at the defense's bench.

You eventually give in, and agree to help look for the evidence. Ed and Franziska agree to try and stall the trial, and Simeon and Regina decide to help search for the evidence. Kay wants to know who you should ask about the evidence first. Present Eustace Winner's profile. Simeon and Regina go off to look for him, while Eddie and Franziska leave to discuss the trial. Before you can leave, though, Gavèlle enters the lobby. She says that in the courtroom, all that matters is evidence, and without it, she must declare Laguarde innocent. You ask her about her meeting with President Wang on the roof of the Bigg Building. She is shocked to learn that Wang is dead, and that she is a suspect, but refuses to tell you about her meeting with Wang. Gavèlle is clearly trying to hide something, so you are forced to use "that" to draw the truth from her.

Mind Chess: Verity Gavèlle[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Verity Gavèlle
Verity Gavèlle
Mind Chess: Verity Gavèlle
4 Piece(s)

Gavèlle is a judge, and refuses to show any emotion. When she's doing so, you'll want to wait and see how she reacts to your questions. First, ask What did you talk to the president about? She refuses to answer you.

Bide your time. You ask if meeting the president was one of her duties as a judge. She hesitates in responding, and says that nothing she does falls outside the scope of her duties.

Choose You helped us this morning! While you see it as an act of kindness, she sees it as immature. She seems distraught by the news of Wang's death, but is particularly surprised to hear of the apparent cause of death - being crushed by the Taurusaurus head.

Knight defeated

She won't talk to you about Wang, so maybe you should ask about someone else - perhaps the missing prosecutor? Ask Where's Mr. Winner? She says that if vital evidence can't evidence, it shouldn't be surprising if the defendant goes free.

Bide your time. You ask if she is worried about Eustace. She says she is of course worried about him - "too".

Choose You're worried somebody else, as well? She again insists that as a servant of the law, her own feelings are immaterial.

Choose You're no servant -- you’re a person! She admits that, in her current state, she cannot be impartial.

Bishop defeated

She seems unusually distraught. To find the truth, you need to find out exactly who she is looking for. You have three options:

  • Who are you worried about?
  • Are you worried about Mr. Winner?
  • Are you worried about Taurusaurus?

First, select Are you worried about Mr. Winner? She says that this could be a valuable test for Winner.

Bide your time. She says that Winner can reappear on his own, so can the person she's worried about not? She doesn't know what would happen to "that poor child" if she were to tell the truth.

Choose "That poor child"? Who do you mean? She tells you to ignore it, but her expression gives lie to her true feelings. Remember this for later.

Choose Are you worried about Taurusaurus? You mention how surprised she was to hear that the president was crushed. She says she was simply shocked to learn of how and where Wang died.

Choose Is there something wrong with where he died? She hopes care is taken when the film's cast and crew hear the news.

Choose A crew member found him. She reacts strongly to this news. This could be useful later.

Choose Who are you worried about? She refuses to answer. Time for those clues.

Choose "That poor child" is missing, aren't they? She says the missing child has nothing to do with the murder. You'll need to break out another clue.

Choose It's someone from the movie, isn't it? She finally tells you that she is looking for Shaun Fenn, the star of the Taurusaurus film. Why she's looking for him, though, she won't say.

Rook defeated

Now that you know who she's looking for, the next step is to find out why. You have three choices:

  • Do you know him?
  • Do you know where he is?
  • Are you a fan?

First, select Are you a fan? She says yes, straight away. Is that true?

Bide your time. She says she knew that Shaun would be near the Bigg Building, because he told her they would be filming all day long.

Choose Did you hear that from Shaun himself? It looks like she's been talking to Shaun. This sounds like another clue.

Choose Do you know him? She claims there's "almost nothing" she doesn't know about Shaun.

Bide your time. She says that she doesn't know him personally. Time for that clue.

Choose You must have spoken to him! It seems that Gavèlle and Shaun are indeed acquainted. Remember this for later.

Choose Do you know where he is? She asks why she would know where he is, as they aren't connected in any way. Is that really the case?

Choose The two of you are very much connected! You offer to help her look for Shaun, but she says that the person who knows where he is won't allow it.

Choose The person who kidnapped him? Gavèlle finally tells you the truth - someone has kidnapped Shaun. As for her relation to Shaun - she is actually... his mother?

Queen defeated


Gavèlle explains that, just before the trial began, she received a call from the kidnapper. Their only demand was a "not guilty" verdict for Fifi Laguarde. So this is why Gavèlle was about to declare Laguarde innocent... She is deeply upset by this, and deems herself unfit to be a judge, since her verdict was not impartial. You and Kay reassure her that it is fine for her to be worried about her son. The recess is over, and Gavèlle prepares to return to the trial. Kay offers to find Shaun for her, so that she can deliver the correct verdict in the trial. Gavèlle agrees, and gives you her cell phone, in case the kidnapper calls again. She says that she will try to drag out the trial, but the most she can give you is two hours. You suggest that you begin from the building's plaza.

Investigation: Bigg Building - Plaza[edit | edit source]

First, examine the taxi to talk to its driver. He's had one job today - two men, dressed in black suits. Talk to the police officer. He says that the only vehicle activity in the plaza today was the taxi and the nearby blue truck. Examine the blue truck in question. It's cold, so it's probably been here for some time. The driver is absent, so you can't ask them any questions. The Blue Truck is added to the Organizer.

Talk to the man in the orange tracksuit, standing to the left of the plaza. It's another familiar face - Will Powers, star of The Steel Samurai, and former defendant in one of your past cases.

  • About the incident: It doesn't look like much more filming will be possible here, since construction is due to begin on the film lot soon. There's also the fact that Lotta is running around spreading rumors about the studio... Things don't look good for the film.
  • Creature features: Powers is playing the role of Taurusaurus itself.
  • Shaun Fenn: He saw Shaun leaving the film lot. Shaun went into the trailer, but when Powers went to check the equipment later, he was gone again. You ask to be allowed to examine it.

Go back, and examine the trailer. There's a cassette tape in Shaun's backpack. Powers plays it back with a nearby monitor. It shows Shaun rehearsing late at night. The "footprints" are visible, so it must be from last night. After a few moments, though, Shaun goes out of shot. The tape ends shortly after. Shaun’s Rehearsal Tape is added to the Organizer. Examine the pile of equipment beside the trailer. Powers says that filming was stopped for today, since a case was stolen. The Stolen case is added to your Logic. The equipment was left behind, so the thief presumably just wanted the case. What did they need a case for, though?

By now, it's after 12:30. You take a moment to wonder how the trial is going, but are interrupted by two loud-mouthed "journalists" - Lotta, and her apprentice Tabby Lloyd. Talk to Tabby:

  • Reporting: She won't speak unless you give her some information in return. Present the Behind-the-Scenes Photo. She already knows about the kidnapping incident, somehow.
  • What she knows: She claims to have witnessed Shaun being taken by some Men in black.

Connect the Men in black to Two men. The men Tabby and the taxi driver spoke of are likely the same two, but the taxi driver said that the was no Shaun. Where did he disappear to? Connect this to Stolen case. Perhaps the case was stolen in order to hide Shaun in it. If the kidnappers had not predicted the presence of the policemen in the plaza, they would have needed another method to kidnap Shaun without being seen. You ask the taxi driver, who confirms that the two men had a giant case with them. The driver offers to take you and Kay to the same place.

???????[edit | edit source]

The driver says that the men went to the garage of this house. Kay notices the nameplate on the mailbox - Excelsius Winner!? The garage door is open, so you and Kay enter it. There's nobody inside, so you're free to investigate. First, examine the gloves on the floor. They're a pair of oddly-designed, dirty mechanic's gloves... but they seem too dirty to have been used just for repairing a motorcycle. The Mechanic's Gloves are added to the Organizer. Examine the large green box behind them. This looks like the box that was stolen from the film lot, so it's possible that Shaun is still here. Examine the shovel and sledgehammer on the wall. While you're looking at them, you hear banging from somewhere else in the garage. You and Kay go to check it out, but instead of finding Shaun, you find, gagged and bound... Eustace Winner!? He's understandably upset about his situation, so you'll need to use "that" again, but not for exposing lies.

Mind Chess: Eustace Winner[edit | edit source]

Mind Chess
Mind Chess
Eustace Winner
Eustace Winner
Mind Chess: Eustace Winner
5 Piece(s)

Eustace is visibly distraught by whatever he's been through, so you need to be gentle with him. He's probably teetering on the edge, and being too harsh on him will probably break him. In situations like that, it's best to hear him out. At first, you have two choices:

  • Tell me what’s on your mind.
  • You’re a total failure of a human being!
How Could You, Sir?!

70 Gamerscore points
How Could You, Sir?!
For saying the worst thing possible to Eustace during his Mind Chess match in AAI2: PG, Episode 5

Obviously, the second option is a joke answer - choosing it will get you a brief moment of hilarity, at the expense of instantly emptying your time limit, and reducing your health meter by a small amount (though in the AAI Collection version, you'll earn the How Could You, Sir?! achievement as a consolation prize). Instead, choose Tell me what’s on your mind. He doesn't think you'll listen to him.

Bide your time. He wonders why you're not shouting Objection! at him yet.

Bide your time. He claims that he's "lost everything".

Bide your time. He asks you what he should believe in.

Choose You have to believe in yourself! He muddles up his words again. Maybe you should lend him a hand?

Choose I think you mean "incompetent". He calms down a little.

Pawn defeated

Now you can ask him about the kidnappers. You have three options:

  • Who were you kidnapped by?
  • Why were you taken to your own home?
  • What did the kidnappers want?

First, choose Why were you taken to your own home? He doesn't know, and sounds upset about it.

Bide your time. He says that one of the kidnappers told him "blame the guy who owns this house".

Choose The owner? Excelsius Winner? He seems to think that someone with a grudge against his father kidnapped him. That's probably not the case, but you do now have a useful clue regarding Excelsius' connection to the kidnappers.

Choose Who were you kidnapped by? He doesn't know who did it. You have an idea, though...

Choose Your father was behind your kidnapping! He wonders if Excelsius was planning to kill him.

Choose Of course not! If Eustace was found dead in the garage, Excelsius would be the prime suspect, so it's unlikely he wanted his son dead. As for why Eustace was kidnapped, it's probably for reasons other than ransom. Remember this clue.

Choose What did the kidnappers want? Eustace believes it was for ransom, but you believe otherwise.

Choose That wasn't your father's motive! You ask if Eustace noticed anything odd during the kidnapping. He says that one of the kidnappers asked him something, after which they abducted him.

Choose What did they ask you? He says that the kidnappers asked him if he knew Gavèlle. It seems that the kidnappers were, in fact, not looking for Eustace, but rather Shaun Fenn.

Knight defeated

Eustace seems to have remembered something, but he's also closer than ever to his breaking point. You need to find out what he remembered, and try to calm him down as well. Ask him What is it you remembered? He says all he remembers is "him".

Choose You mean your father? You ask why Eustace became a prosecutor, to which Eustace responds that he "wasn't meant" to be one.

Bide your time. He says the reason he became a prosecutor is "not important".

Bide your time. He thinks that you're a more successful prosecutor than him; even his father said so.

Choose You wanted your father's approval? He says he wanted to not be useless, but also says he has no reason to cover for his father.

Choose Because you wanted to be of use to your father. He says he wanted to help his father "clean his name".

Choose It's "clear his name". You tell Eustace to "rise above" his father, and stop him before he commits any more crimes. Eustace responds well to this.

Bishop defeated

He's calmed down again, so now you can ask him about his father's secret. You have three options:

  • Where's the evidence from the case?
  • What connects Laguarde and your father?
  • If you're covering for him, you're an accomplice!

Ignore the last option, and choose What connects Laguarde and your father? He says that they worked together once, and...

Choose What else do you remember? His father recommended that Laguarde be made the warden of the prison. Why? According to Eustace, it was because his father thought she was good at her job, unlike him.

Bide your time. Eustace talks about his father when he was Chief Prosecutor, and says that he looked over every piece of evidence and read every case file that went through the Prosecutors' Offices. That sounds interesting...

Choose Where's the evidence from the case? He wants you to hear his side of the story.

Bide your time. He wanted to keep the evidence in the safest place he knew.

Choose You gave the evidence to your father! Excelsius has probably disposed of the evidence, instead of keeping it safe. Eustace wants to know why.

Choose He wanted to mess with the trial! Eustace becomes even more upset on hearing this.

Rook defeated

You need to return to the investigation, but you can't leave Eustace as he is now. First, you have to help him figure out how to follow his own path in life. You have three options:

  • What do you mean to do now?
  • Will you walk the same path as your father?
  • Will you continue to work as a prosecutor?

First, choose Will you walk the same path as your father? He asks if he can't get a "glass of human kindness".

Choose Do you mean "the milk of human kindness"? You tell Eustace about a "good friend" of yours, who taught you the error of your ways. Eustace says he doesn't have anyone like that in his life.

Choose I can be that person for you. Eustace says he doesn't want to be like his father. This is the first step to finding the answer he's looking for.

Choose Will you continue to work as a prosecutor? He wonders if he has the right to continue as a prosecutor, given how he obtained his badge.

Choose Only you can answer that! He decides that he wants to continue being a prosecutor, since he'll regret it if he doesn't. Connecting this to what he said earlier, it seems he wants to be a different kind of prosecutor than his father.

Choose What do you mean to do now? He says he's returning his red jacket, as his father told him "clothes make you a man".

Choose It’s "clothes make the man". You tell Eustace to become a prosecutor worthy of the jacket he wears. Eustace says he will, so that no one will make fun of him again.

Bide your time. He wonders how to get there. You should remind him of the decisions he came to earlier.

Choose You'll be a different kind of prosecutor. The path Eustace wants to follow is not an easy one. Even the great Miles Edgeworth hasn't decided what to do with his life... But Eustace has already has.

Queen defeated

For the last time in the game, it's...


Investigation continues[edit | edit source]

Eustace runs out of the garage at full speed. Where did he go? You and Kay return to the building plaza for now. Time is running out... The trial will probably be drawing to a close soon. You call Eddie to find out how things are going in the courtroom. You tell Eddie that you found Eustace, and that Eustace gave the evidence for the trial to Excelsius. Eddie orders a subpoena for Excelsius, and tells you to focus on looking for Shaun.

Kay produces the evidence found at the crime scene - the Mechanic's Gloves, and the IS-7 Incident Case File. She also presents the Yatagarasu Pin. Meanwhile, Eustace emerges from the Bigg Building... and immediately runs off again. You and Kay head for the 51st floor of the building. The entrance hatch is open, and inside, the safe is unlocked. Examine it. Inside are some documents - some sheets of paper, and a photo of Bronco Knight. What's this doing here? The paper reads:

"You were right, darling. There's some sort of connection between Knight and Kanis. As you know, we've been trying to find out who Kanis plays his silly correspondence chess games with. Well, now we know. I'll be pulling Knight into my office for a thorough grilling tomorrow. And I'll make that worm admit he's Kanis's lackey if it's the last thing I do. So you do your bit, too, and retrieve the package we laid to rest twelve years ago. I'm sure it's still right in front of the planter where we left it."

The document was most likely written by Fifi Laguarde, before Knight was murdered. And its recipient, the owner of the safe, was Excelsius Winner. This proves the connection between Excelsius and Laguarde, and also connects them to the assassin Bodhidharma Kanis. The Report on Knight is added to the Organizer. Kay also notices some other things in the safe - Knight's chess set and ring. Knight's Possessions are also added to the Organizer. Exit the storeroom via the ladder. On the viewing platform, you are greeted by another familiar, but less welcome face - Shelly de Killer. He wonders if you've figured out the meaning of his message yet. He denies having killed Wang, saying that that particular contract has expired. His client gave him a false target, and so, he is searching for that client - who, he suspects, is the same person you're looking for. De Killer has one more piece of information - Bodhidharma Kanis has escaped from prison. He leaves on that note.

You and Kay return to the plaza. Suddenly, Gavèlle's phone starts ringing. The caller identifies himself as the person in the red raincoat - the person you've been looking for all along. The caller says that he ordered Excelsius to kill Rosie Ringer, and kidnapped Kay in order to draw in you, as the caller knew you would stop at nothing to find the truth. The caller also says that Excelsius did not kidnap Shaun. He even knows about Gavèlle visiting you in the detention center... But how does he know that? And how does he know about Shaun's situation? Regarding the latter, that's because he is the one who kidnapped Shaun. The caller taunts you before hanging up.

You wonder how the caller knew so much about you and your activities. The caller knew about your visit in the detention center, and that this is Kay's first "job" as the Yatagarasu. You have figured it out - the culprit was listening in on us. The caller knew something they shouldn't - that Gavèlle visited you in the detention center. And you only had one thing on you at that time... Present the Yatagarasu Pin. You take a closer look at it. Rotate it around, and examine the back of the badge. Inside is a small device - the bug. The Yatagarasu Pin is updated in the Organizer. Kay grabs the bug, and yells into it - causing Tabby to fall over from shock. You turn off the Bug, and place it in the Organizer. You asks Tabby who the boy she saw being abducted was. Tabby says that it wasn't Shaun, meaning the entire investigation so far has been for naught, and you need to start over.

Investigation: Bigg Building - Plaza (2)[edit | edit source]

Kay mentions that she heard a strange sound at the end of the phone call - a loud bang, like an exploding sound. Tabby butts in again. Talk to her:

  • Your "scoop": It's decisive evidence that Taurusaurus exists! You are not impressed, but hear her out anyway. Apparently, she recorded the sound of Taurusaurus breathing fire. She wasn't actually there when the recording was made, though, as she was using "non-standard" means.
  • "Non-standard means": Tabby was investigating the black market auctions as well, and had intercepted wireless communications around the Bigg Building. As she was listening to the sound of "Taurusaurus", Kay shouted into the bug, startling her. Ms. Lloyd's Tape is added to the Organizer.

Just then, Simeon and Regina appear. Leave them for now, and talk to the person on all fours by the taxi rank. It's Detective Gumshoe! What's he doing here? He tries to run away again, but is stopped by Kay. Gumshoe says that, when you gave up your badge, he began to think about what it means for him to be a detective, and decided to do some investigating for his own sake. He overheard your conversation with Excelsius Winner in the detention center, and checked over the evidence himself, which led him to the truth behind Rosie Ringer's fake autopsy report. Gumshoe tries to leave again, but you ask him to help investigate. Gumshoe finally relents after you bow your head to him.

  • What you've been up to: Gumshoe has three pieces of information. First, regarding Kay's clothes: traces of a potent sedative was found on them. Second, he checked the security footage of the building viewing platform's elevator for any sign of Kay being brought to the roof of the building. She never appeared anywhere on the footage. Last, and most important - Gumshoe is really happy to be working with you again.
  • Help with the search: Gumshoe saw Shaun get off the bus, and head towards the garbage disposal area.

Move to the garbage disposal area, via the gate next to Regina. Examine the milk carton on the ground, and the sign. Gumshoe says that when he came here earlier, the area was loaded with bulk waste. Based on the evidence, it looks like Shaun was kidnapped here, at the garbage disposal area. Connect this to Vehicle activity. Since the only cars that came through the area today were the taxi and the blue truck, that means the blue truck was a garbage truck. Shaun must have been taken by this truck to a dump. Kay questions if the garbage truck was real. You're sure that it was, and to prove it, present the lock on the gate of the garbage pickup area. The area is locked, so only a real garbage collector could have collected the garbage. Shaun was likely hidden in a large cardboard box, which would have been brought to the dump, where the kidnapper would have simply needed to ask for the box to be returned to them. There are two dumps nearby, so the question becomes "which of the garbage facilities?".

Next, talk to Simeon:

  • The search for Eustace: He and Regina were searching around the Sunshine Coliseum. Apparently, there was a festival at Sunshine Coliseum, with food stalls and fireworks.
  • The circus show: He's thankful that Eustace was found quickly, as there is a show starting soon, and he needed time to prepare for it.

Use your Logic, and connect Festival at Sunshine Coliseum to Exploding sound. It's possible that the explosion you heard at the end of the phone call was actually a firework, meaning that the kidnapper was near the Coliseum. Connect this to Garbage facilities. The nearest dump to the Coliseum is the Dawn Waste Center, so Shaun must be somewhere near there. Kay and Detective Gumshoe go to look for Shaun, while you head for the courtroom.

District Court - Courtroom No. 3[edit | edit source]

At the trial, Excelsius Winner is on the stand. He claims that he would have no reason to hide evidence for the benefit of Fifi Laguarde. You ask to be allowed to present evidence proving Excelsius's connection to Laguarde. To convince Gavèlle, you tell her that Kay is looking for the "most important piece of evidence of all" - Shaun Fenn. Gavèlle allows you to present evidence. When asked which piece of evidence, present the Report on Knight. You detail the contents of the report. Franziska demands to know who the recipient of the report was. You explain that the report was found in the safe of the illegal auction's ringleader - Excelsius Winner. Excelsius refuses to accept it, however, as he has yet to stand trial himself, and threatens Gavèlle with "drastic measures". Gavèlle reluctantly overrules your evidence. Just as all seems lost, Eustace enters the courtroom, with new evidence to present. Excelsius tries to stop him, by forcing Gavèlle to declare her verdict... but at the last second, Eddie and your phones start ringing - Kay and Gumshoe have found Shaun, and he's safe and sound!

With the weight lifted from her shoulders, Gavèlle is free to declare the true verdict for the trial. She allows Eustace to take his place at the prosecutor's bench, and asks him to present his evidence. Unfortunately, he didn't find the knife and chisel, but he did remember his father throwing out some "trash" wrapped in a newspaper, from which he heard the sound of a bell ringing. He searched the garbage dump for the evidence, but in the end, he couldn't find it. All he did find was a piece of rolled-up newspaper.

It seems worthless, but Eddie thinks you should examine it anyway. Examine the paper to unravel it. Inside is one of Kanis' bells. It's perfectly clean. Again, it looks like a dead end, but there's something else you haven't looked at. When asked, choose the newspaper. Rotate the newspaper around, and examine the handprint on the back. You request a fingerprint analysis, but unfortunately, it reports that the marks are from a glove. Excelsius taunts his son again, but Eustace has finally found the courage to stand up to his father. He points out the smell of the newspaper - it smells of engine oil, the same smell you noticed in Excelsius's garage earlier. With your encouragement, Eustace is finally able to present the decisive evidence: the Mechanic's Gloves. As well as the smell of oil, the glove mark and Excelsius's gloves have one other common feature. When asked what this is, present the faded letter "A" on the middle finger. Also, the dirt from the gloves and the newspaper are likely the same. Gavèlle has them sent to the lab for analysis. Excelsius tries to put down his son again, but Eustace is finally able to stand on his own feet, and bids his father goodbye.

Excelsius Winner is finally held in custody for his crimes. A search of the garbage facility is about to begin, and the knife used by Laguarde to kill Knight will soon be found. Laguarde, in her anger, lets rip at Excelsius, and openly announces to the court about his kidnapping of a child. Just as Gavèlle adjourns the trial, however... Not so fast! Agent Lang bursts into the courtroom. Laguarde recognizes the surname "from twelve years ago"... the SS-5 Incident, as Lang explains. He's not here to deal with that, however... he's come for Gavèlle, and someone else, who enters the courtroom at that very moment... Shaun Fenn. Lang plans to re-investigate the crime scene with his suspects in tow. But the president's murder is no longer the only mystery connected to this case...